::::: CHEETAHS ::::: tuesday, 4.10

Good morning ladies,
I am kind of rushing today. I have taken on the task of feeding my friends 11 pets. She will be out of town. She has 2 cats, 2 dogs, 3 turtles, 1 frog, 1 bird, and 2 guinea pigs. It is actually a bit stressful figuring out what they all need. So, I have to get my workout in before that and then I am taking the kids to see Meet the Robinsons at the movies. It will be fun:)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATHY!!!!! Have a wonderful day!

I am going to do 40 minutes on the elliptical and then the lying leg work of butts and gutts and then pilates later on. I have not time for personals, but hope to get back later. Have a great day friends;-)

Okay – next time I get it in my thick skull that Core Synergistics is EASY – somebody please smack me!! Ow! I tell you what! Ow! But, I have to admit that I did enjoy myself and it was just what I needed this morning.

More personals:

Wendy – I start the 23rd of April. So what did you end up doing? Are you feeling it like I am?! :p

Linda – thanks for thinking for me! My thinking cap is broken, but I think we’re leaning towards Black Velvet Stardust and calling him Louie (after Louis Armstrong – DH’s favorite). Although I like BV Latitudes and calling him Jimmy (After Jimmy Buffett of course!) :+ We’ll see. I so hope you get your treadmill soon!! When is it due?

Jess – so glad to hear Kiersten is feeling better! The poor thing!! I love PH – enjoy it!

Jackie – sounds like quite I workout! My coworker is working from home today, so no yoga – which is probably good. I need a break from 2 workouts a day. :p

Carole – I do see what you mean about the function fitness core work. It was a good workout, actually. And I liked the stability ball abs, too. Louis (probably Louie) is the favorite right now. What DD14 is most concerned about is the ability to play the “Name Game” with the name. Tucker produced some not-so-pleasant results with that… :+ Sounds like you got in a great workout!

Shelly – Seriously – no hip hop/rap… I like any other kind of music, but that. Sounds like you had a wonderful ride! How fun! And great job! Enjoy your long interval run! I’m sorry about the meetings – I HATE meetings!

Susan – holy cow – 11 PETS? Suddenly two dogs seems very simple! Good luck! Enjoy your movie, though! That sounds like fun!

Well, I guess I should pretend I really want to work here for the next two weeks – they are certainly not giving me any kind of break – which is okay. DH said to take a week or two off, but I figured I’d be fine. I want the extra money I’ll get to pay for the puppy stuff I need…
Good Afternoon ladies....

Cathy- HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! have fun celebrating!

christine- i am so happy for you re: the puppies and your new job!

fly by post for me again....lol. i just got finished reading everyone's posts and i have about 5 mins to post and then get to my workout. today i am joining carole with GS (standing) legs and i already did 30 mins on th EXT.

never got a nap in yesterday and my oldest ds woke up at 4am wanting to get in the bed with us. GRRR...i think it's because we are leaving this weekend. he has me feeling a little sad.

i hope everyone is having a great day:)
Christine - I like both of those names really well! I am excited for you to get him! The treadmill is supposed to be delivered this afternoon. (crossing fingers here!). DH is supposed to go home and meet them in around an hour. :7

Shelly - No Sole treadmill yet:-( Hopefully in a little while!:) They are "supposed" to be good treadmills. I have been researching them for a couple of years. The F85 is supposedly commercial grade, but affordable for home use. So...I hope it is a good one. Enjoy your interval run and BBC!

Sunny - Have fun with your workout and GS legs!

Susan - Wow!!! 11 pets! That is a lot! It would be hard to remember "everybody"! Enjoy your petsitting and workout! :)
We are now under a HEAVY SNOW WARNING - YUCK x( x( x( I got a 30 minute walk in at lunch so it's looking like an elliptical with CC workout for tonight. We are expected to get between 7 and 10 inches of snow ;( At least we know it won't stay long, but man, we were getting so nice and pleasant - 60's, 70's aaahhhhhhh......but, hopefully by Sunday we will be back up in the 50's, so that will melt everything.

DS and I will be staying home and baking brownies. :9 The Truffle Fudge Brownie mix - Gayle - have you made that yet? It's sooooo yummy!!

I'll be back later to catch up.
A quick check-in here...Thanks, everyone, for the birthday wishes - you ladies ROCK! :) I read the posts but probably won't get to do personals til the morning - sorry!

I did CST & ARX this morning - no cardio after all. The massage, pedi, and haircut experience was absolutely HEAVENLY. I feel great!!

Have a great night, all!
Cathy :)
Okay - I know you ladies have been sitting on the edge of your seat on this one *laughs her butt off*... But, we have FINALLY decided on the puppy's name!!!! We're naming him after MY favorite singer - Jimmy Buffett - he will be Jimmy. His registered name will be Black Velvet Latitudes - we figured since we all came from different part of the world - Ved from India, the breeder from Germany, me from the East Coast, that it made sense.
Christine - I love that name! That is great! I'll bet you are anxious to get little Jimmy! :)

Still no treadmill ;( They brought it, but there were only two of them and they said they needed 4 people, so they are coming back tomorrow after 3:00. I will have to leave work early to meet them because DH has a meeting at that time tomorrow. This is so frustrating :-( Whoever thought getting a new treadmill could be so aggravating ! Oh well.....

I will talk to you guys tomorrow.

Well, I managed the first 30 mins of Yoga X today. Far from what I had hoped to do but SOMETHING none the less. I wanted to do Yoga X in full or do Core Syn. Oh well. Tomorrow I have a run planned after my shift at work....:)

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