:: Cheetahs :: Tues., 8/8

Hay yawl!

Just popping in very quickly to say hello! I ‘ve read over some of what I’ve missed but I’ll have to wait until later tonight to be more thorough and post personals. I just don’t want you cheetahs to think I am MIA because really I’m not….lol I’m just IA and find it difficult to post a lot right now. Also, I must get over this thinking that I can’t post unless it has all personals so that is why I’m popping in to just say hello and I just have to say a few words for now that can’t wait…. Carole, I am continuing to pray and send healing thoughts to your nephew and I too think that Christine is a gem for her offers to help with your sister. Cheetahs are so great! Oh, and WELCOME to Kristi and please get some proper fitted shoes for your running SOON as this is very critical to your training and chances for injury. OK what else before I go into my 2 hour team beating (meeting)…lol oh yeah, Dean Karnazes is the 50 marathons dude, and here’s his website for those interested: www.ultramarathonman.com or www.endurance50.com I bet our Super Carole could out run this guy! Hee heee….

Oki Doki – time to get to my meeting so I’ll get to more personals later ….Jess, Cathy, Pamela, Barb, Laura, Laurie, Shelly, and of course the Wendmeister! HEY! That’s right…I didn’t get to give my 2 cents on the Garmin chatter…but …but…ok later …gotta go now ya’ll!

Keep on Runnin’ - Cheetahs ROCK!! }(

Thomasina :7
Mattea--Thanks for the MIL support yesterday. I wrote back late in the day yesterday and your words gave me something to think about. How much more time left in your program until you finish? Are you working on your dissertation?

More importantly: Bring forth the vegan peanut butter iced banana cake recipe.

My DS is 10. I made a non-vegan chocolate cake with ganache instead of icing. :9

Shelly C-- Hey Neighbor. Won't ya be my neighbor?
Glad that stretch worked for you. I like it and find if I do it first, before the glute stretch, then when I stretch my glutes, my hip area feels a lot better. I have the footpod thingy--the Polar RS model and I like it. It was not accurate though during my half. It said I ran 15 miles....at a 7-min. mile pace, but I ran 13 miles at a 9-min mile pace....it was still useful for me to have during the race, it gave me a good gauge: and then a shock, when I thought I had turned into superwoman, then realized I was just doing a good job for regular old me and there were two miles left to go!!:+

Jess-- the burritos sound good.

Thomasina- Hi Thomasina!! Thanks for the ultra marathon info.

Christine-- I forgot to say that I use those runners world training plans from the website and really like them, so far. It sounds like you are in a major good groove with running! :D

I got my orthotic template for my left foot today. The appointment went well. The guy who does it is a riot and we are honing in on the problem. My hamstring strain in my left leg a few weeks ago was caused by the orthotic in my right shoe that was/is helping my hip. Now I think I've got both legs covered, need to wear them for a few days, then run....then off to the factory and I can figure out what running goals to set after the family get-together thing/hoopla at my house the weekend after Labor Day..

Have a great day,
I missed the discussion last week about Wendy's idea about a cheetah gathering sometime in the future.

New Jersey is doable for me: I live in Michigan and can go east easier than a trip West....

I think Karen is in Maryland? Two Cheetahs in AZ. 4 Cheetahs in California. Gayle in PA. Wendy & Cathy & Yadi in N.J. Mattea in NY. Is Judy in NY or MA? Jess and Laura in Ohio I think???
Laurie in Canada and a Partridge in a Pear tree....

Maybe Chicago is a place easy for everyone to get to?
I think there's an annual marathon and half marathon and 10Ks, etc there every year in October??
I'm in IL & only a few hrs from Chicago!! Yes, there is a full marathon & half marathon in Oct there (and I think a 10K also)!! My friends & I are kicking around the idea of running the full next year there. It will be the 30th anniversary there, I am turning 30 & my friend Melissa is turning 40. We thought that might be fun!

However, I think I need to get through this marathon first before deciding!! :eek:

A get together would be fun!!!

Hey Barb! So you're getting orthotics? I hope they work for you! I just have a generic one for now, but think I might need custom made ones. I should call the podiatrist again. I pretty much have my plantar fasciitis under control, but my feet can still be sore when I get up in the morning.

Jess-- do you live near Michigan City?
My brother in law has a summer place near there. They live in Chicago/Evanston.

You will do great on your upcoming marathon.

Barb:) :) :)
Yeah!! I did PLB stability ball legs & then decided to do the PUB stability abs too. NO problems w/ the pikes & leg lifts!!!! YIPPEE!!

OK, off to do some pilates now!

I'm in boring central IL- middle of the cornfields pretty much. We're about 2-3 hrs from Chicago depending on what part/ traffic. We don't go to Chicago too much usually, we prefer St. Louis if we're going to a bigger city. (we're going there on Thurs!)

