Chin-Up Check-In Wed 6.14

Oh Joanne, I almost forgot....amazing that we lived so close. I am old are you?

I went to Hersey High School and had MANY friends at Des Plaines HS. Dated someone through highschool from DesPlaines, you've got to PM me to see if we know anyone in common. I went to several DesPlaines HS Proms, homecomings etc. VERY interesting!!

Small world:7 :7 Briee
This is how exciting my life is. Spent the day having a 6 month checkup, yeah doc makes me come that often. Ate out, wrestled the boys and DH in the car to and from Atlanta... and doc wants to know why blood pressure is up despite meds? I think he needs a degree in common sense or motherhood. Told him I haven't had red meat in a year, chicken 1xweek, salmon 2-3xwk and all the fresh fruits, veggies and whole grains one can imagine. Well, I did have bday cake Friday, but that can't be the culprit. AND I do not salt my food AND do not eat prepackaged, processed crap. I loved my grandmother dearly, but I am her (and her blood pressure and cholesterol) reincarnate. Exercise 6 days per week -hard- and 7 if you count yoga on off-day. I'm doing yoga 3-4x per week (where's the stress relief?). Now I still have to up my BP med!?? I'm not happy at this moment.

Doc says good news, "you aren't going to die any time soon". I love him.

And to top it off I'm here at 12:50AM looking at a picture of Sooosan's sexy back. Now I'm waiting for the front.:) Think I'll post of pic of by "rear" after completing the rock hard bottoms rotation.

Hey Catherine ^5 woman on that 4th. You are awesome - I can see you doing chins in Hawaii now. Me, I'm still hanging around.:p

Briee- OMG I so hope all of your children are ok. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} sweetie. You really are an amazing woman.

Hi to everyone else, you are super women, and please keep pushing me - I feel a bit, let's say, discouraged regarding chinups...and a few other things.x( :p :7
So here I am again...hours later (you guys aren't checking the board tonight are you?) and I was laying in bed thinking $145,000 dollars Soosan raised.....THAT is incredible. Pictured with the Mayor, in an evening gown no less, (again...beautiful back exposure), almost on the front page of the paper. So I ask are granting us time here on the board to speak with us (okay some of us you don't speak to, but at least on occasion). I am just blown away to KNOW you. :7 :7 :7 :7 Really Seriously, you are an amazing person - congratulations on your successful ball - I am SO proud of you.

Briee (I must confess though...I would NOT go to Delaware if it didn't have a pullup bar - but have a VERY fun trip anyway. AND.....please when you see the Mayor next time, ask him to consider requiring pullup bars to be installed in ALL public places - if he does I'll move to your state;) ;) )
I'm just poking my head in here for a minute to congratulate Sooooooooooooosan on her beautiful backside...oh yeah...and her fund-raising abilities as well!! That really is quite an accomplishment and I know how hard it is. I used to do a lot of work on a fund-raiser for a scholarship foundation and there was simply no rest for the weary. Well done!!
Melody....hey you, you just slipped in ahead of my last post. We must quit meeting at all hours of the night like this. ;) .

Have I told you that I just love your posts. They make me laugh. You are doing ALL the right things and the chin up is least important of them all. Keep doing negatives and you will develop that strength, it's a slow climb. And frankly I, personally, don't care if you EVER do a chin...I love your posts and your constant encouragement to us all. AND I'm sure you have an incredible butt developing as we speak....can't wait for pictures :7 . I've told more people of your burial wishes, but they usually can't understand me as I'm laughing too much and they just think I'm weird :7 :7 (the thinking I'm weird part is quite a normal response for me).

My own view (unsolicited opinion) is that your doctor is telling you that your BP and cholesterol are high because he likes to see your butt at least every 6 months, kind of like the Mayor attends YMCA functions because he likes to see Soosan's Back. Just humor him and play along with it
:7 .

Briee needs to go BACK to bed and quit contemplating life.

Hi Briee!!

Melody, I just replied to you in the <--- thread:7

I just love it when we communivcate in several threads at once.

Briee, whatever happened with that little class you were going to do with Basic Step and Body Fusion? Did it go well? Did the women like the work out?

I haven't seen many donuts around here lately. You gals going in for the clean eating now?

:7 :7
Hey Michele's here too. Waves to Michele. We must have a party, us three. Wish I had conference call option on my computer...we could link up and discuss the meaning of life and chinups in general and rock bottom rotations and why we hate cardio, etc.....

Night, night girls and sweet dreams.

Michelle, my class ended for the year with the TaeKwonDo girls, but we are picking it up on Fridays and I am still in the process of ordering the beginner Cathe DVD's. Yes I want to use them as we have about 3 new ladies joining, but I will let you know how it goes when we do our first attempt. We are using the church to do class and I have been very good about not stealing any more donuts from the church fridge:9 :9 .

