Chronicals of Narnia?


Have any of you read these books? I know the movie "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" is coming out in December. I loved the Harry Potter books and thought these looked interesting and a good break from the murder mysteries I usually read. The book at WalMart I just bought has all of the books in one. But, I've read that the publishers are releasing them in the order of events rather than the order that they were orginally released years ago. Is this important to read them in the original order? I haven't looked at the order in the book I just bought.

I read the whole book and I don't think it makes a difference. Mind you I read it a long time ago. I found it in storage a while ago and sent it to my 10 year old neice who loved it. I can't wait for the movie. It should have some neat special effects.
Oh I love these books! I read the whole series a few years ago - although I'm not sure if I read them in the correct order or not. Each book stands on its own pretty well. :)
I read the entire series when I was a kid and absolutely LOVED them! I would love to read them again (I, too, love to read Harry Potter as well).

I think you'll enjoy them (and it's a neat world C.S. Lewis created)!
I saw an old version of the movie. It was more like a theater play than a movie. It looks odd now, but still catched my interest, and must have been great in its time. My husband says he remember it from when he was little and he wants to see the new movie.
We are huge fans of the books, and basically anything CS Lewis has written. Everyone in our house is counting down until the movie comes out, you will love them! Just read and don't worry about order;-)
I am reading this right now. I have the all in one and so far, everything is happeneing in order. When i was little, my parents had the set that started with LTWTW and then had 4 or 5 others that came in a set to follow. The one i am reading now doesn't start with LTWTW but rather stories from when Digory was a book was purchase a few years ago, so i'm not sure if it's the newest version. i am enjoying it very much though.

The Chronicles of Narnia are about the only books by C. S. Lewis that I haven't read and I keep meaning to but I just haven't gotten around to it. His books on christianity are fantastic. Great reading whether you believe or not.

Thanks guys,

I just started the new Patricia Cornwell book "Predator" and when I finish that I'm going to start the chronicles.

>Have any of you read these books? I know the movie "The
>Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" is coming out in December.
>I loved the Harry Potter books and thought these looked
>interesting and a good break from the murder mysteries I
>usually read. The book at WalMart I just bought has all of
>the books in one. But, I've read that the publishers are
>releasing them in the order of events rather than the order
>that they were orginally released years ago. Is this
>important to read them in the original order? I haven't
>looked at the order in the book I just bought.

Kimbra -

My daughter and I are going through these together in a similar book (all in one and a bit more slowly than planned - you know how life and school intervenes) but if you start with the Magician's Nephew (Book 1 but written last by Mr. Lewis), it explains the origination of the wardrobe. The movie is about book 2, (The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe) and you can start there if you would prefer and read the Magician's Nephew later if you are intent upon reading Book 2 before the movie.

Hope that helps!

I read them to my daughters ages ago, and fell in love with them. Great read, and while things make a little more sense if you go in chronological order - it's not that big a deal. Definitely read them - they are great.
I read these wonderful stories aloud to my Kids years ago. We love these books! I was thrilled to see my 14 year old is now reading Narnia herself. C.S. Lewis was an amazing thinker, writer and human being, I have read some of his books numerous times and they continue to be thought provoking and fresh. We found a DVD of a BBC production of The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe a while back that was very well done. Can't wait to see the movies.

Take Care
I got the whole series as a gift when I was in grade school, and I still have them. I loved them all - and I think that I would feel that way no matter what order I read them in. I used to read them over and over, so it didn't really matter, I guess!


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