~~~~~~~cLEAN-eating almost-wedding Wednesday~~~~~~~

Katie, I'm sure you're working out right now! You go, girl!

We have NO PLANS for today!!! I can hardly believe it! After I take Gina to school Isabel and I are coming home and doing who-knows-what! She'll want to play Barbies I'm sure. I'm hoping to get a little picking up done and I really want to clean out the hall linen closet. Everything is just jammed in there.

Rest day today tho I would like to do CS...we'll see

b - smart start, fruit
s - protein bar & grapes
l - taco salad, watermelon
d - spaghetti & veggies

Good Morning Everyone!

Practicing TK and doing Yoga today.

Kate, Enjoy your day!

Here comes the bride! How are you doing today?

Hello to everyone! :)

BBL with my menu! :)

A friend in fitness,

Enjoy your rest/clean up day Kate. And yesterday's triple-thick chocolate oreo shakes:9 :9 Wow that sounds so good.

How are you feeling today Colleen?

Nervous Katie. I drop 5# just before my wedding day and my dress kept slipping. It's a good thing I have big boobs.

Jenn I know all about combo 5. It's like your brain is fried so you can even think anymore by the time you get to #5. Dedicate one workout just do the warmup, combo 5 over and over and over. You will get it. When Amy does all of the combos together ...I have never been able to get that one.

What's new Shirl and Steph?

Yesterday I went to all that trouble to get my daughter computer online and guest what her keyboard is stuck on HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
:-( Now I have to get her computer fixed. It would have been nice if she told me about it first.

b-kashi cereal and apple

I'm leaving work early today b/c I want to. }( That's if you know who comes to work.
LOVE the title of the thread!! I am FABULOUS today, thanks for asking!!

I was hoping to do an IMAX this morning but just could not do it. I ended up with LIC cardio blast and loved it, definitely made it a little higher impact which I like.

I didn't eat ANY fruit yesterday, so I am loading up today...

B cereal, skim milk
S watermelon, grapes, almonds
L grilled chicken and veggies
S strawberries, cereal bar
D bbq chicken on the grill, sweet potato, steamed g. beans

LOTS of water! Maybe a nice walk at lunch time, who knows. Need to pick up a pair of pants at the tailor (I am so short, I have to get even petite length pants hemmed!).

Thanks so much for everyone's support, it really makes me feel wonderful!!
Hi Clean peeps!!

Its freezing here this morning!! I cant believe it, its May! I know its Canada, but come on :)

Kate, enjoy your day, you deserve it. Dont look for stuff to do, just relax. Maybe the girls will want to do some CS with you, too cute!

Shirl, your day sounds fun! Maybe a little yoga for happiness with Ion?? He cheers me up.

Katie, you gorgeous bride to be!! I can feel your excitement, or as Cathe says 'i can feel your energy'!! Excellent menu by the way.

Robin, send some boobs my way will ya! Good for you for leaving work eatly, you deserve it, that other woman can stay and cover you for a change!!

Today, i'm not sure what i'm going to do, maybe DM cardio and legs? My shoulder is bugging me a bit. I think i'm still recovering from boozemax...i should suggest Cathe make boozemax, i can star in it :)
B: egg whites/oats
s: cc/pp/almonds
l: veg soup, celery stix, hummus, apple
s: quark, sprouted flax, coconut and almond butter
d: egg white om, veggies, ezekial wrap, berries
Have a great day
SHirl, YOu'll be energized and refreshed after your WO today!

Katie, Hope nothing bursts your happy bride bubble today!

Robin, I'll take some of those boobs too! Wishing you no CWD today! Bummer about Computer-Drama!

Steph, Cold here today too! Yuck! It's almost June and I'm still wearing a sweatshirt everyday for goodness sake! I did DM cardio'legs the other day - it was fun. No Arnold tonight, huh? HE should train you for free simply based on your good looks and ability to do pull-ups and "work out like a man!"!

off for cleaning and playing...
******** LOL LADIES ***********

Isabel is sitting here looking at a book. THere is a very large male horse standing up and she says in a completely serious sweet little girl voice "It must be a boy because it has a penis." and just continues flipping thru the pages like she just told me the sky was blue. I am trying so hard not to laugh out loud right now!!!
Hi Everyone!

Kate, I am still laughing from what Isabel said.
Robin, I am glad you are getting out of work early today. You need a break from all the work drama.
Katie, ^5 on the weight loss. You are great this weekend!
Shirl, I am up 2 pounds but I was not very good about my eating last week. I have refocused this week and I am determined to keep it clean and keep losing.
Steph, I have this picture in my head of a drunk workout DVD. It would make a good You Tube video.

I really wish it was Friday. I guess now that things are a little more manageable at work, I just don't want to work anymore :)

w/o was Hi/Lo Knockout - Cardio sections only
b: shredded wheat w/ almonds
s: cashews, watermelon
l: 1/2 salad, 1/2 sandwich, apple
s: strawberries & yogurt, green beans
d: I think tacos but not sure. Maybe we will go out.

