::::: CHEETAHS ::::: Wed., 3/14


Mornin', cheetahs :)

Not sure what my workout will be today...I have some type of cardio + Fluidity on my calendar, but I will be getting lots of cardio on the slopes this weekend, so I'm not sure I want to stick with that. Any suggestions? It's supposed to be my recovery week. I've already done YogaX (70 min.) and yesterday was Core Syn. TIA for any ideas!

OK, off to catch up with personals...gotta make it quick.

-Cathy :)
Sunny :: GS legs is a good one. I did like Core Syn. Different was a good way to describe it.

Marcia :: When I start Phase 2, I am going into Doubles…maybe that would work for your training also.

Laura :: can you switch days with your brother?

Shelly :: I liked Core Syn…it went by quickly, I thought…the Dreya roll, as I mentioned last night, was just ridiculous. I envisioned myself being carted off in the ambulance on that one. Did not even attempt it. *lol* Hope you enjoyed your workout, whatever it wound up to be.

Judy :: sorry to hear about the stray terrorizing your home and leaving behind such lovely gifts. *ahem* Mouse guts?? I think it’s time for that little guy to hit the bricks. *lol* What’ll you do with him when you catch him? Hope your hip is better today.

Carole :: So far, I don’t feel sore…but I do like a lot of the moves in Core Syn…thanks for the heads up on CST. I will probably feel the same bc I really like S&A. I’m glad the massage helped in the end. Sometimes it is painful during.

Jackie :: I agree – I do feel like Tony is my PT! I like him. And I just love how everybody seems like regular folks working out – no coordinated outfits!!…Thanks re: my friend… No, I don’t think we’re growing apart exactly…she is in a new relationship…and it happens to be with another friend in our close-knit group…so it’s changed the dynamics of things somewhat. They’re kind of in the head-up-the-you-know-what mode…Sorry you woke up a little late. I am struggling to wake up every morning now.

Wendy :: that *is* strange what you are seeing with those numbers, but I agree – if you’re happy with what you’re seeing, that matters more. Maybe there was an error with the BF readout?…Congrats on getting Barry’s! Can’t you work it into your X rotation? I don’t see why not!

Linda :: birthday girl ::: hope you’re feeling better after a day’s rest…cake is an excellent cure for many ailments…I hope you indulged! ;-) The move you described must be the Dreya roll…I did not even try it…maybe I will at some point, but my back is too tender right now to risk it…maybe you can add in a day of floorwork and see if that helps? I was doing more k’boxing and legwork before P90 and I think I was seeing a difference in my legs from it. There could be something to your theory…

Susan :: my back is definitely not back to normal, but it’s getting more manageable, I think. The sciatic pain was temporary, thank God! I am not really an Idol fan, but I have been watching this season here and there.

Christine :: cracked up about the Dreya rolls! Your workouts on the bike sound awesome and TOUGH!!! BTW, I loved reading the other thread about your trip to “Wales.” ;-) My parents both have German accents, so I grew up with all sorts of interesting pronunciations. :) They also interchange Vs and Ws. Glad you’re a good kind of busy right now!

Hi Gayle, Kristi, and Thomasina!

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Good Morning Cheetah Girls!:)

I have B&G in some form on tap for today. I may also be heading to the gym tonight for a step class.

Cathy: Kenpo is in all of the recovery weeks of the X. It's sedated cardio. You could give that a whirl today if ya want. I wouldn't do any weight training. You'll be glad you got the break from it in a few weeks, trust me! }( It'll be interesting to see what my final results are when the X is complete...wether this little BF/BMI mystery will straighten itself out or not...I guess I'll find out! LOL
So it'll be too taxing on my brain to work BBC into the X (LOL)so I will either take a week off from the X to try BBC or I will just wait until the X is over. I already have a BBC rotation ready to go for when the X is done!}(

I have to work this morning. FUN! LOL

I'll be back later!:)
Good morning ladies. QUICK QUICK QUICK post for me again.

