::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7.8

RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7...

Hey Jackie! ****Nice race today!****

Carole- potato chips and Pepsi? I can not imagine you eating that any time!

Hi Cheetahs-

My plan was to golf 18 holes today and yesterday. But I just came home because there is thunder and lightning out there!

Enjoy your Sunday ladies :)

Judy "Likes2bfit"


If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7...

Hey All!

Popping in quickly to say hi! I actually ran yesterday. 4.5 miles to iTread 6 (did the first part twice - liked the run 6 minutes, walk one - especially as I hadn't run for 4 months!) I enjoyed it. Today is a Spinervals - Have Mercy 9.0. I'll do as much as I can - my legs are a bit sore as I've been really working them.

Jackie - WAY TO GO ON THE RACE!!!!!

Missing y'all, but y'all are so chatty I cannot keep up! :p I'm actually happy to see this check-in that busy, but it makes it interesting to keep up.

Off to ride... But, I thought I'd share this photo of Jimmy. He's such a bloody ham and LOVES posing for the camera. I think he's saying in this photo, "Yeah, I know i'm gorgeous..."

RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7...

>>>Wendy- i am pretty sure you would be able to. not sure if you have to become a member of AFAA. however i get so much info coming to me now, i know there are other insurance agencies that offer the same thing. the next time i get something i will pm you the info!<<<

So Sunny...you are now certified through AFAA? Which of your many certs is through them? I wonder if the org I am certifying through offers insurance. I guess I can always ask....Have you gotten the results from your latest cert exams? You've been certifying for so much that I am sooo confused! LOL Please run 'em down for us so we can keep up! ;)

Jackie: Congrats on your new PR! AWESOME time girl! Woo hoo! You are da bomb!}( I'm doing a 5 mile race on saturday...can't wait!:)
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7...

Cathy...geeze...sorry I missed the previous post! Blonde moment. I think $219 is a lot better than the price on the thread I posted. i think Jackie got her 305 thru Amazon? Also you could try a Pricegrabber.com search. Yep still hot here...but I got some painting done early, so that is great!

Judy...The Pepsi and Potato chips was my hangover cure...luckily I rarely get hangovers now, but if I did I'd probably have a beer!...:)..Sorry about the thunder and lightening ruining your golf game..:(

Christine...good job on the itread run yesterday. Okay...now I am adding Jimmy's pic's to my wallpaper program. He is just way too cute to resist!

Did some painting on the edges of the ceiling....glad to get that done, now I get to relax...:)
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7...

*waves to Judy* Sorry your golf game was interrupted by the weather. I instantly had visions of Caddyshack.:p

Christine :: 4.5 miles after a 4-month hiatus is none-too-shabby...yes, we have been chatty (myself especially)...yes, I do think that caption fits Jimmy's latest photo quite well...he makes me want to own a dog!

Carole :: oh don't apologize! ~ I just didn't want to be a pain asking you to rehash the info as I know you're busy with the painting project. Amazon is where I saw it for $219...Checked pricegrabber and am seeing it for as low as $211 with shipping but am always a little leery of unknown companies...This is definitely not an upgrade I planned to make at this point in time, but I'll think about it...It sure would be nice to have the GPS and HRM all in one...My hangover cure used to be (and still is, on rare occasions) the good ol' Quarter Pounder meal. Gotta have the grease. *lol*

~Cathy http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons7/4.gif

"Man who runs behind car gets exhausted. Man who runs in front of car gets tired." -Source unknown
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7...

jackie- way to go!! i just knew you would do an awesome job. how long have you been running?

carole- it's been so hot here also. i don't complain because i hate winter so much. most likely i will try KBX sometime this week;)

wendy- i have the primary group exercise cert from AFAA. my other certs are personal trainer, turbokick, x-bike spin and metabolic effect. there is a big fitness expo in september in raleigh, nc. kimberly spreen , rob glick and gay casper are some of the hosts/instructors!! so i've decided to attend and take the yoga and pilates certifications. also as an employee of the ymca i can take the certifications they offer for free.
forgot to add earlier i am also getting certified in pre/post natal exercise/training thru AFAA. the funny thing is when i started i just wanted to train and now that i am teaching classes i am loving that also. i get bored easily so i like being able to do alot of different things.

cathy- do i ever miss my other job? not in the least. i absolutely love doing what i am doing now. i truly believe it's what i was meant to do. i couldn't imagine going back into an office job where i had to sit all day long. one of my clients just quit her job as a dental hygenist and she said i was part of her inspiration because i am also so happy when i am working!!!

Judy- hi!!!

christine- glad you popped in! great pic of sweet jimmy...;o)
we just came back from eating dinner at chilli's and i am feeling mighty bloated:7 :p
RE: ::: CHEETAHS ::: where the streets have no name - 7...

Sunny: Man, girl! You go with your bad self! I am barely getting my PT cert and you've gone and certified for the all kinds of things already and have more coming up! I don't know how you do it all but I think you are AWESOME! You have obviously found your niche' in life and I think it's great! :)

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