((((((( Clean & Tidy Peeps Happy Monday)))))


It is Monday already? :(

What's new? How is everyone feeling?

Right now I have the monday morning blues, but I'll be ok as soon as my coffee kicks in.

My w/o today was Imax which was easy and hard at the same time.

My menu:
s-protein bar
l-veggie chicken soup
s-yogurt and nuts
Morning Peeps! :)

I'm eating my shredded wheat and banana contemplating which cardio workout I want to do this morning. I think I'm going to do Amy's KBX; haven't done that one in a long time.

Robin, Ah, the original Imax, you're right it is easy and hard at the same time.

Katie, I hope you're feeling less crappy today. You have a Dr.'s appt. right?

Hi Steph, Jenn, Colleen & our pregnant diva, Kate!


A friend in fitness,
Good morning!! <knocks on wood> I think I am on the upswing today. In addition to sleeping all day off and on yesterday, I slept from 9 pm to 6 am! Drs. appts for me and Collin both this morning, then off to work. I am eating toast with strawberry jam right now -- not clean, but hoping the sugar will give me a boost!!

I will post after my Drs. appt!!
Morning, Peeps!

I was MIA y'day - all day at our friends and when we got home I totally crashed and went to bed at 8.

I need to get the kids around - I'll be back in a while.
Good morning ladies,

I too have the Monday blues Robin.
Shirl KBX rock, enjoy it.
Kate glad you had a great time with friends, as get the wild gang tuckered you out.
Katie hope your Drs appointment goes well.
Hi Colleen and Steph.

workout was Imax 2 I was tired and had no energy I mustered through the first half. I hate that. It's my fav workout.

I got bad sleep cause the cat had to keep walking on my head all night so I tossed and turned and then I started falling asleep on the couch before my workout and DH had to be annoying so I retreated to the basement and Cathe.

oatmeal and oj
luna bar
baked ziti
yogurt w. honey

Sorry about the catmax all night. Jenn when you have time check out the blog pics. Cathe does a One Legged Ball Pikes. YIKES!
Morning clean and tidy peeps!


Robin, i dont have the original IMAX, but i love 2 and 3!! Good menu.
I'm gonna check out the blog, but it depresses me since i didnt order STS!

Shirl, go with KBX, i love that workout!

Katie, good luck at the docs today, i'm glad you've made the appointment.

Kate, hello!!!!

Jenn: i'm sure you're workout was crappy was you were major tired! Can you sneak a nap in today at all?

Colleen, do you think a 5lb med ball would be better for in the ring? I was going to buy one, so the advice would be great, i was going to get the 8lb

Today, Stepboxing and core on tap for me, i need to work off that dinner i ate!!
B: egg whites and almonds
s: cc/almonds/pp
l: veg soup, carrots, celery, hummus
s: ryveta, almond butter
d: egg white omlette, ezekial, salad, berries
s: yogurt
Have a great day everyone,
Katie, Keep us posted on the doc. We're all worried about you! Are you taking the rest of the day off or going to work?

Robin, I can't wait to go see the blog! Hope your coffee kicked in for ya!

Shirl, Pregnant diva - I love it! Your breakfast sounds yummy!

Jenn, I love Imax 2. Maybe I'll do that tonight. Yeah, right. I'll probably go to bed! Your baked ziti sounds wonderful. Garlic bread with it!!!

Steph, Make Imax1 your next DVD purchase! So fun! CS sounds wonderful. Your menu is impeccable, as always.

Feeling gross today. I'm fighting some bug and I think I can beat it with some sleep. MIL has the girls today so I can do some office work. No clue on meals today. Breakfast was okay - 2 nutrigrain waffles and some apple. I am really nauseous right now, no thanks to the apple. Next week I go see my midwife - really looking forward to it. Hoepfully my "official" weight gain isn't too much. Haven't stepped on the scale for a few days - scared to!

Have a great day!
I'm back -- the doctor ordered blood work to check several things, we should know in a few days. I am headed to work -- hopefully I can make it the rest of the day. I have plenty to do!!

See you all later!!
Those blog pics are amazing - our Cathe is so good to us!

Katie, Did the doc have ANY ideas what's going on? My guess is stress.

Funny story - Last night Gina was singing nursery rhymes. She sang the original version of Little Bo Peep and then came up with this one about her dad:

"Leave him alone and he'll come home bringing his telephone behind him!"

I laughed so hard. He is ALWAYS on the phone. Suppliers/builders/employees - no one cares that its 6PM and we might actually like family time. Drives me crazy sometimes.
Good Morning Everyone!

It is a rainy, dreary Monday in the DC area so it is hard to get motivated this morning. Luckily I didn't see the rain until after my workout :)

Kate, try to get some rest today. You had a really busy weekend.
Katie, hope the blood work comes back quickly so you can figure out what is wrong
Robin, I just got Imax last week. I am going to try on Wednesday
Steph, go with the 8lb Med Ball. It just felt heavy because I was not used to it. I think if I had a 5lb Med Ball I would outgrow it after a couple of workouts.
Jenn, hope you can get some much needed sleep sometime today.
Shirl, Amy's KBX is always fun. Enjoy!

w/o was Hi/Lo Knockout no abs (very fun!)
b: oatmeal w/ almonds
l: tbd
s: strawberries w/ yogurt, trail mix
d: pork chops, squash, couscous

Colleen, Rainy here too. We're actually getting a good storm right now - I love it!! I can hear though that the eaves are full/water is overflowing. Dh will be NOT happy about that. great WO & menu!
Hello! Paperwork problems - I'm off to the main office for the afternoon. Dh is picking up cheeseburgers for lunch. Mine's plain - cheese only! Wish I could say I'm having an apple with it but I'm afraid I'll puke again. So fries it is! Grrr.. Why on EARTH would an APPLE make me throw up!? This is so frustrating to me. I just want to eat healthy!!!! Guess I'll try again on the apple next week. At least I feel better now!:p
Everybody fall off the wagon???

For eating today:
Pre-preg it would've been a B.
Now that I'm preg I give myself an A!:7

Hey Kate, I'm about to call it a day I think. I am finding lots of comfort in carbs these days too -- but NO, I am not pregnant (so I have no excuse!). Dinner tonight was a baked potato -- something I would never have eaten!!

I really really hope I get to feeling better very soon!
Hi ladies,

No sleep for me today. I had to work. DD stayed home from school today with a fever, she is feeling better now but I will keep her home again tomorrow. Don't want the call from the nurse to come get her.

My afternoon eating fell apart.x( Oh well always tomorrow.

Kate, Gina's song is cute, did she sing it for DH?
Steph I was wondering what #med ball to get also.
Colleen rainy day here also. I'm hoping to do the second half of Hi/Lo Knockout this week.
Katie hope your blood work comes back quickly.

Katie, I definetly don't consider a baked pot. unclean - unless of course you load it w/ bad stuff. I always put salsa on mine - yumm..

Jenn, Sorry about dd. dh stay home w/ her? yes, she sang it for dh - he laughed too.

I lifted tonight!!! PP, so nothing too extreme, but it felt good. Hopefully tomorrow too. Lots of paperwork now....
Thanks Kate, Yes DH stayed home with her. He works from home so it works well. He is only gone 2 mornings out of the week on deliveries and they are my days off from work.

She seems to be doing better.

Glad you got a good workout in. I wish Cathe would post the rotation for April I'm getting anxious. But I know she's busy.


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