Good morning cheetahbabes! Great to hear from everyone :7 :7
I went a few days without getting my "cheetahfix"

You guys are the greatest!!!!!:7 Went for a nice 7 miler today and then PowerCircuit...haven't done that for a while. Feelin pretty darn good.
Christine- 8 miler today

woohoo, getting up there in the mileage girl! You do need to seriously think now about limiting your long runs to 1x per week, the injury risk is seriously real and you don't want to spoil the run you're having! I want you to be healthy when we meet up at Big Sur!!! I guess the drawback to the long runs for you is not having your cutiepie Tucker with you
Carole - The news about the infection in the bone grafting must have been so heartbreaking for you and your family!!! I'm glad we can provide support and a little comfort to you. Your nephew has a young strong body and a great family. I am still VERY confident he can overcome all this. Have fun with the PLB and run today (I remember you use the same weights I do with the BB (60-55-50). I'm also excited you're getting an elliptical! You can't beat it for excellent crosstraining for runners and helping to keep injuries at bay!!!
Katie- Wow another Arizona cheetah!!!! I'm so excited and WELCOME!! If you want some serious motivation to help with your running there is no better place to come than this check in :7
I'm doing the PF Chang's Marathon next January (it will be my first)
although I'm doing a 25 miler in October first so that may as well be a marathon

Sounds like your being sensible and smart with your training! Where in Arizona are you? I live in Prescott (love it up here!)
Cathy (Wags finger while going tsk,tsk) There is no such thing as a paltry run!!! You're still getting back in the mode anyway after your vacation break. The GS workouts will certainly help you!
You've ordered a Garmin too!!! You will not regret it!
Wendy- I think your Garmin is really going to add a whole new dimension to your running! I have one without the HRM function also. I already had a HRM and rarely use it. I prefer to train using perceived exertion level anyway. That's great you've signed up for your next class. And BTW a big congrats on your 4 MILE RUN
outside!!!!! You're going to be AOKAY for your 5k :7 :7
Hi Mattea- I'm always so glad to see you post!!! I don't know where you find the time! So the big move is next weekend? You must be so excited. Think of all the great new running routes to explore!
Barb- Hi there! I think I'm going to try your hamstring stretch.
I get twinges in the L hip at times gotta be careful about these things! I got such a chuckle from your "abduction" exercise!
Pamela- hello to our Florida cheetagal! Have a great time with PLB's a killer!
Jess- You're marathon is 6 weeks away

You are so ready for this girl! I'm doing a HM also about 4 weeks from my 25 miler!
I think it's a great strategy in marathon training to have shorter races in there. I have no doubt you'll be quite capable of a sub 2 hr HM!
Hi Laurie- I'm quite envious of your plans- a cottage and a lake!
Will you be doing any boating? Great job on your run today!
Gotta go now. Heading out for some shopping. tata