~`~`~`clean eaters - tuesday ~`~`~`

angie's vacationing
katie, are you sleepng in or straight to your wo?

i'm drillmaxing tonight, maybe w/ laura.
clean eats on tap, just gotta figure out WHAT!:D
good morning! we survived first night out of our own beds - barely. i honestly think i slept for 90 minutes. but, i got up and ran a 10 miler, and came back to... silence! i cannot beleieve it! what a gift!

katie, good morning! where are you? great job on resisting the ic! we went out adn i had one.

hi kate! how was your run?

Good morning Clean girls :)

I'm still around--- things settling a bit here. I do miss my dog allot. Funny how you get so use to *things* and then when they are gone -- you miss it so. He was loved and gave us much love.....:):):)

I've been right on track with running---good thing cause everything else has not been on track LOL. But I'm back at it now. Did a 4 miler yesterday followed by GS tris and Bis---went heavier-- so I could feel the DOMS this morning :eek: I so need to find a new route----I have several but this one will need to be retired. I was almost road kill yesterday. Big old mack truck FLYING-- and I mean flying. I stood there -- then thought "Ok Kath way to go --standing there is gonna stop this speeding truck--do you think you are superwoman??" So I took that as a *SIGN* :) :) NO more highway running.

I don't know if I can check in daily-- and I feel badly if I can't keep up with personals. Just wouldn't be fair to you all.

I may be back ;)
Morning ladies! Laptop issues, thank goodness for the iPhone!

Kate, how was your run?
Nina, sorry about the lack of sleep.
Kath, yikes on the truck almost hitting you! There is crazy traffic all around my house which is why I almost always end up on th tm.

My wo was back, bis, and tris this morning, planning for lb floorwork and abs tonight.

I'll be back on lunch - hopefully the laptop will cooperate by then!

Got a solo run/walk in last night-Danica spent the night at her friend's house. Did 2.7 miles in 30 minutes:) Today is legs-Butts and Guts. Eats will be clean AND tidy-my weight is back up (must not be dying;)) I have 3 weeks to lose 3#. Nothing else planned for today except the usual cleaning, etc.

Kate, have fun with DrillMax!

Nina, are you in a hotel? Or camping at the house? Great job getting a run in during all the chaos!

Kath, you definitely need a new route! Mine are so boring-good thing I only run 5ks! Check in when you can-don't worry about personals if you don't have time. We won't kick you out;)

Katie, hope the computer gets fixed!

Morning to everyone else!
Morning ladies

Colleen now you got me interested in Insanity-max. The only reason why I did not buy it was because there wasn't any Dbs or BBs used. Now you came up with a good plan.

Nina I'm so excited for you. I hate to pack and move but once I get to the new place...it's great.

Kath-I understand b/c a dog is more than a pet it's your child. Sorry
GIRL:eek: no more highway running for sure. He did not see you and no he would not have stopped even if he did. I used to drive home for about 2 miles I had to drive with bug trucks on their way to Walmart and Targets and they really did not care.

Katie have a nice day.

Klaudia I'm with you "3weeks 3 pounds challenge"...oh boy that mean no treats.

I still have about 3 more hours of training but I think they are training me more than the others. It's like I'm taking a crash course in Marketing and Merchandising b/c I have to sit in front of a computer to do all of this training. In a way I like it b/c I've never worked in retail before so all of this stuff is new to me.:)

I think my work hours will be start at 8:00am, so I'm going to do my workouts early.
I changed my mind again. I'm going to finish out Chalean stuff and do the last rotation Lean Circuit and extra cardio.

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Hi Everyone!

Never made it back last night since I finished up my ironing when I got home from work. I am really pissed at my sinuses - they are bothering me and I am tired of it. I decided to stay home because I was really dizzy. I wonder if I have an ear infection. I have had ringing in my ears the past couple of days.

Despite not feeling 100%, I did insanity this morning. Today was plyo circuit which was tough. I had to take a few extra breaks. For those of you that don't know about Insanity, it a series of hiit workouts. There are about 8 cardio workouts and 2 stretching workouts. I am planning to do the rotation and add in weights. I hope I don't get bored but I think the intensity will make that hard.

Robin, it is nice that you start work early. I have never done Chalean but it looks interesting.
Nina, moving is really hard and stressful. Just do what you can now and in another week or so you will be back to normal.
Klaudia, sorry about the weight gain.
Katie, ^5 on resisting dessert.
Kath, don't worry about being consistent with check-ins. We won't kick you out.
Kate, drillmaxing sounds like fun! Enjoy!
Colleen you are not feeling well and you did Insanity !!!:eek:
Is it mostly high impact? Do they had modifiers?
productive morning! laundry:rolleyes:

nina, booo to no sleep. how you do those runs on so little sleep astounds me

kath, i vote new route too:eek:

great wo, katie!

klaudia, great wo's!

robin, good luck on the early wo's!

colleen, insanity is intriguing me!

back to my chores!
Morning! I did 4DS Kickbox in its entirety. I love that ab work, some of my favorite. Plus, it's short. :p

Kate: Laundry grows around here overnight! I am never done with it. :rolleyes: Enjoy DM tonight.

