CHEETAHS Wednesday 2/28


Okay Cathy...I waited for you to start this but it's almost 6:30 and you haven't! What's going on here!?!? :7

I have Stretch X and a step class on tap for today. I was going to nix the stretch this week but realized I have time for it today so I will do it. :)

I'll be back!
Okay Cathy...Joke's over! You can come out of hiding now!!!!:p

Gosh...I hope you are seriously okay!!!! This is very strange!

Where's everyone else, btw??? I'm lonely!:-(
Good morning Wendy! Where is everyone this morning? My morning started off rough. I had to put DS in time-out at daycare. Lately he has been trying to see where the boundaries are. He has been back talking so badly, but I have to put a stop to it before it gets out of control. It made me feel good that a teacher I know and respect told me I'm a good mom for the way I corrected Xander.

Anyway, today is a 3.5 mile run. It is going to be 55 degrees here and sunny, but after Sunday's run I think I am going to keep this one on the treadmill. What a shame to waste a beautiful day like that. Oh well.

I'll be back later to check up on all of the cheetahs!
HI Wendy (and all who follow)! I have NEVER been the second one to log in! I'm a West Coast Cheetah!! Hope Cathy is okay!! I'm worried, too!

I'm doing an upperbody workout as well as an iCycle at home this morning. Might take Judy's SS/PP UpperBody Blast and split it over two days and do legs tomorrow. We'll see.

I'll be back to say hi to everyone. Another busy day, but I need breaks...
Hi Wendy and all who visit later!

Cathy - we missed you this morning; I hope you are healthy and just working out early in stead of posting.

OK- I've got a tight schedule this morning. The coffee is done and it is time to hit the EXT and abs and off to bible study and errands.

I have been reading that Chi Running book every spare minute. One thing I am learning is that stretching is more necessary than we think! Massive stretching helped me turn around PF, and now I am hoping the same will occur for my hip. But those are (necessary) bandaids compared to learning how to run safely in the first place.

Hopefully I'll be back later for personals :) smiles to all our Cheetahs!
Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.earnng is t
Wendy - enjoy your stretch and step class. I like Stretch X - except for the endless neck rolls. Did the gym forgive you for missing a class one week in the snow?

Kristi - enjoy your run! Sorry DS is challenging lately. How old is he now? Great job at correcting him with skill and patience. I'm impressed.

Judy - your Chi Running book sounds very interesting! Have a great, busy day!
Good morning!
I just got back from morning bootcamp class which I havent taught in 3 weeks. It actually felt good to do it in the morning again. We will see how many sign up this time to see if I will continue to teach it. I have good news, we got approved to buy the house and have our current house as well. Of course we dont want both but its nice to know that we can bid on the new house while still having ours. We dont want both payments but we went ahead and got approved. Hopefully ours will sell fast when we do put it up. If they dont accept our bid we might just build a home. anyway, off to get ready for work. talk with you all later!
Good morning, ladies. I'm here. I usually post earlier as well, but this morning my friend needed to drop her kids off here for me to take them to the busstop so she could get to an early meeting. ANYWHO....

I was up early. I did my second iTread workout that I got yesterday. This time it was iTread set 8. 60 mintues, logged over 6 miles. This was a great workout! Then I added on Stretch Max for some good deep stretching! Last night, I was able to squeeze in a second workout, so I chose to do LIC upper body sculpt. Then I added in some upper body work of my own just for fun! lol

Today's plan. Quiet. Heading out in a minute for one quick errand. Then some quiet time at home before DS gets out of Kdg. Then cleaning. Friends/neighbors over for dinner (making a roasted chicken and eggplant parm, YUMMY).

Wendy-enjoy Stretch X. Tony really does a great job in that one, working from top to bottom with all those stretches. ENJOY the step too!

Hey Christine. iCycle. I’m now officially addicted to the iTrain workouts! I may never run outdoors again! LOL Enjoy the workout and your hectic day!

Judy-I’m very curious about the Chi running book. I’ll have to see if my library can get it for me. I’m all for proper technique, and I agree with the stretching. I think that in itself can avoid certain injuries!

Kristi-Xander. What a wonderful name! Do you pronounce it like the X is a Z? Have fun with your run….indoor or out!

Laura-that’s fantastic about the new house. How close is it to where you are now? Building a house….hmmmm….did it once. It was fun and I learned a lot, but there are things I’d change. CONGRATS!

Yeah, where is Cathy???

Gayle - iTread 6 and 10 60 minutes are outdoor running challenges - and both are fun (6 is tougher though). So, you needn't give up outdoor running... I love the iTrains, but I'm also looking forward to increasing my Spinervals collection...

