^^^^clean&tidy monday^^^^

Thanks for thinking of me!

I'm back from the brink-again. Had another major hypo attack over the weekend and wanted to spare you all. After a visit to the dentist this morning-yep I was convinced I had oral cancer-I'm in a much better mood. Turns out I have what are called torus-bony growths and one got traumatized-probably from one of my Dorito binges:eek: Although I feel horrible for what I put my family and friends through. It's a wonder anyone still talks to me at all! Since I haven't worked out since Thursday, I'll be celebrating my health with 4DS Chest/Back and a 20 minute tm incline walk. Have to get out tonight for some food and gifts/cards for teachers since I was a bit preoccupied this weekend.

Angie, ca va mieux, merci! Your mood shines through in your post-it made me smile! Does Hooked on Phonics work? We have the Leap Frog dvd series Word Factory. The girls love it! Enjoy your visit:)

Katie, I get that way about the girls too-sometimes I just need a break, but when I get it, I miss them like crazy! You're right-it is good for him.

Morris, Happy Birthday to Aidan!! Hope you have a fun filled day:)

Kate, thanks for your concern. I actually started to cry when I logged in this morning and saw your post. I'm so lucky to have you guys in my life! Supposed to rain all day with a chance of severe storms overnight:( My long weeks start this week! Last day of school is tomorrow and I start babysitting in earnest on Friday. I can tell it's going to be one long summer.

Robin, I didn't work out all weekend either-finally got my "friend" on Friday and with the hypo issue, I wasn't up to doing anything. I'll be doing STS again in the fall, using an undulating rotation too!

Patti, Welcome!! I lurk in the Hardcore check-in all the time and get tired just reading the workouts! I steal all your recipes;) I'm a 36 year old SAHM to 3 dds-Danica's 9 1/2, Milla's 6 1/2 and my baby Nevena is 2 1/2. DH is operations manager for a landscape company. We live in southeast MI, about an hour and a half away from Kate and Anne. You will love it here-these ladies are the best-so supportive, non judgmental, and kind! They have saved me many times!

Anne, I'm so sorry I didn't check in to wish you luck with the recital. Plese post some pics! I know you did great!

Colleen, is the resume done?

Hi Lisa!

b-kashi honey sunshine
l-soup, triscuits
s-Greek yogurt with honey, fruit
d-chicken, asparagus, potatoes?
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patti, lol on the flush! our older dds are old enough to think its funny but i wonder if julia will be scared of it when she's learning. plus its a comfort-height and i think she'll have to jump on & off!:p
i love the sensor faucets! ive thought abt having mike install one in the dds bathroom.
i love an eggy pancake so that would be a-ok w/ me! willtry both recipes out! does the cott chz taste come thru at all? i gag at the smell of that stuff but i can handle it if it wont be detectable in the finished product!:)
klaudia, missed you woman! now.... no more doritos!:p consider the whip cracked!:D:D
sorry for the hypo issues! glad you are healthy!
you're in the final stretch of school! almost there! bring on the summer fun! well, as fun as it gets babysitting other peoples kids!:p
Hi Everyone,

I have client reviews so my posting may be spotty this week. I was dreading coming to work today because I thought my boss would scream at me but she was just fine. I started the June rotation this morning and did not realize I did all those push-ups until Patti told me. I did not do all the cardio (1/2 hour bike ride) but did the cardio from the original bootcamp.

Kate, hope the weather clears up for your run.
Katie, sorry your Collin was not with you last night. Good luck getting caught up.
Patti, welcome to the group. I am 37, married to my wonderful husband Chris and no kids. I work for as a Program Manager on a government contract with the Dept. of Ed. I live outside of Washington DC in MD.
Klaudia, sorry about your crisis this weekend. Resume is drafted but I hired a writer to polish it.
Morris, not sure if you read last night's post - but I do a summary for my resume. Have fun swimming today.
Angie, glad you are feeling better but sorry about your foot. Hope it heals quickly.
Robin, I vote kb for your workout - they are so much fun!

b: oatmeal w/ almonds
s: 1/2 clif bar
l: hopefully grilled chicken salad
s: blueberries & yogurt, chopped veggies w/ hummus
d: salmon burgers, coleslaw mix w/ light dressing
Colleen the June rotation looks like fun. Why would she scream at you?