This morning was a 6 mile run followed by the up premix of PUB. 70 degree weather expected today, so DS and I are planning another long journey onn our bikes this afternoon! YEAH!

BBL sometime, promise!


p.s. not as much DOMS as expected from yesterday's GS Legs!
Happy Wednesday Cheetahs-

With the mild weather, it feels like spring is near. Yesterday I managed to get in MM UB & abs then tennis, then a 4.5 mile outside walk. I used a mix from djsteveboy to maintain a cadence of 175 strides per minute. My average HR was 163 ( higher than it was for Low Max) The workout was helpful to forget about the awful morning.

Carole- Your massage was helpful? great news. I have the Target foam roller too. I haven't been doing it every day, just every other. I think I need to do it every day though.

Cathy- yuck on the back! I hope it is OK with skiing this weekend. Will this be your last skiing of the season? MY two kids at home are done. But DS in Boston may try to get to Vermont once more.

Linda- Happy Birthday + one day!! Are you feeling more rested after staying home?

Susan- We have been watching Idol for the first time this season, but we seem to mis Tuesday nights. WE will probably watch it tonight. I better do the foam roller if I turn on that TV!

Wendy- have you preview the BBC yet? It is peaking my interest.

Christine- How was that dinner that DH made???

Hi to everyone else. Oh today is either EXT or a walk again. It is still warm here so going outside might be a good option before the next cold front arrives.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning all! Finishing up a work stretch here and now I have a day off:7 Unfortunately, I have to attend an all day inservice on Thursdayx( ... I hate sitting in a classroom all day! (I'm just too fidgety) Today will be a 6 mile interval run:7 after I wake from my nap. Later on I'll tackle an iCycle. A little catch up from yesterday....

Judy- What a frustrating day for you!!! I hope today goes better!

Christine- I was tired just reading your description of the "uphill grind" Are you planning any mountain bike races?

Carole- I'm glad your massage therapist "hit the right spot" for you! I'll be curious to hear what you think of the foam roller.
I felt a difference right away with it. When are you going to try a run again?

Jackie- So now on to a new workout series? You sure must have one incredible library of workouts!!

Wendy- Congratulations on the weight loss and decrease in measurements! I would take that BF% reading with a huge grain of salt! They can be notoriously inaccurate. If you can hold off on trying out Barry's workouts you're a better woman than I am! When I get a new workout I HAVE to do it right away.... no willpower whatsoever! I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of this series myself.

Linda- Glad you took your B-day off yesterday! The GS is a great series.... I think the best of her strength workouts. I think you may have something there about not working the abductors/adductors lately. Alot of traditional strength workouts neglect these areas.

Kristi- I think it's a good idea to look into orthotics. You'll want to correct this problem before you start seriously increasing your mileage.

Susan- Okay.... I admit it.... I've never seen American Idol, or 24,
or Lost, or Dancing with the Stars, or any other popular show I've heard mentioned:eek: I am so out of it! Will today be a cardio day for you? Any DOMS from PUB? That one will usually give me those!

Thomasina- Nice to hear from ya! Sorry you're still waiting on that TM partx( I'd say BM2 is definitely a good equivalent for a 6 mile run!

Cathy- Sounds like a perfect day for some light fun cardio!!! The
core syn move that really gets to me is the chataranga(sp?) runs.
I attempt a couple and then collapse and say to Tony... "you have got to be kidding!"

Okay, enough babble, time to earn my money some here. I hope to be
able to check back in later today.

Good morning Cheetahs!

DH left last night to go on his trip. So far it has not phased the kids yet, except DS crawled into bed with me last night. We don't let him sleep with us as a general rule because it is a hard habit to break, but between him and dog both waking me up twice last night (at different times) I decided I did not want to get up again to tuck him back into bed.

Anyway, today is a strength training. I'm not sure which one yet or if I will be doing a mish mosh from different DVDs. I really want to start P90X again (thanks Wendy! LOL) but maybe I should start this after my HM instead. Has anyone trained for a race and did P90X? I would love to lose about 15 pounds before race day, but that is because the following weekend I will be having a girl's weekend in NC and we plan to go to the beach one day. I don't want to look like a beached whale.

