clean eating by Reno questions


I am reading the clean eating diet by Reno and have a couple questions for those in the know.

1] I can't possibly eat all the food reccomended for breakfast. I hate eating in the morning and have brought myself to a small bowl of oatmeal or more likely Natures Path Flax Plus Multi/cereal w/ skim milk. Do we really need to eat that much in the am? Is my flax ceral w/ milk enough?

2]Why drink coffee black? I use skim milk. Is this a no no?

3] On a much more personal note. Vitamins make me constipated. It's most likely the calcium. I have tried the calcium citrate but it's still a problem. Ideas for substitution?

Thanks for the help.
I don't know the answer to number one, because I love breakfast and can eat like a horse at this meal.

As far as two, I would like to know as well, so if you ask her could you please let me know the answer.

And three, have you tried coral calcium? It obviously comes from coral and is suppose to be really good for you.

Know I wasn't much help, sorry!

Why don't you try what works for you? If you can't eat all of that food for breakfast I don't see why you'd force it down your throat. As far as the coffee, I recall her saying how really, she shouldn't even drink the coffee but with all she has give up she has decided to stick with it as she enjoys it. So, if you have given up quite a bit to reach your goal and your coffee is important to you I don't see how a dab of skim milk could derail you....unless you traded it for a Mocha Blah Blah Blah Frappucino. Remember, you have to have some enjoyment or you probably won't stick with the program. Good luck and enjoy :9
Thanks for the feedback. I'll write to her and ask. As for question #3 I read on her forum that the flaxseed should help. I will share any good info she passes back to me.
Regarding question #2, I've recently read that a study showed that adding dairy to coffee (and tea) neutralized the effects of the beneficial antioxidants naturally contained in coffee and tea. Artificial creamers were not mentioned.

I like Tosca's book, but she kinda made me mad when she called a latte "cheating". To me cheating is pizza or something like that, not a nonfat latte with a few Splenda's tossed in!
>She also recommends eating salads sans dressing. :(

Beavs, I was so distressed by your post that I had to jump ahead in her book to read it for myself and guess what!? You CAN have salad dressing. On page 111 she says you can dress salads with olive oil and lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. That's good news for me because that's the only dressing I have ever used. She does not recommend bacon bits or croutons, and I'm sure creamy dressings are out, too. I take it you use creamy?
No, I try to use light dressings but somewhere in the book I recall she recommended not using any but later mentioned the olive oil. but I do looove creamy.....
Olive, safflower, and pumpkin oils are on her clean eating check list. You could make a fantastic vinaigrette with EVOO, a little mustard, and vinegar (I would think any vinegar is okay, but she lists balsamic, rice, and apple cider in the pantry check list).

I did find a section on packing a cooler where she recommends eating salad without dressing. I think the previously mentioned options cancel this out, don't' you!?:p :7
Sorry Linda - no mention of soy milk either, just dairy. I think the study only looked at the effects of dairy.

I've read Tosca's book and I really like, but as another poster wrote, you need to do what will work for you in addition to making healthy lifestyle changes. I for one cannot drink my coffee black, or let's say that's something I'm not going to I use a nonfat version of half and half...not a lot, just a little! I do try to drink much more water, and I do try to eat as much unprocessed food as possible. I really don't ever feel hungry anymore, because I make sure to never get hungry by eating every 3 to 4 hours. But I know that I will not eat perfectly's just impossible, because life gets in the way and it should be meant to be enjoyed.
Upperwests, I'm with you on the coffee. My copy of the book just arrived the other day and I'm glad to have it on hand. I'll follow what she says - right up to a point.

I believe that if you adhere too rigidly to any plan, to the point where you are constantly policing yourself, then you are sucking the joy out of life. What's the point of eating "perfectly" if you're miserable?

Not once in that book does she mention my two very close friends Ben and Jerry. I eat a teeny tiny bit of really good ice cream just about every day. About a quarter of a cup. It's just enough to feel like I've had a treat. And I give myself other "cheats" of about 100 calories here and there.

Hardbody? No. But I'm happy! :D

And the no salad dressing thing was not gonna happen for me. I like Paul Newmans light balsamic vinagrette. Plus others have mentioned it's easy to make a great dressing.

I think it's because most dressings (especially light ones) have a ton of sugar. One thing Tosca says is that sugar (except from fruit) is a big NO-NO. I am pretty sure that's the reason. There's so much hidden sugar in things like ketchup, salad dressing, etc.
"Not once in that book does she mention my two very close friends Ben and Jerry."

That is too funny!!!!!!!
Just a reminder.

I'm all about clean eating but I agree with others who have mentioned that you do need to have enjoyment in eating on any program so if you like a little skim milk then have it.

This reminds me when I have conversations with my mom when she trys to drop a few pounds. She'll start fretting over the bread that's 30 calories more a slice or the yogurt that's 40 calories more even though she likes them more. I remind her that it was never those calories that got her into trouble in the first place. It was the icecream, cakes, etc.

When we get too rigid is when we fall off course.
I have been reading this book. Hopefully I will get it finished this week when I am on a vacation. I read a lot of the books and put together what works for me. I think she does have a lot of good recommendations. On #3 I have to take calcium and it does cause problems. I have found through my doctor and reading that if I take extra magnesium daily it helps. Also if you can find a calcium product with calcium gluconate or lactate it helps. I read about this in the Mt. Sanai Book of Nutrition. I do use dressing. Salsa is good if you build a salad w/ some southwestern flare. Making your own dressings can assure you that it is not loaded with sugar or corn syrup solids. So I do think that there is a way to dress a salad without commercial dressings. I also love those fat free creamy dressings:) As far as breakfast I have been keeping it small since I workout in the morning. I have a carb and protein as soon as I am done. Trying not to eat late is hard for me. She also recommends not using artificial sweetners either. Another thing I do quite a bit.

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