Klaudia I'm glad you are doing well. Boo to Doritos.

My menu
b-oatmeal and blueberries
l-left over pasta and turkey
d-? maybe salmon and veggies
Kate: We have comfort height too and DD learned on it OK- we just had step stool. :D You cannot taste the CC at all in the pancake recipe- just blend on high and you won't know it's there, promise! The finished product is very pancake-like, just a little more dense.

Klaudia: LOL on the recipes- I have more! :eek: Sorry you weren't feeling like yourself this past weekend but glad you're back and planning 4DS- I miss that one.

Colleen: Glad I have a buddy on the June rotation. I subbed for the cardio too- did about 45 minutes of Seasun Zieger's Straight Up Step. It's new for me, so I previewed and redid a few sections to get in a good sweat. It's fun, though. :)

Angie: I love that you live in France- so exciting. I like reading your posts about the differences betweent there and here. It's nice you have a home here while you're overseas. Where are you from?

Lunch is egg and egg white frittata (sp?) with steamed broccoli, carrots and cauliflower w/ fat free feta and spices, plus an apple. I think no soda today- my splenda habit must be kicked!
Goodness gracious, too much to catch up on in one lunch hour!

Patti, nice to have you here! I am 27 yo, mom to one son - Collin, 4 yo - and a relative newlywed - just celebrated my 1st wedding anniversary! I work in the court system as a probation officer/case manager for alcohol and drug offenders but I really wish I was a SAHM! I also love to cook and bake, but having these girls really keeps me straight! I just finished STS but I am doing Meso 2 again cause I loved it so much. I am also a running newbie, just registered for my first half marathon!

I have a bad headache today and haven't been very hungry...
b cereal, skim milk
s a few strawberries, a few almonds
l sandwich with whole grain bread, sliced chicken, mixed greens

Collin comes home at 5 pm - can't wait! I'm gonna snuggle that little booger like crazy tonight!

OH, Morris, his dad is a Marine.
Patti, your lunch sounds YUMMY!

Klaudia, I am glad to see you today and please don't ever feel like you need to "spare us" anything;)
Hi Katie and thanks! My SIL was a probation officer for a while and she has the best stories. That's great about running! I wish I could love it, but not so far. I will from time to time go out and jog about 3 miles but I'm so slooooooow- we're talking 11 minute mile slow!

I just set my DVR to record QVC Wednesday morning- even DH asked me to save it for him to see. Ha, wonder if he has a little Cathe crush?? :D
You guys are sure a chatty bunch today!

Angie - Rest up and heal quickly!! Don't you love how something happens when you're finally getting over another thing??

Morris - Happy bday to Aidan! Is he a year already? I remember when we were all TTC. Wow, time sure flies! Sorry about the weight woes. I can totally relate with you. My scale isn't budging much and I have been wo like mad. I stay off bc because I hate how it makes my body whacky. Hope the cravings will subside.

Kate - How is your summer with the girls going so far??

Robin - How do you prepare your salmon?

Klaudia - Sorry for the tough weekend, but glad you're better.

Colleen - Glad your boss didn't yell. Why do bosses feel the need to yell? My boss can be bad about that too.

Angie - Aw, was that Collin's first overnighter away?

Patti - Welcome! I'm a mom of three - one boy, two girls. My ds is 9, dd 7, and other dd is 7mos. I am an office manager that works at the office and from home. You'll enjoy it here. The women are a great support system.

Hi Anne!

