~~~~~Clean & Tidy Easter Weekend~~~~~~~~

Morning :D What are your plans for today?

I went to Wally World last night :( it was so crowded.

I was able to get online with AOL but not with Internet Expl. I'm not sure what the problem is. I ran my adware and virus scan. Maybe I need a new computer to go with the new sTS

:D I'm just dreaming again.

I feel all alone, where is everyone? :p

I was reading yesterday's post and Jenn what happen? "bbq pork chop, baked potatoe and broccoli w. cheese
s- 4 samoas and coffee"?????

:D LOL I guess during the holidays even the clean and tidy peeps fall off the wagon. I left all of my GS cookies at work.

I'll write up my menu when I come back from the grocery store but first my w/o ctx all step and abs.

b-protein smoothie
Morning cLEAN & tidy peeps!

Speaking of peeps; do you like marshmallow peeps? I do not, but I think they're cute.

I'm here, eating my shredded wheat and banana. DH's surgery went well yesterday. He's a little uncomfortable, but doing fine. I wasn't able to get my planned workout in yesterday, so I'm going to do the weights and core before Turbo this morning.

Robin, It's nice to dream. I dream that my DH preordered STS for a bday surprise. :) I love checking out the blog. I went to Wally World last night too and it was loco. Enjoy your workout; All Step is so fun!

Katie, How do the wedding invitations look?

Jenn, I like your honesty with posting your meals. We're here to support you. How do you like Glute Camp?

Steph, Girl, you need to get some rest and tlc. I hope you feel better soon. Yes, my DH's veins caused him pain. He had to have them removed because the blood was not flowing properly - reflux.

Kate, Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. I loved my growing belly. Do you rub your belly? My boys would kiss the baby and try to feed the baby through my belly button. So many memories to create with your girls.

Colleen, Did you order Amy's latest workouts? She's shipping them; Hi/lo Combat looks so good. What is going on with work? Have you made any decisions?

Have a great day everyone! :) Time to get my weight workout done!

A friend in fitness,
Robin, I detest Walmart, but its so cheap I don'y have any choice soemtimes. But I will only go on a weekday AM - minimizes the wierdos. I want a new laptop too - but its not a need for sure. Have fun shopping - do the kids go with you?

Shirl, So good to see you! I like a tinytiny bite of 1 peep. DH is addicted and I stockpile them for him! I do rub my belly. Last night I had the most REAL dream (I think it was a dream) that I could feel it moving. I can't wait for that, but I'm sure I'm still too early. DDs kiss and hug my belly whenever they kiss and hug me goodbye. Hope you havea good weekend.

I need to get out of bed and make b'fast for the fam. We're all laying in out bed right now. DDs are telling Mike about their week. In a couple hours we're leaving for a funeral that's almost 2 hours away. I hope we don't have another one next weekend! That'll take up our Saturday. Tomorrow after church we're going to visit Mike's grandpa (who lives 2 hours away!). He has a wicked, fast-growing cancer and this will probably be the last time we'll see him. So, yeah, another funeral soon. He has surgery scheduled for mid-April but it doesn't seem like he'll make it that long.

Menu is totally up in the air with all the travelling. I'll do the best I can. WO noy likely - I'm feeling somewhat better, but I am drop-dead tired at bedtime.

See you later!
Jenn, Just read your post from y'day. Samoas are so good. In fact I don't even buy them because 4 would be a small serving for me!:+ DH doesn't like them so I'd be the only one eating them. Mail me one!:7 Hope you have a good weekend.

Katie, You sleepin' in!?

Hello Steph & Colleen!
Hey ladies, here I am!! Busy morning, thank god it's almost nap time!!

Chris and I decided at 7 am that we wanted to buy a flat screen tv for the kitchen and hang it today. So we got up, went to Lowe's, Costco, Circuit City, and Wal-Mart (I feel you, Robin!!). Now Chris is in there drilling holes and cutting thru dry wall -- he better cut out that noise so I can nap!! He has to run cable under the floor in the kitchen to where the tv will hang.

I got all my shopping done for Easter basket, Easter breakfast, and Easter dinner! Oh yes, and Chris's birthday dinner tonight (chicken enchiladas, his favorite!!). NOT a clean weekend for Katie it looks like....
Hi ladies,

Shirl glad DH's surgery went well. I do like Glute Camp. I love the squat, firewalker, jump move.

4 samoa's is a good thing for me. The box I left in my draw at work, I nibble the whole day the day before and had a quite a sugar headache. x(

So Wally World in every town is where all the weirdo's hang out? Weekends are like a freak show there! Robin you are a brave soul. ;-)

Kate I totally agree about if you have to there go in the morning.

Katie enjoy your new flat screen tv and your not clean weekend.

Hi Steph and Colleen.

Today I did HISM 2 combos 1-5 and abs.
b-mulitgrain bagel w. cc and coffee
l- lean chili and lf corn muffin

Rest of the day is up in the air.

Hey ladies how is dinner?

I ate 80% clean and guess what, my kids did want to paint eggs.
;( They are still my little babies brats. We had fun making swirling egg color with water color paint. Real fun and messy. Even the dog got some blue color on him. I hope the neighbors don't call the animal police.;-)

I hope you get your dream B-day gift Shirl.

Sorry about the funeral blues Kate.

Happy B-day Chris! I feel like I know him ;-) Katie. I wish you both lived near by me my house can use some work.

