********Clean & Tidy Mom's Weekend***************


Happy Mother's Day Weekend. Even to the ones who do not have children but do take care of animals and other people's children.

What are your plans?

This morning I'm going to do Amy Hi/lo combo and then I'm off to girlscouts.

I hope to keep it clean, I had pizza too last night.
Good Morning!

Yes, Happy Mother's Day weekend! :)

My workout is Tracey's Circuit Zone upper body premix, lower body premix and Core Zone. I'm not sure I'm going to keep core zone. I'll give it another try today and then decide. I have to teach TK this morning and then it's yardwork, cleaning, etc.

Robin, Which Amy; do you have a favorite? Hope you have a great day.

Hello to everyone else! I have to read the posts and I'll check back in later today. :)

A friend in fitness,
Good morning, ladies!! I have NO son and NO fiance today, so I have allllllll day to myself!! I am going to workout for maybe 2 hours (cardio and S&H Legs and Shoulders), shower, then go shopping I think. I have to pick up my wedding dress today from the tailor (so I get to put it on again, i'll see if my friend can take a pic for me to post!). Tonight will be PAINTING, lots of painting to do around this house!!

Happy Mother's Day to all!
Happy Moms Weekend!

Robin, What are you and your scouts up to?
Shirl, Wishing you a high-energy class today and beautiful weather for your yard work!
Katie, Enjoy your day!! It sounds so nice. What are you painting tonight?

I slept great. Glued to the bed this morning. We have our company picture this morning - weather looks great. A few of the guys can't be there so Mike is kinda peeved about that but oh well. There will be lots of donuts there that I WILL resist!

Menu is of course totally unknown at this point. I do want to make some blueberry muffins at some point. My recipe has lemon in it and it is so so yummy. I will need some portion-control vibes! Workout will be some fun cardio I think - maybe LIS & HIS cardios.

Have a great day everybody!
Steph, How is it going with Christian? ((hugs))
Kate, donuts are gross!! Okay well maybe not, BUT you could pick a better cheat than a donut if you were gonna cheat!

Cardio is done, now I am eating b'fast and reading the paper, then S&H next!
Good morning everyone!

Well part 1 of my migration went well. They are not shipping tapes to Texas so part 2 will begin later tonight. I have my chiro appt. this morning and then in-laws for Mother's Day dinner.

Kate, sending you portion control vibes. I always feel like I have a lump in my stomach after eating a donut.
Katie, lucky you a day to yourself so close to the wedding. Enjoy it!
Shirl, sorry you don't like CoreZone. Maybe today's workout will change your mind.
Robin, what do you have planned for today?

Hi Steph & Jenn!

w/o KPC
b: oatmeal w/ almonds

rest of menu is tbd

Hi Ladies,

Part one of my workout is complete. I'll do the rest later today. I have to get ready for TK.

Kate, Do not eat a donut - I agree there are better cheats out there. For example Katie's cheat - YUM!

Katie, Enjoy your day! Picking up your wedding dress - how exciting! I did not pack my dress away - I try it on every anniversary - still fits 16 years and 3 kids later. :)

Colleen, I like Core Zone; it's just that it's similar to what I do on my own. I'd like something different that's going to kick my patooty. Good luck with the migration and dinner at MIL's.

Hi Steph, Robin and Jenn! :)

A friend in fitness,
Shirl, we must be getting close to your birthday... When is it?? Kudos to you for still fitting into your wedding dress!!
Well, I had a half a donut. They were fresh Krispy Kremes! Melt in your mouth, but sure not off my hips!

Katie, Sounds like such a nice day!!! I think Mike is taking the girls out this afternoon to shop for me.

Colleen, Glad the migration is going well. Hope dinner is good/fun tonight. Do you get along with your inlaws?