I'll try to BBL for personals! Waves to all cheetahs!
G'morning Cheetahs!! I had such a busy day y'day, I hardly sat down all day!! I did get in a great workout while Allison was at school. The weather was sooo awesome, I pulled out my bike & did my first Brick workout! (13 mile bike, .7 mile run) I mainly just wanted to test out my legs on a short run after biking. They felt like lead!! BUT, a little bad news. My achilles tendon (my *bad* left one that I've dealt w/ the last couple yrs) started to hurt & by last night I was really feeling it. I iced it last night. I hope it's just a twinge & nothing serious. UGH!!!!!!!

Allison & I ran some errands and I got my tooth fixed!!! Now my teeth are matching & look nice again. ;-) Then I took Kiersten shopping last night & got her some new tennis shoes, her feet are growing again. She's so excited about her birthday today. I picked her out a cute pink shirt & new pair of jeans & left them out for her to wear to school today. She'll open the rest of her gifts tonight (not much since she already opened her AG doll!) & has picked to go out for Chinese buffet for her bday dinner. And I am taking Subway to school for them to eat lunch (luckily they eat the same lunch period). And we baked cupcakes for her class. So she will have a special day!

OK, off to make pancakes for the princess. I plan on doing GS BSB & some core work later!
Quick check in for me.

I woke up this morning not feeling well, so I just laid on the couch trying to wake up. I'm suppose to teach a toning class tonight, but I think I'm going to switch it up to a circuit training instead. I think I need to get a GOOD workout in that will get me back on track. This past weekend was probably a good rest but I'm having trouble getting my motivation back to get back in the swing of it. The pain in my side is gone, so it must've been some kind of muscle pull.

Life is extremely crazy for me and my family right now and work isn't helping so I need to get those workouts in to burn the stress off. I know that will get me back on track for sure. Eating is still pretty good, surprisingly enough, so the scale is staying the same.

Thanks for listeing, I'm hoping to get back for personnals soon.

Cathy....for some reason I feel like a complete spaz doing the Dreya roll...How about kickboxing today?? Yes, I feel the massage helped alot and when I used the foam roller yesterday WOW...it really gets in there.

Judy...sounds like your workout was good yesterday after the cat issue. Yes, I think the massage really helped. I am going to try my best to use the foam roller everyday.

Kristi..I have trained for a half while doing P90X, but I have alot of time most mornings. How long will your DH be gone?

Jess...I hope your achilles was just a tweak. I have dealt with that one a few times. Sounds like a busy day for you...

Marcia...sorry you aren't feeling well. Stress is no fun, but exercise does seem to help IMO.

Linda...I love the foam roller. I just went thru the DVD and wow, I already feel less sore. I am going to try my best to use this daily. I reflect also on some of the things that used to work for me. Yep, when I was younger and did not get injured nearly as easy...:)

Laura...good news about the soil sample!! Have you tried your foam roller yet?

Sunny...Isn't GS Legs fun!!

Wendy...Awesome you got BBC so quick. I had mine sent to work as there has been some trouble with people getting into mailboxes here. Maybe it'll be there today! Have fun with B&G...maybe the leg blast premix?

Gayle...good job on the 6 miles. Enjoy PUB.

Shelly...class all day tomorrow?...I hope it goes quick for you. Have a fun interval run and iCycle. Have you checked out any of the iStretches? They look interesting...:)..I did use the foam roller yesterday, and yes even though some areas were sore I felt it really does the job getting out the kinks. I will try a short run tomorrow.

I am planning on using the foam roller before my workout. I am feeling alot less sore today. I am doing GS Shoulders, bi's abd tri's, and then a 45 min program on my EXT (the 45 min ones are tough!).

