

Although I am not really sure what the title means (LOL) I thought it sounded good!!

How's everyone doing? It's been a beautiful weekend here. I really need to get into some outdoor activities. Just what??? DH doesn't do anything and I really don't have anyone interested in ACTIVITY- ya know???

Oh well, I am doing B&G leg blast premix and some pullups later today. Will report back later gaters!!

OK, I am just replying to myself LOL!!!! Come on where are ya'll???

I did my pullups 5 sets of 2. Funny how I was doing singles for so long and boom I am doing sets of 2 with more ease. Actually, on the first set I almost did 3. Somewhere between 2 1/2 and 2 3/4s. So I must be getting stronger!!! I've been trying to do pullups one day/week and chinup 1 day/week. Also doing some DB rows on upper body day.

I hope you all are doing ok.

Soooooooooooooosan, how is your injury? Still babying it I hope.
Briee, you maniac come on and report on your numbers girl!!
Joanne, I know you are working hard to. Stop by and tell us how's ya doing!!!

Hi Catherine-

We were gone for the weekend in Hayward WI. I did a lot of bike riding, hubby did a lot of fishing. I also went for a run and even did a little mountain bike riding which was very hard and new to me. I only have one friend that likes to do outdoor activites and I don't get to see her very often. My hubby does once in a while - I wish he would do more with me. So, I usually go by myself-I'm use to it now. You are doing great at your chinups and pullups. I need to work on those today-today is upper body.

OK, Joanne I need a report from someone else doing chins or attempts. I am starting to feel lonely LOL!! Did ya do any with upper body today?? Dead hangs, negatives, anything.

Today was upper body for me -details:
Bench 60# 1 set of 7 (DH was not here to help) 55# 2 sets of 9
Pec Flies 15# 1 set of 8 17.5# 2 sets of 8 (my chest was really feeling it today!!)
Millitary Press 50# 4 sets of 6 (no change)
DB Rows 40# 3 sets of 8 (was 4 sets of 6) (that 40# DB felt lighter today LOL- NOT LIGHT but lighter )
Rear Flies 15# 3 sets of 8
Skull Crushers 15# 4 sets of 6 (I think that's the same)
Concentration Curls 22.5 1 set of 7 and 3 sets of 6 (don't remember what I did last time?)

I seem to be making slow progress with most moves and my upper body is really starting to show some definition. I will take a 1-2 week break from the heavy lifting in a couple of weeks and do circuits or lighter wt workouts and then go back and see what happens.

OK now if I could be so persistent with my lower body workouts

BTW, I have DOMS from B&Gs yesterday and I only did the standing leg work. WTH!! I have been doing this workout once a week and I still get DOMS x( Well I did push myself yesterday.

I'm here, I'm here!!!

Catherine, you are doing so awesome!!! And I think the title is great!!

Soosan...I meant to say on the last thread that I wish I could say that I've been faithfully working out for the past 20 years!! That is amazing - way more amazing than chins!!!! I'm having trouble holding at 5 years - I've had WAY too many days off!! You continue to inspire me to be more diligent with my workouts!!

Okay, I did pulls and chins two days ago and did one set of 10 pullups and one set of 10 chins. That was it didn't try anymore. My son was standing behind me making sure I went down and he was counting....thus, I pushed harder. Had I been alone in my workout room...I would probably have done 5 tops. I hung on the bar between 6-7 and then continued. If I hang too long, I loose strength. If you have someone yelling at you to do ONE CAN do it. I've found this to be true in Taekwondo as well when we do pushups - amazing what you ARE capable of when under pressure!!

Waves to all. We've had beautiful weather as well, but I've been too busy to enjoy it much!!

The non-chinner is here and back working out injury-free! I babied it for a few days, then did PUB yesterday and it feels absolutely fine. I'm doing PLB today.

Catherine, you are doing SO great with your workouts and your consistent checking in with us. It's always fun to read what you have to say even if I don't get a chance to respond. I'll become more consistent once the Ball is over June 16th. It's a pirate theme and is going to be so cool!

Joanne, I used to mountain bike when I lived in a mountainous area of NJ 20 years ago. It's hard to do it around here so I pretty much stick to videos for exercise. Your weekend sounds fabulous!

Briee, you've always got something nice and encouraging to say. You may not be as consistent with your workouts as you would like to be, but from what I've learned about you through your posts, it really seems as though your body doesn't need that kind of consistency and that it thrives on a feast or famine-type approach. It just seems to work for you and your lifestyle and that's the main thing.
Briee, awesome work!! I am impressed 10pulls and 10 chins. I know I have to get over this mental thing!! Can I borrow your son to count for me ;)

Sooooooooooooosan, glad to hear your injury is healing and you are able to workout!! The Ball sounds great and a pirate theme. Hmmmmmmm wonder if that has anything to do with a up coming movie,....

