Clean Foods


Active Member

I am new to Cathe. I was reading a post about dieting and how to diet. Cathe suggested to one person to eat six small meals of clean foods. I have never heard that term "clean food" what is eating clean?
Hi Ciara,

I don't know how to post a link so bumped a clean eating thread for you with a response from Cathe.
Hi! I am not Cathe but I would love to answer your question :) Eating clean or whole foods is chosing foods in their most simple state. Cathe has used the example of an apple compared to apple sauce compared to apple pie. The apple gives you it's fiber and nutrients cleanly whereas with apple sauce, fiber and nutrients are lost with the skin and sugar may be added and the pie loses still more nutients, gives more sugar and adds fat.

With any food you eat, look at the ingredient label. The fewer the ingredients, the cleaner it is. With processing, nutrients are lost and less valuable ingredients added to replace them. Bread is a great example. White bread is stripped of fiber and a host of nutrients which are then added back (niacin, thiamine, riboflavin). These nutrients are part of the origianl whole wheat and are lost when the fiber is stripped to make the bread softer and supposedly more palatable. Often a label says a food is enriched which sounds like a good thing. But if the foods been stripped of those nutirents i nte first place, it's not good and grains which are enriched started out quite nutritious and ended up processed. My favorite bread is composed of 100% whole wheat, millet, yeast, honey and water. It contains 5 grams of fiber. White bread contains a slew of extra ingredients including preservatives and dough conditioners and high fructose corn syrup which make it unclean and possibly evil. LOL!

I think clean eating means less is more and I do it most of the time. Occasionally, I eat something decadent like apple pie or chocolate cake and I do it with gusto, knowing that I eat clean whole foods most of the time so it's ok to indulge.

I also read labels to avoid added sugar (sucrose, fuctose, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup) and those pesky trans fats (hydrogenated oil and partially-hydrogenated oils). Food companies and groceries want to sell and they make things taste great with no regard to good health. You need to know what to look for and how to read labels and the nutrition facts labels are fun too! Once you get it down, why, it's as easy as pie! LOL!

Good luck! I hope this helps!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
That you so much for all of that helpful information. Do you know if I can find a nutrition food book with more examples of clean eating?
Bobbi has given you some excellent info...I just wanted to say that my biggest change when it came to eating clean was to cut out processed breakfast cereal (even the "healthy" ones like cheerios which all are extreeeemely processed) and switch over to slow cook oatmeal. I often put it raw into a yogurt and fruit smoothie.

>My pleasure, Clara. One of my favorites is Eat, Drink and Be
>Healthy by Walter Willett.
>"Chick's rule!"

"Eat Drink & Be Healthy" is a must read for anyone interested in eating for long term health. His recommendations are realistic, chose nutrient dense foods most of the time. Willett's version of the food pyramid rests on a foundation of exercise & exercise is the first of his health guidelines (something that A-Jock would appreciate).


Thanks again! I am going to Borders this weekend to get the book. I found the comment about the cereal to be very interesting. I would have never guessed that cereal was processed at all. I know some had lots of sugar but I never thought that! That would be a wonderful change for me because I love oatmeal (Old Fashion not instant, there is a difference) and when I tried Atkins I had to cut it out and low carb oatmeal was horrible. Thanks again for the tips and suggestions!

Ciara :7

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