Have a great day...:)
Good morning all,

today's workout will be GS BS&B plus 3 mile run on TM.

carole- yes it is. i have some slight DOMS from yesterday. I was so excited because i was able to go heavier on the squats using my new squat rack!!

wendy- so close girl!!

cathy- are you following the P90 rotation? how about a run?

susan- i know what you mean, there are some clients i just can't wait to work out with and others i could take or leave.

kristi- another super busy cheetah. it's hard trying to do al we do but you seem to get everything done with such grace.

shelly- try to enjoy your day off a little...do you have a spin bike at home?

i am off to try my in home personal training client.

will try to get back later for more personals.
Good morning Cheetahs!! :7

Linda - Let me know how you like the Level 2 HHA when you try them. I thought getting all of them was a little overkill for me because they're all so similar. Sounds like you have some nice bd dinners to look forward to.

Carole - I like Slim Series because it gives me an opportunity to lift lighter weights and not lose any ground. It feels good to take a break from the heavy weights sometimes. The music doesn't bother me because I tune it out. Enjoy the great temps.

Laura - Glad dh thinks soil sample will be fine. Did you get your run in? I went ahead and ordered a foam roller too. Ordered it through Amazon on sale for $13 and some cents but it didn't come with a video.

Cathy - Good job on Core Syn. I'm not fond of those Dreyer rolls either.

Sunny - Glad you got in Gym Style legs!!

Wendy - Anxious to hear how you like BBC. Yippee!! I think it will be fine to take a break and finish up the following week.

Marcia - Do you like Kenpo X? I'll do it but it's not my fav. Sorry about your emotional stress. Feel better.

Hi Thomasina - Hope Sears gets on the stick and gets that part to you.

Gayle - Good run and PUB premix!! Enjoy your time with ds.

Shelly - Enjoy your day off. Hope you make it through the inservice day ok. Hate sitting for long periods of time listening to speakers. Have a good run. You don't want to get me started on the workouts I have and I keep buying more. Next week I plan on doing P90X.

Judy - Glad you enjoyed your workout yesterday.

Kristi - What did you decide to do today? Hope it was a good workout.

Jess - Sorry to hear the heel is bothering you. Hope it feels better. Do you compete in tris? WTG on the matching teeth. Happy Birthday to Kiersten!

I did 10 minutes on the elliptical to warm my legs up. Then, I did a 3 mile run in 28:30. Feeling better with this pace. Then, it was back to the elliptical for 20 minutes of iClimb #13 and a zencast stretch.

Happy Hump Day ladies!!

Hi Lovely Cheetah Ladies!

It'll have to be a quick check in this morning. Hopefully I'll be back later for more! DH's dinner was wonderful as usual so I way over ate and between eating too much and the spices and achar (Indian pickle), my tummy was not too happy with me this morning. I've also been working pretty hard these last few days, so I started my day with Windsor Pilates Advanced Body Slimming and Stretch X. I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'll do either the elliptical or the VR bike at the gym this afternoon, so I will get in some cardio. But this was perfect for me this morning!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Hi again. YET ANOTHER fast post. I wanted to catch up on your posts first. I've got to get DS off the bus in a few minutes and then we're headed out on our afternoon adventure again! 70 degrees. Gotta love it.

Carole-I'm assuming the iClimbs would be good on a stair stepper, right? I'm thinking of getting an iClimg to use at the YMCA on the stepper to add something different to my workouts. AND....you said the 45 minute workouts are tough, hugh? NOW you've got my attention.

Marcia-Just wanted to let you know that I haven't gotten the 'other' mailing yet. Not sure when you were expecting it to arrive, but I thought I'd just mention it to you!


Good morning!

Christine - Good job on the pilates and stretch! Enjoy the elliptical or bike. Hope you keep feeling better.

Cathy - Yes! It was the Dreya Roll! It didn't agree with me :+
I didn't have any cake, but I plan to this weekend! DH brought me a bag of dark chocolate pretzels and I ate those!! :9 I am going to start putting more floorwork back in...even if I have to do it at night.

Wendy - I can't wait for you to try BBC! I really do hope you like it and will anxiously be awaiting your opinions! Rich's workout (Chest & Abs) is probably my "least" favorite, but it is still good. He just kind of 'overexplains" things.

