::: CHEETAHS ::: Tues., 10/17

Laurie - I had to go back through my log to check on the last time that I did PUB. I did it last night and the time before that was last Sunday. But I am going on my third week of Pyramids. Wonder if I made a typo somewhere :+ Oh my! I hate trying on jeans! I get so aggravated! Your workout sounded great! I used to have the Body Pump VHS that Collage carried at one time, but my sister borrowed it and I have yet to get it back :-( I loved that workout!

Judy - I am always so sore after doing GS C&T for some reason! I love it! I really think the GS's are my favorite! Glad you were able to play tennis without foot pain!

Shelly - Thanks! I think I will do that. I kind of felt like I was "going backwards" with my training by going so much slower and so much longer, but with less miles ! HAve fun with your treadmill run and Core Synergistics! That sounds great! It has been soooo long since I have done any P90X! I have been thinking of getting it out again!

Susan - Oh my! I can sure sympathize with you on losing your post! I have done that soooo many times! It is so frustrating! Good luck on your sciatica and the run! Oh...and do some yoga for me, too, while you are doing yours


Jennifer - you are doing good! Hopefully, you will have energy to spare this weekend ! The sleeping in part would sure be nice!

Katrina - I know what you mean about the daylight savings time! The only thing positive about it getting dark earlier, is that I sleep better!

Well, better get back to work!

Hi Linda:) Sorry about that, I didn't mean you did PUB twice in a row, I just noticed that RunnerGirl who posted just before you also did PUB:+ I taught BodyPump for almost 4 years so I've amassed quite a collection of their DVDs. They are great workouts and fun to mix with some of Cathe's shorter upperbody stuff, the music BodyPump puts together ROCKS}(

Take Care
Laurie - :+ :+ :+ lol - As rattled as I am today - I thought I screwed up one of my posts. Sorry :) Oh my ! That is great! I wish we had Body Pump around here and that we were able to purchase their DVD's! That is awesome!

I made it to the dentist & to Old Navy to return a pair of jeans that my 7yo dd didn't like (she's so picky about jeans!), and made it back to pick up Allison from preschool. Poor girl, she's all stuffed up & not feeling so hot now, I guess I shared my cold w/ her! :-( So we had to snuggle up & read books, although that's one thing I do enjoy about them not feeling well! Snuggle time!! ;-)

And then I couldn't help myself, I did GS BSB, I'm feeling especially strong today! ;-)

My dh won't be home til late tonight, he had a conference to go to in Chicago w/ some co-workers. I guess it'll be an easy dinner for my dd's & I!

My house is still so nice & clean since we haven't been home much today! ;-) More LaundryMax to do as usual though!

Have a great night!
Susan ~ My running buddy is dealing w/ the same thing. Hers bothered her during marathon training & is still bothering her. Sorry you're still having problems!! So many injured cheetahs, it's just not fair!! :eek: As I keep saying, Thank God for Cathe! ;-)
Sounds like a good workout, Laurie!! Sorry you're dealing w/ an injury too!! I hope the PT goes well for you! Why is it so easy to overdo it??? I have the same issues.... }( I feel so good while running and then pay for it later! (although now I can't even run a mile w/out pain....)

I love PUB too, I think I'll do that one later this week!! (after my arms recover from the GS workouts!)

And I don't think I told you yet, but I love your avatar pic, you're too cute!
Hey Judy! Sorry you've been a sick Cheetah too, no fun! I've had this cough for over a week now, yuck!! It finally seems to be going away though, and of course now my dd has started w/ it!!

I'm on the GS workouts this week too, I love those tricep extensions. I'm feeling some DOMS in my triceps today, but I like feeling that good soreness from a good workout! I really need to get 20# dumbbells, I only have 15# or 25#'s.
Hi girls~

Well, after work it was napmax AGAIN!:p I don't know what's gotten into me lately but after work these days I am just friggin' beat! BLECH! Yet when I don't work, I am fine....Hmmmm. Anywho-it wasn't too bad today. I only slept for an hour and then got my arse outta the bed and did:

KPC warm up, medium + high intensity drills
KM blasts and stretch

It was a good 55 minute kickbox work out! It's been a while since I did any kb work outs! Felt good!

One of these days when I have the time and the energy I am going to have to revive that super long, super evil kb circuit mish-mosh I created months ago!!!}(

SunnyD-MM is a goodie! Jeez, I WISH I wasn't the gamblin' type...do you know how rich I'd be!? :p

Christine-Don't ya just love it! They hire you w/no apparent place to put you! My old boss was "misplaced" at his new job for the first couple of MONTHS! LOL

Laurie-I considered doing LM myself today until I got the KB bug in me! Hope it was a good work out for you!

Carole-It actually can get that cold!? I'm surprised! WOW, I'd love to live in Southern Cali! Though I think I'd miss cold weather Christmases! I don't think I could celebrate Christmas on the beach!:p

RunnerGirl-It's hard when the endorphins kick in and you crave that speed! I did a fast run on saturday that about killed me! LOL I didn't meet my mileage goal cause I let the speed get the best of me!}(

Linda-Nice TM run today! FWIW on LSD's I too would increase by mileage as opposed to time.

Jess-We must have been thinkin' w/the same brain today...we both did KPC!:p :7 }(

Katrina-I know what you mean about the darkness...blech! It's soooo depressing!