Laura - glad you enjoyed your bootcamp class! How exciting that you can afford another house while you have your old one! When are you putting yours on the market?
Cathy – Where are you? She probably overslept this morning and is now at school teaching, at least I hope that is what happened. It feels a little off that she is not here to start our day, no offense Wendy .

Christine – My DS is 4 1/2, soon to be 5 in June. I received a call yesterday from his school about finishing his registration for Kindergarten by April 15th. He is growing up so fast. I thought he might be a little nervous about going to Kindergarten, but instead he wants to learn everything he can to be ready for school. Every night when we do flashcards for shapes, colors, letters and their sounds. After we are done, he asks if he can go to Kindergarten now. He is so enthusiastic.

Judy – Chi Running sounds very interesting. Do you recommend it for all runners? If so then I might check it out.

Laura – Congrats on getting approved for both houses. I hope you will sell your other house quickly. With us going into spring soon the market will hopefully pick up.

Gayle – You are one busy cheetah before I probably even get out of bed. Great workouts! My DS’s real name is Alexander, but we didn’t want to shorten it to Alex. I much prefer Xander anyway. We pronounce it with a Z. Have a quiet and restful rest of the day.

I’ll try to BBL. Waves to all cheetahs!
Hmm...Cathy....where are you??? Hope all is well! We miss you!

Wendy - Hi there!! Have fun with the step and stretch x! I think we are all slowly coming out of hiding this morning....but where is Cathy?

GAyle - I tried to download the 60 minute marathon training iTread...and I am not sure what I did wrong, but it says it has 2 phases...and I downloaded them both...but the 1st phase only plays for 12 seconds. I downloaded it several times and could not get it to do anything different?? I think the second phase is all there, though. Have you experienced this? Wonder if it was because it was the free download? When I have more time, I am going to purchase a few of them. I am really going to like them! Good job on your run! (and squeezing in a 2nd workout yesterday!)

Laura - Good luck on the house! That is great! Glad you enjoyed your bootcamp class!

Christine - Enjoy your spinning workout and PP/SS! You must REALLY be up early!

Judy - YOu are a busy bee, already, too! Enjoy Bible Study and your EXT workout!

Kristi - Another beautiful day here, too! Enjoy your TM run! It is best to get back into running outside a little slowly, I think! At least I have found it to be true for me!

This morning I pulled out KP&C and did GS's C&T. I had not done KP&C for a long time! I really enjoyed it. The first year it came out, I did it around 3 times a week. I just love it!

Hi to everyone!

Good morning cheetahs

Wendy....I see you had your wheaties this morning!!...:)...sure, I think Scrambled eggs is a good leg circuit for your Tues workout! Thanks, we have about 3.25 acres. It always looks so nice with snow...:)...enjoy your stretch.

Judy...I sure have realized the importance of stretching. Enjoy your EXT and ab workout. Do you go to a Bible Study weekly?

Kristi...sounds like nice weather. Have a good 3.5 miler on the treadmill.

Laura...that is great you got approved already! I wish you luck in selling yours and finding something new.

Gayle..those iTrains can be quite addicting can't they...good job...:)

Karen..somehow I missed your post yesterday. I am so sorry about your Dad's fall and the cracked ribs. How painful...I can understand how tough it is to see his patience go. I will keep him and your whole family in my thoughts and prayers and hope for a speedy recovery...

Linda...yes, the premixes on the latest DVD's are really awesome. Scrambled eggs was really fun. The iTread one you tried to download has 2 approximately 30 min phases. I can copy my own CD and mail it to you. KPC is for sure a favorite of mine. days are important as I should realize. Sounds like you had a good day yesterday. Have fun with that killer upper body workout.

Okay...I figured Cathy would be here after I slowly typed this up...I do hope things are okay with her...

Well, no more snow. It really was fun watching it come down yesterday while I cleaned house. I was glad I didn't have to go out in it! We don't ever get much snow so yesterday was a treat.

I'm planning on doing an iClimb on my EXT, some kickbox and abs.

Have a great day...:)
Carole - Thank you so much! I would really appreciate it! I can send you a blank CD and self addressed envelope! That would be great! I think I still have the Christmas Card address list. Your backyard snow pictures were pretty! Enjoy your EXT and kickbox!

Linda, I have blank CD's so no problem! I have the list too and I will do my best to get it in the mail today...:)...
Back for a minute. I’ve got a pot of smoked sausage soup on the stove simmering. Smells yummy!