Gayle - That sounds like a great run and workout! Enjoy your 70 degree weather! It is raining here, now. But...It was almost 80 yesterday!

Shelly - I am sorry you have to spend another day off sitting in a class or meeting! That is no fun! Enjoy your run and iCycle and have a good day off!

Judy - Yes, I am feeling more rested! I am glad I stayed home! Good job on the walk! I love walking! As a matter of fact...that is what I did this morning, too! Enjoy your nice warm weather! Enjoy whatever you decide to do the today!

Kristi - Enjoy whichever workout you decide to do! I used to hate when DH went out of town! I am getting a little more used to it, now...but still...

Jess - Sorry your achilles acted up! Isn't it nice to have some beautiful warm weather? :7 Awww! Happy Birthday to Kierston!

Marcia - Hope you get to feeling better and that things calm down for you and your family!

Carole - I used the disc from the GoFit FR last night again before bed. I was amazed at how much better it makes me feel! I kept pausing the dvd to get in some extra rolls on each body part :+ So glad it is helping you! Enjoy you GS B&Ts and EXT!

Sunny - Enjoy your run and GS! Have fun training! :)

Jackie - Yes, I agree with you on the overkill on the HHA. I should have just ordered a few, first. But...my daughter likes them....so hopefully, I will too! Your workout sounds great!

This morning I speed-walked 4.25 miles and did GS Legs. I also tacked on the abs from Firm Volume I.

Hi to everyone! Hope everyone has a great day!

Good morning ladies,
It is yet another GORGOUSE day here. I think I am going to take a long walk this morning. I was trying to think a kick butt workout this morning to burn off these last couple of lbs, but it is so nice out and why not just enjoy the weather and relax the mind a bit. I sometimes feel so much of my energy these days is trying to burn as many calories as I can and focusing on food WAY too much. I really need to relax more and just enjoy moving my body instead of always trying to torture it. Does that make sense to you guys? In other words, I am trying to stop being so manic all the time. So, it is settled, I am going to do a 7 mile walk outside with my dachsi Katie:)

My pt said my back was a little stiff yesterday. I know it was from IMAX 3. I am not bummed about it. I just still have to watch it and just give my back a break after an intense workout. I am really learning that I just have to take it day by day with my workouts and how I feel.

2 more days until my hubby and I go away for the weekend. I am so excited. I really need this time away from the girls. I have been a little short tempered with them lately and I think I just need a break. I hate going to bed feeling like a bad mom for being a bit harsh with them. Boy, I am chatty today and my thoughts are all over the place.

Anyway, I am off to take kids to school and then my long walk. I will be back later for personals. BTW, THomasina posted late last night. Hi THomasina:)

Finally, here are some personals!!

Christine – Your bike rides sound great. With the 70 degree weather we’ve had here lately, it makes me want to go buy a bike. Every summer I think about it. Maybe this year will be different since DS will be 5 in June and can ride a bike pretty well. We can go biking together. I can also get a trailer to attach to the bike so DD can go along too. How is Lent going for you? I have not cheated at all, but that does not mean that I haven’t wanted a soft drink. I’m missing it so bad. We are halfway to Easter already aren’t we? I’ve noticed that since I’ve given up soft drink I am feeling really deprived and my eating has suffered horribly. I need to get this under control.

Cathy – I hope your back goes back to normal soon. It sounds like you are really enjoying P90X. All of this talk of P90X makes me want to start a rotation with running replacing the cardio. Maybe I should do Core Synergistics as my workout for today. However, I can only look on in amazement when they do the Dreya rolls. Mine are never pretty.

Wendy – I hope work went well this morning. If only we could get paid for staying home with our kids, wishful thinking on my part. If I could come up with something so I could work from home I would. About 10 years ago (wow, I can’t believe it has been that long) I was a transcriptionist for a Neurologist, however my medical terminology is very rusty now. I don’t think I could just jump right back into that especially since I don’t have any formal training. How is your PT studying/test taking going? You will be finished in no time. I bet you will be in high demand like our SunnyD.