Hello Colleen! I share your feelings on not wanting to work. Seems like whenever work issues come up around the house DH and I get tense and start to bicker. (like on the phone this AM. I called him back and apologized. I know I'm *kinda hormonal!*) I'm looking forward to stepping back more. Glad work is at least slowing down a little for you. Good eating plan today and your WO sounds fun.

Well, my little Bella is now in a bikini top and a super long skirt pretending to be Ariel! SHe is such a hoot today!
>******** LOL LADIES ***********
>Isabel is sitting here looking at a book. THere is a very
>large male horse standing up and she says in a completely
>serious sweet little girl voice "It must be a boy because it
>has a penis." and just continues flipping thru the pages like
>she just told me the sky was blue. I am trying so hard not to
>laugh out loud right now!!!

:7 :7 :7 :7 LOL :7 :7 :7 these kids :D
Afternoon peeps!

Kate, i'm so proud that your girls know the correct names of parts, that's important!! Horses too...

Colleen, i love Hi/lo knockout. I keep trying to figure out how to get it in more!

Today is pretty quiet here at work, maybe i'll sneak out early and be with my doggie.
Afternoon peeps!
I'm at work and thought my next client was ready but he got an important call; so I have a couple minutes.

Kate, Out of the mouth of babes. ITA with Steph, it's important to know the correct names.

I practiced TK for about 30 minutes and then did the sunset session from Power Yoga for Happiness 2 Surfer's Edition. Oh, I so loved it!

Hi Everyone!
BBL :)

A friend in fitness,
Steph, Go knock off and play with your pup! I've had such a nice nap - 3 days in a row!! CS is not happening today - I'm needing the sleep more I guess.

Shirl, Nice you have a good attitude about being kept waiting - thanks our WO sounds nice.

Yes, they know the names! Mike gets mortified that they know how a baby is made, but I say it's better that they learn it all from me now rather than later from kids on the playground. Sure, they get a little silly about it sometimes but it is so darn cute.

Homemade french bread is baking right now and it smells soooooo good! I have had the best day at home today - no errands. Anywhere. Tonight we have bible study but that will be nice to get out to. No plans for tomorrow either! But I'm sure that will change....
LOL at Isabell!! What a cute thing to say! Collin often follows me into the bathroom and says, "mommy, does your pee come from your vagina or your butt?" Weird...

Today has been good, food was totally clean. I am probably going to go completely crazy next week and eat everything in sight!

Off to cook dinner, see you ladies later!
Katie, You deserve a cheat week!! Hope your dinner is good. LOL on Collin too! It probably IS kinda wierd for a boy to think about sitting down to pee. I wonder if its harder to potty-train boys or girls... My girls were so easy. Is Collin trained yet?

My day has been clean too! The only possible exception was the slice of homemade french bread at dinner! But it was so good and so worth it! Hey, the baby needs the carbs!
I am gonna cheat like hell next week!! I am taking my step, and I am also gonna Sex Max daily or multiple times a day!

Yes, Collin is potty trained, with a few accidents here and there. I have heard that boys are harder to train and/or start later than girls. He was almost 3 when he really started to "get it."

Pass the french bread my way!! And the butter!! I bet that stuff would go straight to my biceps (which is why I am eating so so so clean, to keep my big guns looking lean for my pics)!!

I am dreaming about all of the wonderful food I am going to eat next week. Wedding dinner at Barefoot Bernie's, breakfast at the Dunes, lunch at the Lone Cedar... I even did a store locator for the nearest Cold Stone -- my mommy gave me a $25 gift card at my shower this weekend!! Yipeee!!

Honestly, I am happier with my body when I weigh about 5 pounds more than I weigh now, but it's hard to see the scale go up, ya know? Next week I am going to throw all caution to the outer banks wind and just EAT EAT EAT!
HI ladies,

Kate I'm still laughing from Isabel's comment. Kids say the darnest thing.

Katie you pictures will be beautiful and all your hard work will have paid off.

Shirl your workout sounds relaxing. I wish I could get into yoga and stretching but I can't seem to turn my brain off.

Robin enjoy your half day of work.

Colleen I hope the weekend comes fast.

Steph I have some girlfriends who could also star in boozemax.:7
Hope your shoulder feels better.

My day was ok.
I did MuscleMax this morning
b-waffles and milk, coffee
s-cheese and crackers
l-salad w. steak, 1/2 bagel and strawberries(sm special dark bar)
s-luna bar
s- I was hungry all day and caved into a bag of rice cakes.
d-1 piece of french toast and bacon, coffee

Katie, All of your cheats sound wonderful!! I have a ColdStone giftcard too that I've had for almost a year. Resisting so far.... The daily SexMaxing sounds pretty great too!!

Jenn, OOh! I love MM! ANd breakfat for dinner too! The ultimate quickie meal!

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