I got a scare for the year earlier this morning! Front cover of today’s paper was a huge house fire last night, in Mike’s township (my fiance is their assistant fire chief)!!!! A man died. Fortunately, I was able to reach Mike on my first try and he was actually the fireman who discovered the body of the resident. He said it was horrific and now he’s knee-deep in the investigations and reports.

Christine-you wouldn’t be enabling me, would you? Now I’ve got to add those iTrains to my wish list! LOL

Linda-I haven’t had any problem downloading either of my workouts, including my free one. Try downloading it again! There are a lot of FAQs on their website, maybe you’ll find the answer to your question there?? Keep us posted! But it sounds like Carole has you covered.

Hi, Carole! Enjoy iClimb! Seems to be a theme all of sudden, hugh? LOL

Off to stir my soup!

ETA: OH! And while I was out, I found a pair of weighted gloves!! YIPPEEE!

I'm back! Ended up doing CC Choose Living. Meant to do only the first 1/2 hour or so but got so caught up in it (it's so inspirational!) that I finished it. I'll take the Body Sculpt class at the gym this afternoonl. Figure that would be a good way to mix things up for me!

I had heard about the VF trade thing - but never really did anything about it. Well, I decided I wanted to increase my Spinervals collection and they are expensive! So I posted on the VF trades, and have two Spinervals coming for videos I didn't want any longer. I'm so excited! I'm having such a great time rediscovering my bike! It's supposed to be nice this weekend - I'm thinking of taking DH's bike (mine's been doctored for the trainer) and going for a nice ride. DH will be in India.

Carole - yeah rest days are so important. I rode today like I haven't in a while and I know it's because I rested yesterday. I kept thinking I needed to tighen my trainer until I realized my HR was up there - so the legs must be getting stronger! YEAH!!

Linda - I'm an early bird. I get up at 4:30AM on the weekdays. I love my morning workouts.

Must run! I'm worried about Cathy, though. Hope all is well for her!!

*Skids out of post to make smoothie*
G'morning, almost afternoon!! Sorry I've been a scarce Cheetah, but it's a been a busy week!! My Dad found us the *perfect* truck for Greg, so I've had to call the dealer, financing, insurance, etc. Greg is so excited. We're giving my Dad our old car (it's a hunk o junk but he can fix it up). Always something going on!

And Kiersten's other tube came out!! I'm so glad, this will save us a trip to the specialist!! She said her ear was hurting last night so I put in her drops (the expensive $105 bottle that my Dr. gave us a sample of) & this morning at breakfast I noticed she had some drainage coming out of her ear. So I was cleaning it out & there was her little green tube!! (she had them put in at 11 mos for all of the ear infections) Anyway, I'm so glad that it's out!! But, then I had to give her a bath to clean up her ear, so I drove her to school since she missed the bus. Then Allison & I went to run errands, washed & vaccumed the filthy van, and made it home to make phone calls again!

I'm going to do KM this afternoon. I ended up running 3.5 miles (and walking .25 to cool down), then 20 min swim y'day. Then in the afternoon I did GS legs (standing only), then CoreMax #1. Whew!

OK, Allison wants to do a tea party so I'm off. Busy busy! ;-)
Hello ladies,

Another busy, yet fun day for me. I scored a new client today. she came in and i showed her a few pieces of the equipment. she signed with me on the spot. if a trainer signs someone up you get commission. whoohoooooooo!!

today's workout will be KPC in a few, short mins.

cathy- where are you girl???

christine- what type of bike do you have? i just bought some spinervals and want to get a bike (and a trainer) so i can ride inside and out.

glad to see everyone is having a great day!

have a great day all (sorry no personals today)!!
Sunny - I swear by my Treks (between DH and I we have 4 Treks and they are all wonderful bikes) and a bike that Lance Armstrong rides can't be too bad. :p Are you looking for a road, mountain or hybrid bike? I also have the CycleOps trainer which I've had for over 10 years - I bought it in Albuquerque when I was a single mom with DD and could not always ride outside. It's held up beautifully (evne through all the moves, DH's storing it outside in the rain...) So I highly recommend it. Funny - the first time I ever heard of an interval workout (heck - I just rode - what was this interval stuff!) was with the video that came with my CycleOps - and the guy leading the workout was Coach Troy. I got my first Spinervals workout and though - "Jeez, that guy looks familar" - of course in the original video Coach Troy had waist length hair pulled back in a pony tail. He's cleaned up his image a bit.

Jess - glad the tube popped out! Nice to save a trip to the doc's isn't it? Nice to see you running again!

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