Didn't you see the beautiful donut that X posted??? AND Melody...I posted a quick note in the clean eating thread to you a while back - you may have missed it as you probably don't check this thread for the same reasons I never do - but did this once.:p :p . I must stress, that's the ONLY time you will find me in the clean eating thread:p :p .

It's NOT's 12:30 in my part of the country - it's early here :7 :7 :7

You're up way too late Melody!

I'm done now!

Briee, may I suggest the Official Cathe Beginners Rotation? It uses the 2 aforementioned DVD's plus Low Impact Step and Total Body Stretching. It's a 3 month rotation that Cathe posted awhile back and it's really good.

G'night now!
Yep, Michele, Sooosan with the sexy back is aspeakin' to you.

ETA: I hear my wonderful DH calling me...why, I don't know.

ETA again: Briee how do you keep up with 6 kids, mom, workouts, life, etc. and never sleep? Love ya. Good night.
You ladies crack me up :+

Melody, sorry to hear about your woes w/ b/p and cholesterol. I agree with Briee, your doc just wants to see your rock bottom every 6 months :7 :7 :7

Briee, sounds like you have your hands full and you still stay up late!!

Michelle, come on girl join us you know you want to!!!

Today is a rest day for me- yippeee!! Although I might do some yoga.

Have a great day!!

Whoa! All this nighttime activitiy! I've gotta stop going to bed so early. What fun reading this morning!

First things first: Catherine, WOO HOO!!! You made it to the next level ALREADY. Your hard work and successes are so motivating. Watch out, Briee and HB, she's catching up!

Joanne, how neat that you and Briee might get together. Who's bringing the donuts?

Kathryn, LOL about the "mysterious no-front woman" comment. What are you up to this summer? Are you teaching at all?

X, you're doing an amazing job! You must feel great!:)

Briee, {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}} to you and your pox-ridden young'n's. What a week! Have you found the right drink for your poor mom yet? And, the picture is of the GOVERNOR, not some measly mayor.:p And yes, we did have a long discussion about a state-wide chin-up initiative. I suggested there be a bar on every street corner in the state (chin-up bar, that is). He was very intrigued and said he'd start working on it right away. Since the ball took place at the Y, he then walked over to the weight room and cranked out 826, my old record.:p Thanks for the congratulations on our fund-raising efforts. I live in a unique community that has a lot of wealthy retirees as well as a lot of families living below the poverty level. (I'm one of the few middle class people.) That a Y of this size even exists in our small area is because of the tremendous community support given by so many of these wealthy people. They are so generous and willing to help those less fortunate, it's truly amazing. And, of course, the success of the Ball was due to the work of MANY people, not just moi. The dress I wore was borrowed from a friend; I'm not buying a new gown every year! I also want to know how you do it all on no sleep????

Melody, how long have you had HBP and how high is it if you don't mind my asking? My parents both have it and I think I might be heading that way too. I did this fitness assessment at the Y several months ago and was surprised to see my BP was borderline high when it has always been very low. It's something I need to start keeping my eye on. Like you, I can't imagine lifestyle is a factor.

Michelle, hey! How are things? How fortunate for you that we're still on speaking terms, because, as you can see from the above, I'm not speaking to most of the others in this check-in.:p Hope you decide to stick around!:)
>Kathryn, LOL about the "mysterious no-front woman" comment.
>What are you up to this summer? Are you teaching at all?

I am a woman of leisure!

Actually, I was going to teach, but only 3 people signed up--not many takers for beginning French in the summer, but we keep trying!--then it dropped to 2 a few weeks later (I didn't even get them in class, and I skeered them away!).

I'm enjoying the free time, and the ability to make my own schedule, though I have a whole list of things to do (major house cleaning, like making up for spring cleaning from 2000 to the present, LOL!; doing lots of reading on raw foods, acid-alkaline balance, juicing, doing some experimenting and trying to get proficient in some raw food recipes so I can prep them quickly once school starts; major rearranging of my kitchen: getting rid of my microwave, adding a dehydrator, a juicer, cleaning out cupboards--I have stuff tat expired last century!; doing major prep work on a conference workshop I've giving in the fall--I haven't started that yet, so that will be my big project for July, along with cleaning my office---yuk!; a book review that's due July 1, which is my big project for June, should be easier than it is, but I'm dawdliing...); I'm also spending more time at the shelter with the cats, trying to go in 3 days a week...and of course, working on chins!

How's your summer going?
Oh my you gals have been busy this a.m. already.

Briee-I'm 47 (so you're just a baby compared to me). I am going to send you a pm. It is a small world!


Edited for typo's

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