Good morning cheetahs,
It is COLD here this morning. I miss my 75degree weather
My back is feeling a lot better today, so I think I will do the elliptical for 50 minutes and then some ab and back work. I am going to another Chiro tomorrow to see if this guy can do anything for me. If that does not work, I found a place called the spine institute and I will get an MRI and see what they have to say about the ole back. I am feeling a lot more upbeat today and I really had to have a talking to myself about counting my blessings and not letting this back thing ruin my life and my mood. It is so easy to become obsessed over an injury. I do know that this thing should have healed by now and that I do need more aggressive treatment. I am not one to jump to surgery, but if that is what it takes, then maybe....
Okay, enough back talk.
Cathy, don't sweat this week. You will get back on track next week and I am sure you eating is perfect;-) How fun you are going skiing. No getting sick this time}(
Marcia, CONGRATS on your circuit class. I think everyone loves a good circuit routine.
Laura, how EXCITING to be buying a new home. I love the change of moving into a new place, especially a bigger one. Have a nice run and enjoy the weather.
Heather, could you please pass the chocolate over here. I am the queen of chocolate. I have to say though, I do not like cheese. I never have. I always buy my running socks at a running store. They are expensive, but SO worth it. Thorlo is a pretty good brand and I think they have those at regular sporting good stores.
Shelly, enjoy your well deserved rest day. When is your next race?
Gayle, another great workout for you. 30 minutes of ab work, YOWZA!
Kristi, Enjoy your treadmill run. Glad the foot is feeling better
Carole, sounds like a fun workout. Are you able to do the step and kickboxing now?
Jackie, that sounds like a fun workout. I have a pilates dvd and really need to open it. I have never been a fan, but it would probably really strenthen my back more than the yoga. Do you have a favorite that you recommend.
Jess, how fun to go on a bike ride with friends. have fun at mom's
That is it for me now. I have to take kids to school and the off to the elliptical.