~~~~~Clean & Tidy Mity Weekend~~~~~

Good morning Jenn and everybody else!
Jenn, What recipe do you use for pro.pancakes?

Another busy day for us.
We'll go to church then after that we're off to our friends house for lunch and the kids will play all afternoon. They have 5 kids - ages 8, 6, 3, and twins who are almost 2. It is WILD at their house, but so much fun. They always makes tons of unclean food, so wish me luck. I'm going to take a salad.

Need to get off and running. See ya later!
Good Morning,

Quuick hello before my workout.

Jenn, I made the rotation up myself. I'm doing my own weight work, but I am using videos for cardio, but not everytime. Here's an example 2 week rotation:
Day 1 - weight workout 1, core, & interval workout (jump rope or interval premix from a dvd)
Day 2 - cardio (typcically a dvd or one of the classes I teach)
Day 3 - weight workout 2, core & interval workout
Day 4 - yoga
Day 5 - weight workout 1, core, & interval workout
Day 6 - cardio
Day 7 - active rest
Day 8 - weight workout 2, core & interval workout
Day 9 - cardio
Day 10 - weight workout 1, core & interval cardio
Day 11 - yoga
Day 12 - weight workout 2, core & interval workout
Day 13 - cardio
Day 14 - active rest

If you want more details, I'll email them to you. I'm sure you could use dvd's for the weight work.

Robin, I've never done the premixes with the weight work.

Steph, Hi there busy girl!

Colleen, Are you feeling 100%?

Hi Katie & Kate!

A friend in fitness,
Morning Sunday Girls

WOW Shirl 35# DB for chest press and you may try 40!! Great rotation too.
I need to work harder on my upper body and drop 10 pounds of fat in the month of April.

$220 worth of alterations!! They should have given you an estimate of how much it will costs beforhand. They charge alot everywhere because they know that you will need their services Katie. I'm sorry that you are not feeling well, are you taking new meds? I think you should call your doctor and tell him your symtoms because it may be a serious side effect.

Thanks Jenn for the info Amy KO I plan to do this w/o on Thursday.
Colleen enjoy "In the Ring" ;( I WANT MINES;(

Steph how was dinner?

Kate Wheatina is hot cereal made with wheat. It looks like dark cream of wheat. It is very filling.

Well yesterday I ate very well and started taking the glucomannan again..with no gas or bloated feelings. I gave myself an A yesterday.

Maybe I was sick last week because of all those darkchocolate gs cookies Thin Mints :+

My w/o today will be Gym Style BSB (one of my fav)
s-egg whites
l-taco salad
d-whole grain pasta and turkey sausage
Kate the recipe I used was

1 cup cottage cheese
1 cup oatmeal
6 egg whites
apple peeled and cored.
Mix in food processor until smooth, and cook as you would regular pancakes.

One of the gals posted it on the Amy Bento forums. I halved the recipe and subbed a mash banana instead of the apple.

Shirl thanks for the rotation it looks good. Do you do full body weights or splits?

Good morning Robin!

Hi Jenn,

I tried this recipe too; I'll have to try your subs. Workout 1 is chest, back, bis & tris. Workout 2 is shoulders & legs; 3 sets of each exercise, 8-10 reps superset syle.

A friend in fitness,
Good morning ladies, getting started a little late this morning -- I was up at 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 5 am, and 6 am with crap max again! SUCKS!:( I am going to see the doctor tomorrow and I will make him figure out what is wrong with me!

No workout today as I had hoped. We started some painting last night, so we will finish that up today and do some shopping. I will probably rest a lot too.

Have a great day!
Hi Everyone!

It's been a busy morning and still plenty to do before the day is over. I woke up feeling a lot better except for my legs which were sore from In the Ring. I did not expect them to be sore so it was a surprise.

Katie, hope the doctor figures out what is wrong with you. I had 2 weeks of crapmax and feeling terrible after I broke up with my college boyfriend years ago. Then I got a promotion at work and moved to DC, so that cured everything :) Hope it isn't stress because that's hard to get rid of.
Kate, good luck on keeping the carbs low today.
Shirl, thanks for posting your rotation. I might try it if I don't like Cathe's April rotation.
Robin, hope Amy sends your In the Ring quickly. It was a lot of fun.
Jenn, thanks for the offering to take my dark chocolate but it is almost gone. I will probably give it DH.

no workout - rest day
b: shredded wheat w/ almonds
s: banana
l: leftover pizza
s: strawberries with yogurt, apple
d: cod, broccoli and couscous

Happy Sunday clean peeps

What a weekend!1 Seems like everyone is busy.
Colleen, did you like in the ring???i've ordered, still waiting

Kate, let me tell ya about carb coma!! I might have beat you last night at dinner....12inch pizza (Whole wheat, thin crust but still...crustini and walnut pesto, polenta and hand made tiramisu!!
Good lord, i feel dreadful today.

So far, workout, CS
B: egg whites, almond milk
s: simpy bar
l: soup, veggies, yogurt
s: almonds
I havent checked out April's rotation yet, DH and i went shopping today, hoping to get a nap in as well.

Katie, please go see your doc, get things checked out okay
Katie feel better, hope you get some rest.
Steph it sounds like you had a yummy dinner. Feel better.

Colleen did you like In the Ring? I did it today. I enjoyed it. Some of the combos were a little tricky. I also didn't use any weight for interval 3 and subbed my stability ball for interval 4. I'm really going to need a med ball.

Hi Kate, Shirl and Robin hope your weekend is going well.

My house clean, laundry is done and now I have to make dinner soon.

Hi Steph & Jenn - I enjoyed In the Ring. The only thing I didn't like was that I had an 8 lb med ball and not a 5 lb. I am planning to try Hi/Lo Knockout tomorrow.


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