Christmas Rotation Check-in

RE: well........

Good Morning Ladies!

Last night was Body Max for me! Didn't get through it all, but finished the upper body workout. Maybe next time. Tonight I will be doing Rhythmic Step for the first time. Wish me luck!

:) Lily
RE: well........

I did 10-10-10 this morning. My triceps felt so weak for some reason. I can usually keep up with Cathe on triceps, but not today.:-(
Cottage cheese and an orange and skim milk for breakfast. Eating is my worst problem. I have got to keep with it. I can do it. I can do it. LOL!

I woke up feeling like $hit so I'm curled up watching The pirates of the caribeam with a box of tissues. My hubby said I had a fever last night, I was so knocked out with Nyquil I had no idea. Anyway today I'll rest and see if tommorrow I can do a workout. Marcia thanks for the laugh yup nothing worse than being sick and trying to attempt a workout half a$$... just made me feel worse physically.

Ladies enjoy your workouts today and I hope soon I can too :)
RE: Today.........

Shywolf, you are smart to rest and take it easy until it eases up. A week off won't hurt at all and fit people regain losses from two weeks or more very quickly. Not that you need to take several weeks off, just a few days to feel better. I hate it when I feel sick and my workouts are pure agony! Feel better soon!

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahandas K. Gandhi
RE: Today.........

I managed Power Hour last night. Actually, I was surprisingly energetic and the workout felt wonderful. I ate wonderfully yesterday, too, aside from a piece of cheesecake and a cookie :) But it was oh-so-good and not too much.

I won't get in a workout tonight. I get out of work about 7:30 and straight to a friend's house for homework. I would much rather work out :(

Have a great day!!!
RE: Today.........

Hi Ladies,
I didn't workout yet.So in other words.....I didn't workout to CTX in the A.M. I am feeling a little lazy to.I had my brother,mother,father,sister,daugther and hubby in my house last night.And you wouldn't beleive how many of us didn't get a good nights sleep.I saw the cock every hour!
I was hoping to go for a run when I got off but it is way to windy out.We are suppose to get some snow tomorrow.Could be stormy if the wind keeps up.I am not sure what workout I will do in place of the run.Nothing really compares to running unless you are doing Imax and I did that yesterday.
I posted a question on videofitness regarding anyone who had tried the One Body Part Per Day rotation.A lady replied and said that she got burn out from the cardio but noticed a difference in her lower abs and her upper body.VERY PROMISING! Just what I am looking for.She also used the CTX series and the Ps Series.
I don't think I will get burn out from the cardio b/c I haven't really increased it.It is pretty much the same as it was before.
Shywolf...I hope you are feeling better soon.
Everyone else...I think we can all eat better with help from each other.I think that is one area that everyone needs work on.
chat to you soon,...
RE: Today.........

I am okay now but my face hurts from laughing! I just did 10-10-10 and I had forgotten what a great workout it is! One more down! Yay! Hey, do any of you use the calendar at the top of the toolbar on this website? It looks like it might make a great workout log!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mohandas K. Gandhi
RE: Today.........

No wonder I woke up so often if thats what I was staring at! That is to funny! Its the hardest I have laughed all day!:) Not to get grapic but the funny thing hubby likes to sleep with boxers on and last night they were all down stairs b/c I did laundry(I do laundry quit often but he is running out of undies)SO he decided to sleep with nothing on.And then I goand post that...that makes it even funnier.
I am losing my mind here at work.I am so bored.I can't wait to get home.
It is still very windy out.I am sort of getting the urge to put up my christmas tree but I think it is still a little to early.
RE: Today.........

My husband was preparing to call the white coats to collect me. I was laughing so hard I couldn't talk! That's the best blooper I have ever seen on the forums!

I haven't even started to think about Christmas yet. I had better get on it! This year has flown by, hasn't it? I read somewhere that the reason it seems to move so quickly is that as we age, we produce less dopamine and that somehow affects our perception of time. I must not produce any these days!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi
RE: Today.........

That was a good one! This is shaping up to be a great day! I had an excellent workout, a hearty laugh and I am meeting my neice for a massage tonight! My husband is in charge of dinner too. Heaven!

Speaking of husbands, mine sleeps naked all the time and I really wish he'd quit. Aside from what one might see if one is awake all night, he has this Princess and the Pea thing going with the sheets. He's convinced they are loaded with sandy particles and he brushes them like a madman and we have to remove them and shake them out at least 3 times a week. I keep telling him there's a simple solution to his problem. Pajamas!
Bobbi Chicks rule!
RE: Today.........

I had to reread your post twice. LOL!!! I wasn't sure what you meant at first, but we're all hoping is was just a typo. Anyway, I had a lazy day today. Woke up early and sat around in my pj's drinking my coffee. I met my sis at the mall to do some shopping with intentions to work out when I get home. Guess what? I didn't!!
Tomorow is a new day!!
RE: Today.........