Shirl, Is CoreZone different than CoreBlast? ^5 for fitting into your wedding dress! I'm pretty sure mine would fit still - well, not this month!!

b - grapes, watermelon, homemade blueberry muffin
s - 1/2 a Krispy Kreme
l - taco salad and apple slices

Not sure on the rest of the day. Clean though. Trying to decide if nap or WO should come next....
CoreZone is CoreBlast. I keep confusing CircuitZone with CoreBlast. Yep, Krispy Kremes melt in your mouth. I still tried my wedding dress on with all 3 of my pregnancies on my anniversary. I'm such a nutball - I started a tradition and I wanted to stick to it. We have some funny pictures. The kids look forward to it. They think it's funny that the chest is too big for me now. After nursing 3 kids for well over a year each, I'm lucky I have anything left. lol Sometimes I long for the curves I used to have. Well, at least I'm fit. How were your muffins? They sound delicious.
Ok, back to cleaning. DH is power washing the house.

A friend in fitness,
Shirl, My boobs are def. not what they were before. In HS I was a full C. Now I'm a barely B... oh well. Thank goodness for pregancy! I'm a very full B now, could prob. go to a C but I hate to spend the money on all new bras. While Nursing I get up to a DD and feel like the Milk Maid Porn Star! Muffins were good - I gave most of them away so they won't/can't tempt me! Have fun cleaning! NOT! We need to powerwash too.
yay!!! I did my workout!! I did 4DS KB cardio and the leg conditioning drills from KickMax. Why have I not done these before?! Oh my word! Burn!!!! I'd like to do them 1-2x/week while pg. These were great!!

Mike just left with DDs. They're "tool shopping", aka Mothers Day Shopping. It is **so wierd** to be home alone. Not sure what I'm gonna do. Maybe do some scrapbooking. I'm so far behind.

Jenn & Steph, Whats up with you gals today?
OKay, kinda lengthy but I'm having a hard time..
I just posted this in OD... tell me what you think..you gals know me better than anyone who will respond there.


For those of you whose husbands have a secretary...

I am having such a hard time with this!

We are basically self-employed. Dh runs his dad's business and his dad doesn't have much to do with it anymore. I used to be a *powerhouse* in the office and totally ran all the paperwork end of things and managed every little bit. I quit for a few years to be home with my babies. Circumstances were that I needed to come back to get things straightened around. Things are mostly back on track but I am so busy raising kids and now pregnant with our 3rd. I am truly happiest when I don't have to juggle it all so I hired a secretary for my husband and she is doing a WONDERFUL job! I am really looking forward to quitting so I can spend the summer with my girls before the baby comes. I will maintain doing payroll so I'll have about 3 hours a weeks as there are tons of reports to do for the government work we are doing.

But it is so hard having another woman around my husband all day. I am not a jealous type at all and I know Dh loves me and is faithful to me. But I hate that she is knowing more about OUR business than I do right now and its only going to get worse as I step further back, which is rapidly happening. One of Dh's meetings got cancelled this week and I didn't know until she told me. For soem reason it totally rubbed me wrong.

I feel like this is all probably pretty small and I am likely just very hormonal being pregnant. "Losing control" in the office is so hard for me. I know when I didn't have kids I could've worked circles around anybody in the office but now, to be totally honest, my kids come first. To be with them in the daytime I stay up until midnight working but it makes me so grumpy and angry to have to juggle everything. I love the work, but I love being a mom more. I know we need a secretary, but.... oh, I don't like it!!

Sooooo.... does anyone else have personal issues with a husband's secretary? Please tell me I'm not alone in this!
Hi ladies,

Happy Mothers Day to all of you!!!

Kate(((HUGS))). You have priorities and right now being mom is #1. Before you know it your babies will be grown up, and you will be back at the office. I think your just feeling a little out of the loop at the office, because your not there and she is. But like you said you know DH loves you and only you. P.S. I would have felt burned a little also.

Hi Shirl enjoy your class.
Katie enjoy your free time. Have fun picking up that dress.
Robin have a great troop meeting. What Amy did you do?
Colleen good luck with part 2 hope it goes well.

Hi Steph!!