Okay, now that I caught up with most personals, don't have time to post much. Ran yesterday and I felt so good being able to run even farther than last time. I would have kept going, but needed to head back home and get the kids fed and all that fun stuff. I'm maintaining my 10min miles and I'm at about 4 miles so hoping to keep that up when my distance goes farther. Planning for another run this afternoon and weights this am. Working from home but got payroll reports due this am. Be back in a bit. Oh and eats will be clean today. Weekend was not the best. I did clean up on Sunday but Saturday was BAD!

colleen, work...ick!:p when fil was my boss he wasnt a yeller....but if he was QUIET......egads....
great wo!!! terrific eats!

patti, no soda here either. i quit when ttc about 9 yrs ago and havent drank one since. i might have a sip of a&w root beer but thats it. ive totally lost any desire for pop....thank goodness!:)
yummy lunch!
no qvc here...wish i could see it tho!!!

katie, sorry abt the headache!
yay for c snugglr time! i know you cant wait!

lisa, summers great thus far! keeping us on a litlle bit of a schedule. i need routine!:D
wtg on the running!!!
eat that healthy food! fuel that body to give you NINE min miles!!!

had dds sit & read while j napped so i could do cs. all losey-goosey now!:cool: this is going to be part of our daily schedule!

etas re clean!!! my ring is getting super loose!!!
j's ripping my hair out & slapping my face.... better go!:p
Lisa, great job on the run! If you knew me, you'd know I don't really worry about eats on the weekend. I try to keep things tidy during the week and let the rest go.

Angie, I'm glad you're feeling better. I hope your foot heals soon! At least you can swallow now, right? I hate having a sore throat.

Morris, happy birthday to Aidan! Wow, a year already, huh? It goes by fast, doesn't it?

Kate, steak........yummmmmm. We had flank steak last night and luckily it was huge so we have leftovers.

Robin, why do you boo my beloved Doritos? I know, they hurt our dear Klaudia, but I have to admit I still love them. Especially Cool Ranch. You know I love my salty snacks.

Klaudia, no worries! I don't know if I'll be able to post pics or not. The local video store taped the performance and I'll get a copy of the DVD. I'll see if I can figure out how to capture my bits and put them up on YouTube. That would be a good rainy Saturday project, huh? I'm glad you're feeling better. I totally understand laying low when you're not feeling good.

Colleen, are you able to get a lot done today?

Katie, these folks are chatty today, aren't they? I hope your headache goes away. Try an Advil and a beer.

Patti, welcome! This is a great group of women. You'll soon find out I'm the needy one of the bunch. My life is a train wreck. I have a demanding job, a crumbling marriage, and aging parents to take care of. Not much fun to be had, but I'm working on it! You'll hear the gory details as we go along. One thing you should know is I tap dance. And I love it. It's very fun and very therapeutic.

Just trying to catch up at work today. I'll bbiab.

Hi Anne! I love that you tap dance- so cool. I did as a kid and have always wanted to give it a shot as an adult. Maybe someday...

Lisa: Hi there! Are you the one that lives in Hawaii?

Kate: I've been recording sessions of CS on PBS but haven't done one yet. I need to get on that!

Proud of no diet soda today at lunch and I didn't even miss it! :D
Anne, ROFL about hte Doritos!!!
Flank steak fajitas........ or in stir fry. mmmmmmmmm Wish I could go to the store!
ARGH!!!! I didn't even think about taking pics to post here.... or so you could see yourself! Bad friend I am!:mad:

patti, i love cs. if i had to pick 1 form of exercise for the rest of my life this would be it!:D
WTG ON NO POP!!!!!!!
and, yes, our lisa lives in Hawaii. We try not to hate her!:p:p:p
Hey girls, busy day on this thread! I can't keep up. I had a ***GOOD*** day. Got the laundry finished and put away and enjoyed my time with Kate and her daughter, Lilly. We had a nice family dinner and now I'm just doing some blog posts and such.

Morris, happy birthday Aidan! It does go by so quickly. I feel like Ellie was just born and now she's almost 3! I'm sorry you are frustrated with your weight. I'm feeling something similar. I can't seem to drop the last few lbs. Part of my issue is that I haven't been able to keep healthy! Just keep trucking at it. You're doing awesome!