Thanks for the support!! Everyone here is so great & supportive!

Did someone say, "Chicago"?

I have been wanting to get to the Windy City! Say when!

Of course, an East Coast gathering would be extremely convenient.

I'm game!
Shelley - I am in Phoenix. I love Prescott. It's beautiful up there. DH's parents live in Flagstaff, which I also love. It's so nice to live in those cooler areas because they have a lot more runs up there.

Wendy - I'm glad to hear that you noticed a difference in your shoes. I am hoping that a new pair of shoes will help with some of the issues I am having with my feet and knees.

Barb - I actually don't own an elliptical. I have a gym membership. It's not as convenient as having one at home, but still nice to have the option.

Jess--I am getting orthotics. I've been getting them made since January, but there have been glitches getting them set up right. I'm getting them made by a someone at the sports medicine/PT place I went to when I injured my hip a few years ago. I didn't want to mess around with getting them fit just right when I was training for my half. Now that I'm laying low, I thought it would be a good time to get them set.

Katie--I might have missed the info about your shoe shopping, but good luck finding good shoes that work. I have found some that work well for me and it makes a big difference. I reorder at Zappos, now that I know what works.

Cathy-- east coast get together works for me....and any get together would be a lot of fun. It would be great to meet everyone...

Onward to the b-day party!
:) :) :)

P.S. Mattea-- Good luck with the move in a few days!
My goodness you ladies are chatty today! I love it!

Still feeling great and ready to go! I can feel it in my legs, buy not too much. I can honestly say that I never thought I'd be saying this. Me, who ran 6.5 miles and almost died. Trail running has really improved my stamina - and I have no dread of it. I finished this run and for the first time thought, "You know, I think I WILL do the Half and run the whole thing."

Wendy - Thanks so much! *Jumps up and down with Wendy again, just for the heck of it* :p

Jess - It IS a great feeling isn't it? Amazing how those miles become doable. You're doing so well on your marathon training!

Barb - oh, forget to answer your question - yeah, I'm using the foot pod to measure distance (backed by mapmyrun.com and sometimes a drive in the car). So far it seems pretty accurate as I know the speed I'm running is pretty accurate and the time in which I run it makes sense. I love the HRM.

Shelly - I'm with you! I'm going to go by how my body feels. I don't want an over use injury either. Max I'll do before October is 11 miles, so ... *knocks on wood* Then I have to start adding miles for the Big Sur run!

Mattea - OH!!! Good luck with you move!!! That interval run sounds really good. I'll be adding a nice interval run to my training on Saturday. New hairdresser, by the way. My old one flaked out on me and I could not count on her, so it's been about 6 months since my last cut! This new gal is older (mid-fifties) but very stylish, and very good. I love my hair! She's expensive though, but I guess you get what you pay for!

*WAVES FRANTICALLY TO THOMASINA* Hey - want to run the Rock N Roll Half with my San Jose in Oct? Good to see ya! Glad all is well with the busy Cheetah!
Good evening Cheetahs!!

Well today I did iTrain #6 20 minutes and it was hard. My left quad was really hurting I guess when I did my legs and the ellipical the other day. She has runners going up to 8mph and joggers to 7. I never went till 7 until today. I also added on 15 minutes of my own walking then speed running. Also I have DOMS big time today from GSC&T.

Carole thanks for explaining about the difference of the machines. Also have fun with PLB and your run. I bet it helps with all the stress that your going through.

Well I going to make this short because I have to go run some errands but wanted to say hello to Laurie, Christine, Katie, ShellyC, Barb, Laura, Jess, Mattea, Wendy, Gayle, Judy, Yadi, Elaine, and who ever I miss. Hope everyone had a great Tuesday:)

barb, my feel and legs have thanked me since getting my orthotics.

Jess thanks for the info on the pilates. I think I will get the ball workout ,hopefully I will get great results.

those of you who ordered your garmins will love it!! I got the 301 because it had the heart rate monitor plus all the other stuff I wanted. It was only 150.00 at walmart.com

mattea you are to funny about how lonely my garmin is without me!!

talk to you all later!!
Cathy, I don't see a post about Prosectors and Glassboro aside from the one you wrote to me asking if I missed the post! LOL
I found it at the bottom of page two. Cutting & pasting here for simplicity:

I went to Glassboro/Rowan! (Cathe territory.) There used to be several Prospector's. The only one that I *think* might still be in business was/is on Rt. 73 in Berlin. Is that the one you mean? There used to be one on 38 in Cherry Hill and one in Blackwood.>>
Hey Cathy...I had to look it up but the prospector's I am talking about is in Mt. Laurel. When did you go to Glassboro!?!?

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