My son told me a joke. He said I know why my mom named me Robin...cheap...cheap..cheap

hey Colleen and Steph.
Robin, You just posted! 80% is good - good for you! LOL on the brats!

Katie, Busy day - I would hate going to all those places. Collin along with you guys? Patient little guy! Hope you're having fun tonight!

Jenn, So far, so good on the menu! Great WO too!

Funeral was nice. It was for an older man (80 yo) so not too sad. Very nice guy.

My day's been tidy. I'm exhausted so unsure about a WO. Sleepmax is sounding awesomemax.


Colleen, Hope your day is going well.
Steph, Have you lost your way at the bottom of the maltball container?!?!:7
Hello Easter peeps!

Sorry i was MIA today, i'm really really sick, good grief. Havent felt this crumby in a long time. And i had some damn malt balls to boot, i wish i got lost in the end of the container!!

worked out, BAD! I should know better, really my body is wrecked!

Looks like everyone is busy! Kate, glad you're feeling okay today, i slept for a few hours too, you should sleepmax!!!

Gonna lay down for a bit, menu! Crap....
Hi Everyone,

I met a DF today in DC and we had lunch, went to a museum then to Starbucks. I am exhausted. I was not going to work this weekend and then a crisis hit late yesterday. I am going to send a couple of emails to make people who can solve the problem to go ahead and solve the problem. I really need to relax or I won't make it through the week.

Kate, sorry you are so tired. Hope you can get to bed early tonight.
Katie, DH likes to shop online before going to the store which I love. It means only 1 store to confirm what he thinks he likes is going to work. If it doesn't then he goes back and does more research.
Robin, hope everyone enjoyed dying Easter eggs :)
Shirl, yes, I did order Amy's workouts. I am glad they are finally shipping.
Steph, hope you feel better

w/o was GS BSB Timesaver & 4DS Bootcamp

Menu sucked today but I really needed a cheat day.

Collin was with his aunt luckily -- I don't like all the in and out of the car seat! We went to Lowe's for the cable box, spliter, etc. then to Costco for the tv, then Circuit City for the wall mount, then Wal-Mart for groceries. We went to Kohl's because Mama wanted to shop!

I made 2 huge pans of enchiladas and they are ALL gone! When I cook those, old friends just start coming out of the woodwork to eat! Collin is home, as soon as he goes to bed we will probably be doing some drinking!!
Happy Easter to all,

Steph hope you feel better soon.
Katie did Chris enjoy his Bday?
Robin coloring eggs sounds like fun. My stepdaughter is at her moms so we didn't do any. Oh well. :-( :-(
Kate hope you had good sleepmax.
Colleen I ordered Amy's new w/o's also. I watched her clips and they look like a lot of fun. Hopefully we will get them this week. Hope you were able to find to relax this weekend.
Shirl Happy Easter!!

Today is a rest day for me. I worked out all 6 days last week and I am so psyched about that. We are going to my mom's for turkey dinner tonight.

Happy Easter Ladies.

I did not go to church this morning because it is packed like WallyWorld.So I'm listening from the web site. My pastor preached from Revelation 20:5-6. Too many rude people go to church on Easter and these are not the regular people.

Today w/o will be ctx 10-cardio and tri.

:D Colleen YAY Amy new w/o is coming. I did order one of the kickboxing. Which ones did you order?

Feel better Steph.

Menu :D
b-egg whites with veggies
s-nuts and yogurt
l-chicken breast and salad
d-ham, cabbage, cheesie rice

I may follow Cathe's rotation for April.
Happy Easter!

Jenn, congrats on workout 6 days. It was an adjustment for me when I switched to 6 days but I appreciate my rest days even more.
Robin, sorry church was like WallyWorld. Why do people think they only need to practice their religion 2x's a year? I ordered both of them - Hi/Lo Knockout and In the Ring. I did not order the kettlebell workout since I don't own kettlebells and I am not sure I am going to buy them.

I am very excited about Amy's new workouts. I think I will do a circuit rotation in April since I should have both Amy's and some of Tracey's new workouts.

w/o was StretchMax no commericials :)
b: oatmeal w/ almonds
l: lean sloppy joe
s: strawberries
d: in laws - I think I am having steak since I don't eat lamb

Lucky you Colleen. which Tracey w/o did you order?

Don't you wish they sold these w/o at wallyworld, so we wouldn't have to wait for the delivery.
Hello ladies!

Looooong, busy day for us. But at last we are home - the girls are in bed and I will be soon too!

EAting was as clean as it could be with all of the travelling.
No WO - way too tired. I'm feeling better everyday though, so hopefully I'll be back at it soon. I feel like I'm going to have to ease back into it - like 6 days/wk will be too much at first. One day at a time I guess.

Sounds like everyone had a good day. Hopefully we all have a great week ahead.
My legs and a$$ are sore just looking at those pics!!

Sorry I was MIA for so much of the weekend, ladies!! I was on birthday duty for my man yesterday, then lots of cooking and family stuff today!

I got the wedding invitations done, and they can go in the mail tomorrow. It's only about 20 or so invites to the wedding. We are having a separate reception a few weeks later that has a separate invitation -- we will mail those in a few weeks. I will post pictures tomorrow.

My eating was not bad, but I did not eat enough this weekend! I felt horrible most of the time too.


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