3/4 bagel with cc, coffee
chicken salad on ww w. rice cakes
luna bar
dinner tbd.

w/o kpc

My mothers day gift is a new strapless hr monitor that track calories in and out as well. Its from MIO should be here next week.

Jenn, Nice present!!! Good eats and WO for you! Thanks for your understanding about the office stuff. I know I'm just too emotional right now and 6 months from now I am going to be so happy to not have work stress anymore!

Colleen, How are those little migraters doing?!:7

I'm in such an emotional, lovey-dovey, crazy mood right now. I just might order pizza and wings delivered for DH for dinner tonight! He's still out shopping with the girls. I called a little bit ago and they were all in a bathroom together! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!! Revenge is mine! I *almost* feel sorry for him! He was like "We're in the bathroom! I gotta go!" I'm still laughing to myself!!! Poor guy deserves a pizza!
Mike got his well-deserved pizza. I had a slice of cheese pizza and a bunch of carrot sticks and watermelon. Overall I had a good-eatin' day. Well, excpet for the half of KK.

I just finished CS total body workout and I feel great! All loosey goosey now!

Katie, How's the dress fit!!?!?

Steph, I hope you're having a good day! Enjoy your malt balls!
Mmmmmm, pizza!! And Krispy Kreme.... PS, I take back my earlier comment about donuts being gross. I didn't realize you were speaking of my beloved fresh-from-the-oven Krispy Kremes......:9

And LMAO at Mike in a bathroom with those girls, I can just picture it now!!!

Dress fits like a glove!! I swear I have never driven so carefully in my life as when I drove home from that place!!

We painted half of the kitchen tonight (it is blue on the bottom half under the chair rail) and we will do the rest tomorrow. I'll post pictures then!

After my workout this morning, I went out into town and went to the bookstore and got the new issue of Fitness, then went over to Panera for lunch. I got my half sandwich and soup and sat there BY MYSELF and read my magazine. Boy was it good to have a testosterone-free day!

Dinner was lasagna (not very clean), and then I had a few tortilla chips (multi-grain, but still CHIPS) and nacho cheese. I feel pretty guilty about those two things.

When I was at Panera for lunch, I picked up bagels for Chris and I to have for breakfast tomorrow. REALLY looking forward to that!!

So my food today was about 60% good, 40% not so good. I am too close to D-Day (aka W-Day) to have days like this!!
LOL about your drive home! Keep that dress where the dog can't get it! Once we were at a wedding where the bride had taken their getaway car into the carwash on the way to the church. She was in full bridal attire. The carwash OPENED her car door (those stick-out, lift-up handles) and she got SOAKED! How awful would that be! Can't wait to see the kitchen. Your solo outing sounds so decadent and wonderful!! So, today is your cheat day! You'll do better tomorrow. Remember - your dress fits perfect. You need a couple cheats here and there so it doesn't end up being too BIG on you!:p Mike loves the cinnamon crunch bagels at Panera. I love the cc cookies!!!

Jenn & Shirl & Katie, thanks so much for your responses. You all mean so much to me. Like Steph said before, how can we be strangers but mean so much to eachother?! (((((group hug!))))))))
Thanks for the encouragement!! You know what, though.... I weigh about 10 pounds less right now than I did in October when I bought that dress (a size 10, app. a size 8 in regular clothes so I'm told), but that damn thing has NEVER fit any different. ??????? I still have to take a deep breath to get it zipped, which is fine, I want it to fit me well. I think I look LEANER it in now than I did then. Just seems odd to me that it's not even the slightest bit roomy.... Oh well, whatever. $220 for the hemming was enough!!
That *is* wierd about the fit and the 10 lbs. Wedding dresses are wierd. I'm so excited for your wedding. How do your regular clothes fit? I remember a while back you got some new stuff. Can you wear your old stuff still (and it looks nice) or do you have/need a new wardrobe? Maybe you've lost a lot more than 10 lbs in fat but kept bulk with all of that great muscle!

Just think - soon you'll be able to type DH when referring to Chris!

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