Circuit Max v. Cardio + Weights?


I've been agonizing over my decision about whether or not to buy the Intensity Series and I've decided that I'm definitely getting the pyramid DVD and the Bootcamp/Muscle Endurance DVD but I can't make up my mind about the IMax2/Cardio + Weights DVD. I already have Circuit Max. How does it differ from Cardio & Weights? Specifically I'm interested in how it works the core. I really need to tone up my abs. They're my major problem area these days.

I'm not a huge fan of Circuit Max because I can't go very heavy. I think of it primarily as a cardio workout. Could I lift heavier with Cardio + Weights?
RE: Circuit Max v. Cardio Weights?

Yes you can lift heavier with C&W. Cathe actually does like 3 different exercises for each upper body part during the circuits and she uses a lighter weight for the first set, then increases her weight for the 2nd and 3rd sets.

It differs from CircuitMax so much so that they do compliment each other, but in no way could be said to be "just alike." The only similarities are that they both are circuit style workouts. And Imax 2 is just an interval lovers dream! There aren't many interval workouts out there, and Imax and Imax 2 are just the cream of the crop!


Fitness~It's a journey, not a race!
You can definitely lift heavier with Cardio & Weights. After each cardio section, there is a compound exercise using lighter weights/faster reps and then an upper body only exercise using heavier weights/slower reps. There is a good ab/core section at the end of Cardio & Weights as well. Of course, you will be already be getting great ab/core work with the other DVDs you are getting.
Because of the slower/heavier reps in Cardio & Weights, I found that my heart rate really dropped and that made it harder for me to get back into the next cardio portion while Circuit Max kept my heartrate up at a more steady rate.
Hi, Jennifer Ann,

As the other posters said, you can definitely go heavier with Cardio and Weights. Cathe only does one set of compound exercises per section in this workout (sort of like a warmup set), then two sets of exercises per body part, using just the upper body. There is also a full (and hard) ab/core workout at the end instead of just a small amount of plank work. It is true that because the weight sections are longer, your heart rate does come down some during these sections. This doesn't bother me a lot, but I know other people feel differently about that. I think these cardio sections are more fun than those in Circuit Max -- they are longer and more like real mini step routines than just "circuits".

I was never a big fan of Circuit Max for the same reason -- I felt like it was mainly a cardio workout, and there were other cardio workouts I liked better. I like this one much more. It doesn't really replace a regular upper body strength workout, but I find it's enough to count as some "extra" strength work. Plus it has good music and it's just a lot of fun.

RE: Circuit Max v. Cardio Weights?

hello, i just thought i'd add my 2 cents because i own both videos. since everybody mentioned that you could lift heavier i thought i would mention how FUN the step sections are and the music is the best ever imo --- even a little elvis. i do prefer this over circuit max because the weight work is more substantial but mostly because the cardio portion is genuinely fun.
O no I LOVE circuit max! I love the variety. I think my favorite CTX is 10-10-10 and power circuit (again the variety).

I figured I was going to get pyramid - upper and lower body but that was all i needed of the new tapes. Now seeing this I have to get cardio and weights too!!!!!

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