I did Body Max 2 upper yesterday. I was going to do the premix where you do it twice but I didn't have time. I did a few dead hangs-tried to pull up. Everytime I try I always think how strong Catherine and Briee are!!!!!

Sooosan-Glad you are all healed. Maybe, you can start working on those "fun" chins with me-do a few dead hangs?

Cardio today-I love cardio. Haven't decided yet what I will do. I should of rode my bike to work today but I was moving too slow this morning.

Joanne, I've been attempting chins here and there just for fun after a work out and hear ya on how strong Briee and Catherine are! The highest I've ever pulled myself up from a dead hang is a bit more than half way (*sigh*).

I did PLB standing only yesterday and will do some kind of cardio today with my friend. Maybe KM, where I do the warm-up, blast and then she joins me for kicking and punching. Works for us!:)
Sooooooooooooosan, I think you should make your friend do the blasts }( }( LOL!! Where do you all do your workouts?? At the Y?? How are the plans going for the Ball?

Today I did S&H legs and chins. Guess what? I did 2 sets of 5!!! That's the first time I've been able to do 2 sets of 5. Actually, I've been only able to do a set of 5 every 2 weeks. So it's been one week since my last set of 5. I told myself just do 5 and I did. Second set I said to myself you just did 5 and it wasn't so hard and I did!!! Sorry to ramble but I'm excited.:D :D :D Then I did 2 sets of 4. Leg wise I upped my wts to 50# on squats and did one set of lunges at 40 (increase from 35) and second set I upped it to 45. I really get nauseated with leg workouts. I don't know why??? I eat a protein bar about an hour before and had some applesauce just before. Oh I did take a little longer rest than Cathe- but I did match her wts except on that first set of lunges (when she does 50#)

Briee, did you see my post last week about Tony doing a P90X Masters :eek: :eek:

Joanne, can you believe only a little over 2 months till the road trip?? I really need to get myself in gear and be ready LOL!!

Catherine-yes, the road trip will be here before ya know it! I can't wait. Great job on those chins and increasing your weights on the legs.

Today, I started to do Cardio Kicks, lasted about 15 minutes. Decided to ride my bike instead to meet my friend (Julie) for lunch. She is going on the road trip too so it was fun to talk about it. Just got done with some ab work. I love working my abs.

>Oh I did take a little longer rest than Cathe- but I did match her wts except on that first set of lunges (when she does 50#)

I'm trying to think when Cathe ever has used a #50 pound bar - does she??? Which workout? I have not done a heavy leg workout in some time now, but when I do, I like the cage for safety sake. Got to do S&H legs again!!!! You are doing so well Catherine.

AND MAJOR ^^^^5'S^^^^ON YOUR AWESOME CHIN'S. Just fantastic. It is very much a mental game ehhhh?

You guys are going to have so much fun on the RT. I'm a tad jealous. How is Julie doing Joanne??? I miss her posts!!

Catherine...I had NOT heard that they are doing a master's P90X - IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!! Can I preorder???????:7 :7 :7 :7

Sooooooooooooosan, Is the ball here already? - my how the year has flown!! Keep us posted. It's becoming kind of an annual event here on the chinnin thread now. I feel like we're going through it with ya:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 .

One more thing to report. One of the girls that works out in our ladies group is planning on running a marathon in 3 months. She has just begun to date a guy who has completed two in the last 3 months and he is trying to train her. I will truly be amazed if she completes it and incredibly proud of her. I haven't worked them THAT hard!!!}( }( }( }( }( - it must be true love that is motivating her:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 . (or maybe its blind infatuation?? :p :p :p :p I don't think there's a man on earth that could get ME to run 26 miles;-) )

I just came up from the basement and did BM2 w/u, combo 1&2, all power circuits with leg work, and then S&H legs and YES you are absolutely right. She uses a #50 bar. It just goes to show how long it's been since I've popped THAT in!x( x( x( x( I should be FEELING IT tomorrow!!
I have not been motivated to get out her S&H series for a while, but now I realize how much I miss that workout.

My legs were already sore from yesterday - we did PH with the ladies group and I really pushed. This has to be one of Cathe's toughest all body workouts - at least for me. A DARN lot of squats!! About 1/2 way through the lunges I yelled "Cathe-I hate you". But I didn't mean it:p :p :p :p .

Catherine...meant to tell you...I LOVE your chinnin guy. He's darlin!!

Oh...also did 7 chins and one wide pull up. That's it. Just tired and nobody to push me.


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