Cinnamon for blood pressure


I have been taking a teaspoon of cinnamon each day and my blood pressure has dropped significantly. I am still a bit skeptical but it seems to be working. Has anyone else tried this?
I had heard that it's good for all kinds of stuff like blood sugar & cholesterol levels. I've been using it for a long time, about 3/4 tsp a day, mostly in cereal.
I've never heard anything about cinnamon having an effect on blood pressure, but preliminary studies suggest that it may help to lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar in Type II diabetes. There may be some anti-microbial properties as well.
I didn't know all this but it's good news, since I love cinnamon. I put it in my coffee grounds to flavor the coffee and I put it on my hot cereal or other places where I might be tempted to sweeten with sugar.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=teal]***Lainie***

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I've heard that cinnamon is great for you. I probably eat a good teaspoon per day! I didn't know it was good for blood pressure, but I know it's supposed to be good for blood sugar.
It's also good for inflammation (it's used in an anti-inflammatory joint mixture I take called "Mega-Flax joint").

And it's tasty, too!

I used to love cinnamon toast as a kid. My 'new and improved' version uses agave nectar (instead of butter/margarine and sugar) as a base to 'hold' the cinnamon on and for sweetener.

I've also make baked pears or apples, basically just sticking them in the oven and sprinkling cinnamon on them when they're done.
How long have you been using the cinnamon and how much did your pressure drop? I'm trying so hard not to have to take meds.Marnie
It started going down within a few days. I would always have days when the top figure was 130 or higher, now it has been hovering below 120. This morning it was 115/76, and it has been around that all week. If you try it please let me know if it worked as I would love confirmation from soembody else.
I'd like to hear more, too, and I find your report encouraging! I battle my blood pressure some, and I might give cinnamon a try. I wonder if there are supplements? I may take a look at my natural foods store later....


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