Morning peeps!!
Katie, okay, your MIL needs to step off! You need to take Robin's tennis ball and give MIL a smack
I actually like my MIl, cant stand my SIL! so i hear ya. Once the wedding is over, she'll back off for sure, hang in there.
Kate, well, waxing should be less painful than trimming
Both of our trimming track records sucks! does this mean you dont have to work at the school for the summer? Is this actually a break for you too???
Shirl, did you put the PB M&M's on the ice cream? Yum! It was one day, sweat it off, walk away. Your goals are bigger than one treat
Robin, this might sound weird, but maybe try a pool noodle for the stretch. It sounds like she's mimicking foam roller stretching. That might be easier on the muscles! And Katie needs your tennis ball for her MIL
Hey Colleen, Jenn
Well, Arnold kicked my ass big time last night!! I told him what was happening, so he went and got the heavy bag, and boxing pads and made me kick him hard enough to knock him over!!! Lots of kettlebells, agility on like 12 lined up bosu's, sequential high kicks with the pads, it was insane!! I did weigh myself this morning, i have not been able to eat well, as you, and here it comes, TMI, everytime i think about what's going on, i have the runs!!
I'm down to 120 lbs, i was 124 on Monday, so jeez, not good, or intentional!
Tonight, MM upper body, i think my lower body got it good last night!
Menu to come, i'm only here a half day