SunnyD – I don’t know about the grace part. LOL How is the PTing going? You are in high demand these days. It seems whenever I get a chance to read your posts you have at least 20 clients lined up. That is so great! I have bad news about my May trip to NC. I will be flying into Charlotte May 3 and coming home May 6th. However, I’m going to be at my friend’s mercy because I won’t have a car. Also, she will be picking up 2 more friends so I won’t have the time. I’m sorry!  I would have loved to have finally been able to meet you in person, but it will have to be another time. How are the boys doing? Enjoy your GS & 3 miler! BTW, I’m jealous of your squat rack. Congrats on increasing your weight!

Gayle – Your workouts look awesome. You accomplish a lot in the mornings. Enjoy your bike ride with DS. The weather has been very warm (70’s) here too. I’ve been trying to enjoy it while it lasts, but work has been getting in the way. However, by Friday, a cold front is coming through so it will be in the 40’s and raining all weekend long. Will it be nice there this weekend?

ShellyC – Enjoy your day off and your 6 mile interval run & iCycle! Sitting in a classroom all day does not sound like very much fun. Thanks for the advice on orthotics. For some reason I am badly procrastinating on making an appointment with a podiatrist. However, I worry that I won’t be able to run the HM if I don’t get medical treatment. I don’t want the problem to get worse. When DH gets home on Sunday I will talk to him about this and I’m sure I will be setting up an appointment.

Linda – I hope you enjoyed your birthday. It sounds like you will be having a fun celebration this weekend with family.

Jackie – Great 3 mile run time and elliptical workout! For some reason on the treadmill I can’t run faster than 31 minutes, but outside I can run a 9.5 minute mile. Go figure. I think I will be doing a hodge podge total body from the GS.

Jess – Sorry to hear about your achilles tendon giving you problems. Did icing help it any? Happy Birthday Kiersten! It sounds like she is already having a wonderful day.

Marcia – I hope you start feeling better soon.

Judy – I hope your day is going better than yesterday.

Carole – I’m glad to hear the foam roller is helping. Enjoy your EXT and GS workouts! What do you think of doing P90X with running subbed in the place of the cardio? Unfortunately, I don’t have much workout time during the week. My workouts are limited to about 50 minutes so I can grab a quick shower before heading back to work. I know that with the strength workouts I can take out the rests and shorten the warm-ups and cool downs. BTW, DH won’t be home until Sunday.   However, I know he will have a great time. He needs the downtime from his high-pressure job.

Hi to all Cheetahs! I’ll be back later to post what I actually did for my workout today. I guess I had better make up my mind in the next 30 minutes before I leave for lunch.
Hello again (poppin' back in for a minute),

Linda- your turn to enjoy GS legs:7

susan-i know what you mean about the little ones. it's gets tough at times. we (parents) all need mini-breaks from time to time. that said i am sooooooooo looking forward to me and dh's vacation next month. only 31 more days!!! where are you and dh going this weekend?

kristi- awww man, sorry i won't get to meet you in person this time around. maybe someday soon. it would be alot of fun. the Pt'ing is going really great. i am almost to the point of having to turn down clients..can you believe? right now me and one of my sisters are in talks about setting up our own personal training business. she is also a trainer and fitness manager in nj.

jackie- sounds like a great workout today! do you belong to a gym?

christine- i went to DICKS today and looked at bikes, a trainer and a seat attachment for ds #2. i was so close to buying everything but then remembered dh put me on a budget until after the cruise...;o(

Hello to all:)
Susan – You are a terrific mom, but even moms need breaks. A special weekend with DH sounds like a nice getaway. Enjoy your 7 mile walk. It is so easy to lose sight of enjoying a workout when focusing on calories burned and food.

Linda – Great workouts this morning! Are you still having pain? I miss DH when he is out of town too. Luckily he does not leave that often anymore for work. This trip is for fun though instead of work. I feel very lucky that the kids are on a bedtime schedule so that helps tremendously, but it is not the same with DH being gone. I also don’t sleep well.

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