
Catherine-I think I like working my abs because it makes my back feel good. I don't look like I work abs often because there is a lot of flab over them (too much mindless eating :eek: )

Briee-Julie is doing really good. I forgot to ask her yesterday why she doesn't post anymore. I know she is a lurker though.

Sooooosan-Maybe you could post a picture or two of the ball again this year - maybe the front of you this time too :) It sounds like a fun event.

Joanne...Please tell Julie hi!! I miss our ectopost of years ago!! She was such a blast.

Soosan...I think you should post pictures too!!! I think you should do crane in the middle of the dance floor and your dress should be orange :p :p :p :p :p :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 .

Waves to Melody if your out there girl!! Come back!!!!

>Believe you me, I've yelled some not so nice things at Cathe before

Actually....I've yelled even MORE not nice things at AJ, who takes Cathe and positively demonizes her workouts!!!

Briee (waves to AJ as well - who probably NEVER reads the chinners site because she would put us all to shame :p )
Hey ya'll, it's little ole me again!!

I did upper body tonight. I only increased the wt on bench press(DH spotting me) and I did 65# 2 sets of 8 and 1 set of 7. Just couldn't get it up on that last rep :( DB row 40# 3 sets of 8 Millitary press 50# 4 sets of 6, skull crushers 15# 4 sets of 6, concentration curls 22.5 # 4 sets of 6 and pec flies 17.5# 3 sets of 8. I think I will stick with these wts for a few more times and then try to up where I can.

I want to be all buff for Cathe in Aug :D :D :D

Where oh where are my chinning buddies??? Hopefully having a good weekend. Today is my upper body day. I made several improvements- mostly increasing the number of reps per set. Will increase the wt on bench next time.
Bench 65# 3x8 (last week it was 2x8 and 1x7)
DB row 40# 3x8 same
MP 50# 1x8,1x7 and 1x6 (last time could only do reps of 6)
Skull crushers 17.5 2x2 15# 3x8
Conc Curls 22.5# 1x7 and 3x6
Pec Flies 18.75# 1x8 and 17.5# 2x8
Rear Flies 17.5 1x8 and 18.75 2x8

I had a duh moment when doing skull crushers. I thought I'd been doing 17.5 pounds and wondered why I couldn't do more than 2 reps. Then I looked back and saw that I had been doing 15# and laughed. I had to count those 2 sets of 2 reps at the higher wt though ;)

Waves to Catherine!!!! Yes we are having a fun weekend. We had big party at our home yesterday - mega fun, especially for the kids. No workout though;( . But, alas...somethings are worth it:) .

I love to read about your progression Catherine - you are doing so awesome. One of the moms that was over yesterday is asking me to put together a workout program for her. I gave her Cathe's beginner DVD, body sculpt, and her beginner step DVD. (I think it's called basic step).

I hear the rototiller running and I'd better get out to the garden and help!! Have a great memorial day chinners!!!!

I've spent the last 30 minutes trying to create a picturetrial. I CAN'T DO IT. I can't get the pictures from the corel photo album to the uploaded picture place. I'm going to have to wait for kids to get home to show me how and they are all gone today! Arghhhhhhhh.

Catherine-I, too, love reading about your progress.

Briee-Can't wait to see your pictures!

Sooooosan-hope you had a great weekend!

Today, I did part of PUB and went for a bike ride. Worked on the chins and I always say to myself as I'm trying to pull up "how do those gals pull themselves up???"


I did BM2 cardio today. Didn't want to when I got home, but did it anyway and got a headache. Maybe my body was trying to tell me something.

Joanne, I just know one day you'll be chinning!!

Sending a shout out to Sooooooooooooosan!! Hope you are surviving all the ball prep stuff :p

Hey ladies!! Man, I had a busy day at work. I was exhausted after work and tried to talk my self out of working out x( I figured out how the rest of the week would play out and decided it was too early to sneak in a rest day. So it was S&H legs and chinups for me. I matched Cathe on all wt and did a little heavier with calf raises. Well, no I didn't do 50# lunges. But I did 2 sets at 45 and she does one at 50 and one at 40 so that evens out in my mind :p I did chinups 5,4,5,4,&3.

OK, I want to know why Cathe and crew look so good when doing this workout?? I am really sweating, red faced huffing and puffing like a cardio workout and taking extra breaks. I look like I am dying and they are all like smiling and I want to PUKE!!! OK rant over LOL!!

What's everyone else doing????

I do not know WHEN you will see pictures. I can't figure the trail out!!!

On a good note...I'm going down to do PH.

Catherine...Awesome job on chins!!! And S&H too!! Rant all you want!
If it makes you feel better...I'm not smiling during those either - especially those low end lunges.

Briee-try really hard to get the picturetail figured out. I should do that too. Hey-when you have it figured out then you can explain it to me :eek:

Catherine-great job on your workouts. I haven't done S & H legs in a long time. I guess that is my least favorite leg workout. In fact, I rarely do the S & H series but if I do do the upper body I always go a little faster. It is just too slow for me. I'm sure I would get great results if I did do it as is but ......

Sooosan-what's up? How are the ball plans coming along?

Today, I will either ride my bike or go for a run when I get home. And, abs.

Joanne...when I get it figured out, you will be the first to know - or I should say the first to have it explained to.

Soosan, I need your help, and I know you are busy. You have been working out for 20 years (absolutely phenomenal). Did you ever have a time when you were just plain burned out - just didn't have the motivation to get up and do a workout.

I AM HAVING SUCH A DOWN TIME AND IT'S LASTED FOR MONTHS NOW. I was SO good at getting up every morning. For about 3 years of it, I got up usually at 4 in the morning. I was just so into working out. Then it was more like 5 am. Then, after that triathlon last year, I don't know...I'm having to push myself to do anything. Once in a while I'm getting in a good workout, but I did much better when I did it EVERYDAY at 4 or 5 in the morning. I'd rest on Sunday. In fact...for 1 1/2 years in the beginning...I did PH alternated with the same cardio DVD every day! boring is that???? Yet I always did it!!! Then I added more and more Cathe DVD's and then P90X,'d think ALL THAT variety would keep me going!!!!


(how's that for a rant!).

Briee (very ticked off at myself)
I guess I should add...I just got up from doing HSC beginning through first cardio (couldn't focus), switched to BM2 up through combo 2, took that out and put in PH and turned it off and quit. NO MOTIVATION.

Worst of chins.

Briee (Oh...I did bike our ridge with dh this morning - so I did do something other than all of cathe's cardio warm upsx( x( x( x( x( )

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