Colleen: Also impressed you did Insanity while not feeling great- be careful.

Robin: What time will be off work everyday? I do like morning workouts but after a while it catches up to me and I have to sleep in.

Nina: WTG on the run despite no sleep. Sometimes I think the wo can wake you up. Hang in there- this transition will be over soon and you'll have your space back.

Klaudia: Isn't it maddening how fast the #s come back on? It sucks. :mad: I am with you on 3 pounds in 3 weeks. We can do it!

Katie: Sorry about the laptop, hope you get it fixed. I get so upset when my computer isn't working.

Kath: Uh, yeah, new route is in order! I'm sorry about your dog, they are dear friends.

BBL. Gotta work!
Hello again! Laptop appears to be charged and ready to go!

Kladuia, nice wos yesterday and today. Have you decided on a plan for the next 3 weeks?
Robin, working in retail is a totally different beast - everyone should do it sometime. Good plan for early wos.
Colleen, you are INSANE (ahahahhahaha!) to be doing insanity while feeling ill! Take a nap today!
Patti, I love 4DS KBX too! Isn't it funny (and sad) how attached we are to our computers.

Work is going fine, I'm plugging along... But I am just soooooo ready for my weekend. I cannot wait for Friday!!

"See" you all after dinner!
katie, your firday will be thursday/!

patti, i have not done that wo in a while. will pull it out in fla.

kate, i can run tired, no problem - it is dealing with children when tired that is hard.

robin, would you like insanity, or too much impact?

colleen, how would you compare insanity to cathe?

klaud, it is probably just water weight!

hi kath - you are welcome here, personals or not!

well, avoided major cravings binge, but i did eat too many carrots, grapes, and nuts. better than sugar and processed i guess. and now i am really full, so rest of the day should be good. my mom is making me crazy. she cried all morning (since 4am) about my dad. i feel bad too, but i am not dwelling on what is, and what i have no control over. then she got mad at me for letting my kids be around someone with amaoral behavior. hey, it is not easy for me either, but i do not feel cutting him out of my life or pretending he is dead is okay either. so, things are tense, and i am stuck here. will read book during aidan's nap, and dh and finn will be here tonight! bbl
Patti, Your zuke brownies are in the oven. The batter was GOOOOOD eatin'!:D I used dark cocoa....mmmmmmm They are smelling so good!
4DS KB is my fave KB too!

Katie, I'm ready for the weekend too! I got spoiled having Mike around all day!

Nina, I think you're doing fantastic! HUgs to you! You'll be in FL soon enough...Hang in there! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger:confused::confused::confused:

Went to the PO and needed to go to the chiro. I decided we'd walk. :D An hour round trip. I had Julia in the front carrier so I had my 24# weight vest on.

Eats are clean. And I can't wait for DM tonight! Laura is coming over and we'll do it together. Fun!

IT'S birthday time in CLeanVille!!!!!

Nina, Did you get any good presents????\
How about you, Robin?
Hi ladies! This week is a full, full week for me so I will be sparse. I have back-to-school things to take care of since Friday is the first day back, work all week, football practice daily this week, and nephew is going back home Wed. I ate great over the weekend then bombed yesterday. I did do LIC on Sunday though. No wo yesterday, but planning on one of the 4DS wos tonight. Maybe HIS. Anyway, I don't have time for personals, but will be reading to see what's up with you ladies! Oh and Happy Blated Bday Morris! Heading out to work. Have a great day ladies!

Lean circuit done and it felt great to w/o.

Kate thanks:D but my b-day is not until Thursday and I'm 40 going on 40. Just kidding.I'll be 44 and proud of it.

Patti I should be home by 1:30 or 2 but when the kids go back to school I will have to pick up my son...then cook dinner so no w/o in afternoon.

Lisa no worries check in when you can.
hi lisa! wow, you have a full plate! i hope kids get back to it reasonably smoothly. keep up the good work, and we can get back on track each day.

robn, great wo. what is your goal as far as days a week to wo with your job?

kate, wow, that was a walk! have fun drill maxing. when does laura go back to school?

disappointing phone interview for new job - they need someone 9-7. um, no way! dh is gone so much, how could i do that?? back to the drawing board.... i did sneak in some abs and some nonweighted leg work. bbl
Lisa, I wa thinking about you earlier! No worry on no personals! Just let us know how you're doing htis week! ^5 on clean eats! The WO's are just a bonus - eating is the real battle!

Robin, You're a 44yo lean, mean, fighting machine!:D

Nina, Sorry about the job. Bummer.
WTG on the wo!
Laura is going to go to MSU - so live at home! Other sis Lib will start at teh community college will be at home too. yay!

Gina has a firend over and Isabel is sure she's being left out. Ugh. She's acutally leaving herself out......sigh

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