Clean eating is soooo hard!

Have it once in a while, or have a teeny bit once a day. If you completely deny yourself, you'll want it even more. That was the case with me anyway. I agree with the "everything in moderation" idea.

Good luck!
What broke me of my compulsive sweet tooth (read addiction), was using a dietary tool at:

It is inexpensive ($8 month and more than one can use that account) and the program allows you to choose your foods - as long as they fit into the appropriate ratios of protein, carbs, sugar carbs, & fats. If you take the weight loss option it will slowly decrease the amount of sugars you can have over several months.

After about 4 months of using this tool I was weaned down to just a small number of naturally occurring grams of sugar each day. Once, I accidentally sipped my kids orange juice and had to rush to the sink to spit it out because the sweetness level was too high for me to take after getting off the sugar.

Sugar was definitely the thing keeping me from losing weight! I have to keep sugar very low to lose fat.

My mom is diabetic so I am very motivated to stay clear of sugar!
I can so relate to this! I'll do so well all day then at night it's like the chocolate monster comes out and I must have something sweet!! I took a vow that starting today I would really hold on and be disciplined. My kids brought home about 20 pounds of Halloween candy and I've been a little naughty lately. I'll tell you these new pictures of Cathe and the Crew are truly motivating to stick to it! Susan

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