Hi everybody! SOunds like we are off to a good start! This AM I got up and did PUB. Tomorrow is Bodymax which always takes so long and is so hard! But...I lost three lbs in November doing what we followed. I am determined to stick with it for this month aswell! And...looks like next week I will be able to jump in to Cathe's Dec. rotation! The Dvd's will be on their way! Chat later...I am off to grad school! :)

RE: Today.........

Hello Ladies,
How did everyones evening go? I finally got off from work,made dinner,cleaned up and then I hit the weights.
I did PS Back with 35lb barbell,and 20lb dumbells.Then I did CTX Back with 25lb barbell, 20,15,&10lb dumbells,and 45lbs for deadlifts.The wind had died down by this time and I decided to take my cardio out doors.I ran for 45min.My back is pretty fatigued.That was ALOT of rowing and pulling.And to think..I don't even like working my back.I really think I am going to enjoy working this way.I did get a few responses from videofitness saying that they trained this way but found that they were tired alot.We will see how it goes:) Never know if I don't try ,right?
I was thinking that it would be nice to have some sort of challenge.I know it wouldn't be much insentive b/c there is nothing to win but it could be motivation for each other.
When I was running,I was thinking...what are my goals.Realisticly,I am at 131lbs, when I get up christmas morning,I would like to be 125lbs.And by New Years,when I have to dress up,124lbs.Does this seem possible.I think the first couple of lbs will come off easy b/c it is mostly water.
Anyway,I thought it would be great motivation to challenge ourselves or each other!:7
I should go to bed and hopefully I won't be staring at any CLOCKS!(or anything else for that matter)
RE: Today.........

Oh, Lori, everytime I thought about you and your clock, I giggled like a child!

Dropping six pounds before Chirstmas is tricky but it can be done but Two pounds per week is at the high end of safe weight loss but still well within the guidelines. Your exercise is in place, so that leaves your diet!
For every pound you want to drop, you have to get rid of 3500 calories which is about 500 per day. For two pounds in a week, it's 1000. Running 5 miles pretty much nails that first 500. Can you shave off 500 from your diet and still eat enough to be sure you are manitaining muscle mass? Here's a good calculater for helping you figure this out:

During the hoidays, when all the goodies are everywhere, I eat whatever I want but I eat it instead of my regular diet. The day after Thanksgivining, I skipped my usual whole grain cereal and yogurt and had pumkin pie. I had it for lunch too and then my usual dinner. I rarely gain weight at this time because while I might not eat as nutritiously as usual, I keep the caloric intake in balance. I figure a month of trading off my mostly lean protein, unrefined grain diet, which is pretty nutrient dense, isn't going to kill me and I can always pop a multi-vitamin to boost nutrients that aren't in sugar cookies! Fruits and vegetables, I eat as usual if I am not too lazy to prep them! When the holidays are over I am eager to get back to a clean diet and haven't packed on any pounds in spite of Christmas parties and cookies and candy and all the yummy stuff that is the hallmark of the Season to be jolly! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Bobbi Chicks rule!
RE: Today.........

Hello gals,
Bobbi- I think I would even be happy with 4lbs.Just to feel comfy in my clothes again.It will be harder considering that we have a christmas party every saturday night from now till christmas.I am not a big drinker so I can probably watch that.I think the less you drink...the less you will eat!
I can probably shave off 500cals from eating, b/c I pick alot and I think thats where my problem lies.You can eat alot of food just by picking and maybe on the way..(to losing a couple of pounds) I will pick up some new habits.I was thinking about following the ww plan and get about 18-23 points.I know I can do it if I really watch myself.
The funny thing is, I lose weight during christmas anyway.I am a hairdresser also. I don't know if it is the fact that I am on my feet alot longer during christmas or that I am constintly moving.OR it could be that I am eating more(as weird as that seems)Like I read in BFL one time"theres nothing worst then losing weight and not knowing how you did it".:eek: True statement.
I had a good nights sleep! I didn't see any clocks until 7:00.I got up at 7:30.}(
Today is biceps and kickboxing....i can feel the pain already.I find that kickboxing really works the biceps anyway,then I am going to lift besides.I am going to try and find what BB series as some great ab work in it.I think it may be Legs and Glutes or Push and of them as some great ab work that I love.
I think we should probably start a new thread .This one is getting pretty long and it is only wed.
Not to worry, I will keep you posted.Its not even really the scale moving b/c I am lifting heavy weights so it may not move that much but I can tell by my clothes.
How is everyone else do'in?
RE: Today.........

Hi everyone,

Got in Leaner Legs this morning. So far so good on this rotation from July. Tomorrow is MIC so I will most likely do the Hi/Lo in the morning and tackle the Step in the evening. Then again maybe I will switch it up and do the Step part in the morning. Anyone else do that, do the step of MIC first?

Friday is Muscle endurance then Saturday is a 40 min walk/run which I have a Treadmoves tape that I plan on doing.

Hope everyone is having a great day. Eating has been pretty good this week. Just a couple snacks of chocolate. I have been craving nuts/raisin/m&m mixture lately. I know if I took out the m&m's it would be much healthier. I usually buy it premade since I don't have the stuff at the house.


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