Katie, my girls like HOP so much b/c of the CD-Rom games. It really seems to work. Annabel is reading all short vowel words and about 20 sight words now and she's only 4.5. Ellie is doing mostly letter recognition from the Pre-K program. I'm pretty happy with it. I hope your day was as productive as you hoped. Sorry about your headache... I had one too. Unfortunately, it didn't stop me from eating. :(

Kate, you are so consistent with keeping up on posts! I'm so glad you got your CS in while the girls were reading/napping. Such accomplishment. LOL on J slapping and pulling hair. I have noticed a few more caps/punctuation lately! :)

Lisa, glad your WOs are going so well lately. It's hard to keep the eats on track, I know. It's my biggest vice. At least you get to WO in Hawaii. I am so jealous in that regard. :) Hang in there and put the scale away for a while.

Robin, do the iron pills help? Did you get a WO in today? Are your kids off school?

Klaudia, so glad you're back! And I agree, don't ever feel like you have to spare us of anything. Glad you're OK and get rid of those doritos. There can't be anything redeemable about them!

Anne, I wouldn't say you're the needy one of the group. We all have our woes and it's just a good thing we don't have down days all at the same time! :)

Colleen, glad there was no screaming. Great job with the push ups. Hope your week isn't too horribly busy! Hang in there. Keep up the good eats and good WOs!

OK, Patti! Welcome, welcome, welcome. You joined on a particularly chatty day! So, yes, I live in France and it's all kinds of crazy. We are originally from the Chicago-land area (born and raised) and then my husband (my hs sweetheart) took a job with Caterpillar after we graduated college. We lived in Peoria, IL (central) for about 3 years and then in Tucson, AZ for about 3 years and then we'll be here for 3 years and then prob back to Peoria. I am 29 and stay at home with my two girls Annabel (4.5) and Noelle (call her Ellie) who turns 3 on June 20! We're so glad to have another C&T member and always need help with our desires to eat well!

OK, I've spent far to long doing this and need to get away from my computer. Today was hellacious eating (ugh) but tomorrow I will WO and things will be much happier. I think I'll do PUB tomorrow to stay off my foot one more day. Got my power yoga so gotta try that too.

See y'all in the AM. Good morning Lisa... :)

Grace and Peace... :cool:
Seriously! I just got invited to a Pure Romance party on Friday! I'm trying to see if I can "no babysitter" my way out of it! No workout as of yet-the kids are playing outside and I don't feel right going in the basement while they're out. Hopefully it'll start raining soon;) Eats are good, but I'm thinking a cup of coffee sounds good-it's chilly here!
No worries, Klaudia, the rain is on its way. Unless it misses you. It's darker outside right now than it was at 9 o'clock last night. Lots of thunder, too! It should be there in about an hour or so....

computer is on the edge today:mad:

lisa, i was thinking of ttc today. what a great support everyone was. way to rock the wos!

klaud, so glad to see you, and i second what katie says - spare nothing. what are friends for? and a burden shared is a burden lessened...

katie, wow, a marine? that is a tough sched for sure. sorry for the headache.

coleen, thanks for the tips. i am finishing my cover letter now. i hate stuff like this.

kate, i made the choc bananna bread for aidan. i am sure he will like it. dh will complain, but i do not care.

patti, yummy lunch! i need all the recipe help i can get. post away.

well, i am proud to say i did swim. ackkk, i stink like chlorine, but i am sure it was good after yesterday's long run and gym style wos (did timesavers of all ub). i swam hard for 45 min and was shaky when i got out of the pool. hope to do that once a week or every other week to just get away from the impact. the swim killed my cravings, and i have been a good girl despite baking the bananna bread and some cookies for dh (so he will stop complaining). well, i did have 1 spoonful of batter, but i consider that good. so, back on track, and it is 3:30! bbiab
wow, i missed a lot of people there

anne, you are not the needy one, that is for sure! i love your attitude - it is contagious.

angie, get some rest. do you need to see a doc about your foot? i get particularly worried about feet probs after my break.

kl, what is a pure romance party??
Morris how did you know your foot was broken? Mine feels much better but it has this squeaky thing going on when I point it... Like a creaky door or something... Weird but not really painful!

Klaudia... I don't know pure romance either...

Going to bed now.

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