Hey, everyone!
Sorry to cause any unnecessary alarm! (And thank you for thinking of me.) Everything’s fine – I just had a hectic morning. Managed to quickly page through yesterday’s posts but did not have time to post.
Last night, I did not manage to get Plyo in. My best friend (the one things have been kinda weird with lately) threw out a spontaneous invite for dinner, and I thought some hangin’ out/catching up time was a good idea. So, it was straight from school to the dermatologist to the Bonefish Grill, and when I got home, I dove right into essay grading. Anyhow, I’m happy to say I think things are back to normal. It was worth missing a workout for!
I’m even happier to say that the grading is FINALLY DONE!!! I feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted. It was really down to the WIRE because the scores were due to my supervisor today, and I was actually grading the last few this morning. Whew!! Now I’m not going to assign anything else for at least a month. *lol*
More good news :: my Fluidity bar was waiting for me when I got home today!! YIPPEE!!! So after I sort out my lesson plans for tomorrow (I’m being observed), I will give Plyo a go and then try out the new equipment. Can’t wait!! Enough blathering about myself…time for personals!!!
Kristi :: sorry your little guy is giving you some lip lately. Fantastic that he is so eager to learn. I’m always amazed by how much they need to know for kindergarten nowadays. Hope you enjoyed today’s run…Maybe a split workout would be a good idea with your schedule. Do you have the GS series?
Judy :: ha! Working out in the AM! That’s a good one.
I have to go check out that Chi Running book on Amazon…What field are you considering pursuing for grad school?
Laura :: good luck on selling your home! I hope everything falls into place for you quickly.
Gayle :: sheesh, are you trying to give Shelly a run for her money??? Great (and intense) workout!…So glad Mike is safe!! I can’t imagine the kind of worry you must feel on a regular basis. Woohoo on the weighted gloves! Where did you find them? I ask because none of the sporting goods stores around here carry them.
Linda :: KPC is a goodie…I might do that instead of Kenpo later in the week. Thanks for the info on the Fluidity workouts. I guess I will start with the beginner DVD tonight.
Carole :: I really enjoy watching the snow fall, too. The flakes that were coming down on Sunday were the biggest, fattest flakes I think I’ve ever seen. I grabbed a Corona Light and took a walk in the woods to enjoy it. It’s just too bad it didn’t stick. Thanks for posting the pics!
Christine :: DH sure is doing a lot of globetrottin’ lately…is it all work-related?
Sunny :: congrats on the commission!! You *know* you’re doing well when you’ve got people signing up *on the spot*!! That is AWESOME!!!
Wendy :: yep, I’d say the nap would win out for me, too…Thanks for the kind words re: my career switch…I just wanted to get across that I truly do understand your anxiety and the hopes you have riding on it. It is such a scary prospect any time you enter a brand-new field, I think. But I have to say again that you (like Sunny) really seem made for training!!
Marcia :: I think your food intake looks a little low, too, for the intensity of your workouts…but I think keeping track is key. Also, careful portioning. I know some of the folks here use (and highly recommend) sparkpeople.com. I am partial to fitday.com. For $20, I downloaded the FitDay PC program and have found that to be invaluable for crunching the numbers for me. Maybe take a look at those two programs and see if one appeals to you.
Mattea :: When I run on the TM, I usually do have the TV and iPod going at once. Love when I can catch
Seinfeld reruns – that keeps me distracted! Great job staying on there for 5 miles!
Karen :: don’t know if you’ll be checking in, but sorry to hear about your dad!
Hi Shelly, Susan, & Jess!
OK, off to get my lesson plan in order!
Those who indulge...bulge!