+++++ clean & tidy tuesday +++++

I am here!! I am going to work out!! Chris is up with me too, so that helps!

I read the rest of yesterday's thread... So who is in for July?? I know I am!!

Is that right? Who else can go in July?
What's the deal? I woke up on time today, but everyone else is sleeping in?

I felt SO GOOD to lift heavy again today!! I thought I was going to have to go way lighter today since it has been awhile since I lifted heavy, but I didn't have to. We will see how I feel tomorrow, though!

I am thinking of adding some extra bicep and tricep work to the end of my week until the wedding -- wanna get those arms lookin' HOT! What do you think? Since these are smaller muscle groups, is it okay to work them twice in a week? I am thinking of just picking a few exercises with the band...


b cereal
s banana, 1/2 protein bar, almonds
l ???
s strawberries, 1/2 protein bar
d we will be out, who knows

Check back later!!
Morning clean peeps!

I'm not at work today!! Have a hair appointment with my good friend, so took the day off!

Katie, i'm going to try for July, Christian is being really supportive about it too, which helps!

Kate, Shirl, hello!

I'm going to take the dog out, be back in a bit
Workout today:
PUB/Bar, and maybe CS
B: egg whites with all this added stuff, if you ever want to know, its scary
s: probably CC/almonds
l: soup, veggies, hummus
s: apple, almond butter (if i get it in)
d: stir fry
Yeah RT!
Morning ladies.

Good plans for extra w/o Katie
Hey kate how are you feeling

Good for you Steph. That's what I'm going to do also. I'm going to take off Wed, thur, fri, mon-fri becaue I'm burning out.
During this time I'm going to change my eating plans. Instead of low carb I'm going to count calories (1650-1700 cal per day). I realized that I'm not eating enough during the day and piggin out at night.

Hey Colleen what's new?

I'm still thinking about the road trip. I really should because I live close by (NYC).

My w/o today GS Back and tri.
b-yogurt and cereal (140 cal)
s-apple and ??
Good Morning Everyone!

Wow it sounds like everyone is going on the RT. I hope everyone can register.

Katie, glad you are motivated this morning. I think working bi's and tri's 2X's a week might be too much since you use those muscles when working chest and back.
Kate, that's awesome you can attend the RT!
Robin, glad you are scheduling a break from your workouts! You deserve one :)
Steph, hope you finish your conference to register for the RT!
Hi Shirl & Jenn!

w/o was Leaner Legs
b: oatmeal w/ almonds
s: apple
l: chicken suizas bake, asparagus
s: strawberries w/ yogurt
d: out - need to check the menu to find something healthy :)

I am starting to feel better but I am a little dizzy from riding the train to work (I had to go downtown today and DH are meeting here in DC for dinner). Hopefully that goes away soon. I think I may need to find another method to solve this allergy problem.

Sorry about your dizzy spells Colleen and no i'm not taking a break from my w/o...I'm taking a break from work. :D
Steph, Sounds like a nice, relaxing day!! Whatcha gettin' done at the salon?

Robin, Thanks for asking how I'm feeling. Honestly today's been a little rough. I just had a 2-hour nap though so hopefully I'll get turning around. Sounds like a nice mini-break from work for you! Nice! Let us know how the new eating plan works out. Any more glucomannan? PLEASE join us on RT!!!

Colleen, With all the colds and now the dizziness I'd bet my dog that your neck is out. You need a chiro, woman! I hope you find something that brings you some relief.

I really want to WO but I have so much cursed paperwork to do and tongiht I have a board/bored meeting. grrrrrr.
Oh girls.
Do you ever stop and think "I'm doing good. I'm on top of things. I have everything under control."
And then WHAM!!!
You get slammed by some unforeseen thing and you're right back to Square Negative 5000??? Forget about Square 1.

I hate working and I can't wait to be a "real" stay-at-home mom again.

Sorry to be a downer. Just stressed.
Mike's going to want us to work all night. I have a board meeting til probably 9:30 so I'll be working til midnight.
My mom offered to watch Isabel tomorrow AM while Gina is at school. I'm going to take her up on it but what I really want is to not have to do that. I want to be home with Isabel and we bake bread and organize the linen closet, keep up on laundry, etc. Poor Isabel had to look at books for 2 hours this AM while I sat with Amy trying to show her stuff at the office. I hate this.
Thanks, Pregnancy Hormones! Send me vibes that I don't bite Mike's haed off when he comes thru the door. I need to go count my blessings.....

Thanks for listening.
Oh Kate, I'm sorry things are so busy and stressful. I cannot imagine trying to keep up with two ones AND be pregnant AND working at all hours of the day and night. You are SUPER WOMAN!

Steph, yay for having the day off! Can't wait to hang out in July!!

Robin, yay to you too for some time off. Hope you get your diet worked out!

Colleen, sorry about the train right. That damn metro makes me crazy -- I can't imagine that you do that every day!

Who did I miss?


Today was super crazy! My work life and my home life are both sooooooo busy right now. I can handle one but NOT both!! I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown! I need a good, fun, sweaty cardio session tomorrow am to burn off some stress!
Thanks for the encouragement Katie.
But add one more thing to my list. At my board mtg. I got suckered into being the secretary for preschool next year. It shouldn't be too much and since I won't be working it should be mangeable....I hope!

Off for paperland!

Katie, Have fun tomorrow AM - wish I could join ya!
Good evening ladies,

My day was ok. Tax day was quite busy at the po.

Katie I hope things become less stressful.
Robin hope you have good days off from work.
Kate sorry your day is so busy hopefully it will calm down soon.
Steph hope you had a great salon day.
Colleen enjoy your dinner with DH.

b-cottage cheese, jelly, english muffin, oj and coffee.
s-1/2 luna bar
l- Lean Cuisine panini
d-fish, rice and salad

w/o LIC upper body circuit

Hey Ladies,

Colleen, Kate might be right, maybe your neck is out! Some people find chiro's scary, but i go 2x/week since the sciatica, and i love him!

Kate, sorry you had a day of days, i totally understand those days too, its one thing after another and you just want to punch the wall!! Hugs coming your way!

Robin, you rock take some time off, i thought that co worker was going to cover for you!

Katie, I cant wait to hang out in July too! I'm panicking now in case one of us cant get on!

Jenn, i love LIC! I guess US and Canadian taxes are due at the same time.

I got my haircut today, it was nice, also walked around a bit. The next 2 weeks are very busy for me at work, and i think i took a summer teaching semester, because i'm stupid!!
Hi Everyone,

I agree my neck is probably out because I wake up in the middle of the night cracking it. My insurance doesn't cover chiro visits but I am supposed to receive a discount at certain offices. I called one office that came highly recommended to see what the discount was and it went to voicemail. I was busy with meetings today so I didn't leave my number. I will really try to call tomorrow so that I can get some relief. This really sucks.

Jenn, I am glad you didn't have to work until midnight. I bet it was a busy long day anyway.
Kate, sorry your day didn't go well. I hope you get done with paperwork early tonight so you can get some much needed rest.
Steph, glad you were able to have a fun day off. Sorry about teaching this summer. I hate when I make stupid decisions like that.
Katie, I am leaning toward going to the RT in July. If we both register, maybe we could drive up together.
Robin, sorry I guess the dizziness made misread your post. Enjoy your well deserved time off from work.

Have a good night everyone.

Jenn, You could barely drive in the front of the PO in our little town today! Looks like you had a good day!

Steph, You had a good day too. Just think - the teaching will give you extra $$$ for the RT!

Colleen, I hope you get some relief. Sleep tight!

Thanks for the support guys! I kept very nice to DH.....so far!!!

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