Chin-Up Check-In Wed 6.14

Soosan...the answer is...."I don't do it all!!!":7 :7 :7 Many things are undone. And working out has been the pits these last 4 days AGAIN! Crazy week!!

Joanne...I'll look for the PM!! We can BOTH bring donuts - can come too!!!

Last night was crazy. I just couldn't sleep. Had to be up at 6:30 so I'm tired today!! Heading into mom's addition to paint next and decorator comes tonight to figure out what color carpet and siding shingles - I hate decorating. My dh was going to fix the drywall in my workout room and I stopped him...."It has the character of an old gymn...looks incredibly tough. I just couldn't stomach a "posh" workout room - I'd fall asleep!!". So he's moved onto to 200 other things that need to be done. ;) ;) ;) ;)

You guys are so much fun!! You keep me up at night!!:7 :7

Melody...I just read your post regarding children and responded. You are the MOST special person!! We are blessed to have you on the chinup site.

>>Joanne...I'll look for the PM!! We can BOTH bring donuts - can come too!!!

I would love too come too!!!

Seriously we should plan a chinster get together. But where would we have it???? I live in Kentucky. I know Mel lives in Georgia, I think Sooooooooooooosan lives in Virginia? Briee and Joannne Wisconsin or somewher near that. And HB lives in Ohio? So where could we all meet??? What do ya'll think?

Hi - the GTG should be centrally located. First we gather at a Dick's Sporting Goods and I'll watch everyone do chinups and then y'all can laugh at me trying to do them. Next we move to Dunkin Donuts, then to Krispy Kreme, then to whatever other bakeries we can find. That's the preliminary plan.:+

Well I did PUB w/core and KPC and my 4 sets of negatives holding at top and slow 10 ct down. I worked on pushups too. I'm worn out now.

The negatives are feeling easy now, but I only budge a microscopic portion of an inch when trying to pull up from a dead hang.

Sooosan(was it you who asked?), my high BP is a genetic gift. Until meds it was 190/90-something and I never realized it. Then when I began the meds and it was lowered to where it never went higher than 117/60 and usually lower than that, I realized I was no longer having headaches that I previously had. Yesterday at the Dr it was 137/80 on my meds. So Dr upped the dosage a little. With my family history he says the lower the better for me and he wants it waaaaaay down. My cholesterol is excellent and HDL's continue to climb, but I have to stay on medication or the numbers aren't good. My body loves to manufacture cholesterol, another genetic gift, it's not due to diet or lifestyle.

Sorry for all the info ladies, blame Sooosan, she asked. I think it was Sooosan, if not, blame whoever asked.:+
Don't apologize Mel, we're all interested in what's going on with ya. Sometimes our genes are great and other times they suck x(

Chinups at Dick's will be a must for the GTG :+ :+ :+ It would be wonderful to meet you ladies!!!

Yesterday, I did 4 'sets' (can we call them that? I supposed so, if Cathe calls "reps" "sets") of 1 3/4 or 1 1/2 reps (the 3/4 toward the beginning, 1/2 at the end).

It only took me 2 weeks of effort to get my first rep, but the second one is taking a lot longer (almost a month, so far).
Melody....go ahead and blame genetics. I blame my mental state on genetics all the time. I was adopted so my children all claim that I'm an alien. The other day we had one of those mysterious circles in our field and they claimed it was a message from my family. Hmmmmmm ;) ;) ;) they're probably right.

Now You must overcome genetics to do chins. I will try to overcome by remembering names of my children :7 :7 I'm not sure which is more difficult.

We need t-shirts!

Which of our chinsters has artistic ability?

We could have t-shirts made at (whoever submits the design could just set it up so there is no mark-up, so wouldn't have to deal with taxes, etc.). I've bought some things from them before, and they are good quality shirts. They make the items as they are ordered, and the designer doesn't have to put any money into it.

I'm imagining a drawing of a woman with her chin over the bar, with an appropriately catchy caption (or maybe our "team" logo/name;-) which is what? ).
RE: We need t-shirts!

Kathryn - I like the tshirt idea. Wish my oldest artist DS was closer and not supposedly so busy. Anyone going to do this for us?

Briee - I'm just happy to remember my name on a daily basis.

Catherine - Briee said I COULD blame genetics.:p But I still have to work on them.

Sooosan, Joanne, Janie - are you ok? Or are you hanging by your chins somewhere?

Amy - why aren't you chinning and checking in?:p

Gotta go work on father's day stuff. See ya later.
RE: We need t-shirts!

The Tshirt is a fun idea.

I go through "waves" of being artistic. I don't think I'm in THAT wave right now...but if it comes again, I'll ride it on over to the Tshirt site.

I just fauxed 22 foot walls with ragging/accents and veining. The opposite wall with deep sage green with gold rubbed over the whole thing to catch the light. I'm maxed out on my artistic levels for a few weeks, but maybe they'll return when I'm less exhausted :7 :7 .

I hate painting. I hate fauxing. Who even came up with the word Faux - it's a stupid word.'re the french teacher. Is that your fault? }( }( :p :p

Briee (Oh my..just reread my post...better adjust my attitude's almost time for church!!)
RE: We need t-shirts!

>Who even came up with the
>word Faux - it's a stupid word.'re the french
>teacher. Is that your fault? }( }( :p :p

"Faux" is perfectly respectable and useful French French! It's the crazy Americans ("ils sont fous, ces Américains!) who made up ucky-derivitives like "fauxing"! (Beurk!)

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