JUst finished LIS and HIS combo/blast 3 & finished combos.
How can you gals stand to wear shoes while exercising?! My feet get so blasted hot I can't take it. I ended up taking them off and I enjoyed my WO much more.
Shirl, !!!!! Oh my! Where do you get Moose Trax in low fat?! Thanks for the show concern. I think I just need thinner socks. The ones I had on tonight were pretty thick. Wish I didn't have to do my cardio on carpet!
Katie, Right back at ya with the Southern accent! Have a nice night!
Another quick hello after a long day. This project ends 5/12 (I hope) and I can't wait until it is over. Eating has not been 100% clean - the candy basket is my snack food :-( I hope tomorrow is a little better.