Jennifer-I'm so excited for you for Sunday! I'll be running with you though the distance is laughable compared to what you are doing! I'm running another 5k with a friend. GOOD LUCK!:+

Susan-I think I'd have just about thrown my PC through a window if that happened to me with the personals!x( LOL :7

ShellyC-Good for you being so patient with your injury! You are doing it the right way! I have a 5k race with my friend this Sunday. I'm not even nervous! :+

Judy-I'm glad you were able to play tennis w/o any problems today. Have a great evening!

Okay, time to retrieve the little guy from his crib. I can't believe it's after 4:30 and I have heard a peep from him! If he doesn't get up, he's not going to go to bed for me tonight and then I'll have he!! to pay at work tomorrow morning!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Maybe I'll be back later!

Ciao bellas!:*
I hope everyone is having a good day so far!

I would like to introduce myself. My name is Elaine and I am in the process of teaching my body how to run. I am 33 years old. I am in the process of applying for Air Force Officer Training School. I will be expected to run a mile and a half in under 15 minutes to pass the PT test. If I am accepted, I want to be able to pass the PT test on the first day of OTS. However, I have almost a year to train my body, so I have time.

I have been lurking here for a while, but I finally got up the courage to officially join.

Right now, I am in aerobic base building mode. I actually started running last year, but I have had problems with my heart rate spiking too high. I would get out of breath and not be able to run more than a few minutes at a time. To give you guys an idea of how bad of shape I am in, I cannot even trot at 4.5 mph on a treadmill without my heart rate getting into the 160s or higher.

I recently purchased Jeff Galloway's book for beginning runners, and I think it will help. He advocates beginners not running more than 5-10 seconds at a time, followed by 1-2 minutes of easy walking.

I prefer to go outside for my walk/runs, but as the weather in New England is getting colder, that is proving to be a challenge. I do have my Under Armour cold weather running clothes though, so I have no good excuses. }(
Hi Elaine. I'm a "cub" Cheetah. I'm pretty new here myself and I just checked it to stay in touch.
I live in Minneapolis Minnesota and I actually prefer to run in the winter as long as my ears are covered! I also use a product called WarmSkin that you can find at the coop. Anne Bancroft uses it on her polar expiditions to protect exposed skin in very cold temp.
Anyway, the other gals here are ones in the know. I am starting all over with running after having been off for a long time. I found Cathe workouts two years ago and they took me (I'm 53) to higher level of fitness and now I'm working on blending in my running with Cathe workouts.
Right now I can only run (slowly mind you) for about 40min. my goal is to be able to run a novice 10k next spring.
Anyway. Hi to all Cheetahs. I won't be checking in for awhile due to time constraints.
But I'll be lurking.:7
WElcome DarkPhoenix ! This is a helpful check in. We are at all diferentlevesl andeveryone is encouraging to one another. I would like to wish you the best of luck in meeting your goals. Keep us posted on your progress.

PS- This will be my first winter running outside too.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.


Count me in on the first time running in the winter as well! We can all get through it together!:)

I need some recs on where to get some decent winter running clothes at good prices. I don't want/need a lot but I want SOMETHING and I don't want to spend lots of money cause if I really hate it and decide to hightail inside then the less $$$ i wasted, the better!

Anyone, anyone? :)
Well, the one thing that I spent more money on are my running tights, but I wore them ALL winter long. They were about $40 (I got them at my local running store, they're Nike) & they are the dry-fit material. They keep your legs nice & warm & you can layer another pair of pants over them if it's really cold. http://www.nike.com/index.jhtml#l=n...10001+12002+4294967241/pn-1&re=US&co=US&la=EN Here's a link to nike.com for the tights. Mine are like the Pro tight.

As for shirts, I was usually fine running in 20-30 degree weather w/ just a sports bra & dry-fit long sleeved top, gloves, and a fleece headband (or a hat, but I can't wear them because my hair's way too thick). Try your Target (Champion makes some decent dry-wick shirts), Kohl's, or JCPenney (St. John's Bay had some great long- sleeved dry-wick shirts last year for $10). And I would usually double up socks, 1 pair of dry-wick (can you see I love the dry-wick??), and a thicker pair over them because my running shoes have that mesh on top so my toes would get cold. If it were really cold I would wear a fleece or light jacket over the top of my shirt. But I am one who sweats very easily so that's just me!

HTH some!! (and yes, I ran in below 0 temps last year, snow, you name it!)
Welcome, Elaine!! I'm glad you joined in! Good luck w/ the AF training!! My brother was AF, but switched to the Army & is headed to Iraq soon. When he gets back he'll be attending helicopter training, that's really what he wants to do. He has had to make sure he keeps up w/ his running for the military too.

I think you have a good plan. A little running & then walking is a great way to start. I love running in cold weather, I'm in IL so it does get cold here!!

Good luck & happy running! I just finished my first marathon last month but injured my IT band so I'm taking it easy on the running for now. Thank God I can still do my step & kickbox workouts!! (and weights!!!)
Hey there Cheetah Babes!!! I miss y’all during the day!

I’m on my work laptop right now – at home – so I’m computerized again. I’ve named my laptop Herman because it’s HUGE, but the screen is almost better than my home computer, so I can’t complain! My workout this morning felt wonderful! And I’m feeling much better. Work was better – I sat with some of the guys and learned more about what I’ll be doing. Then I got my computer and played around with the company website and some of the other stuff I’ll have to do. They even took me out to lunch today – Chinese – and we shared everything – so much for clean eating. It was good though.

Laurie – Oh how wonderful that you got a 4 day week this week!! Good for you! And you’re absolutely right – this is definitely a “careful what you wish for” kind of company! The power scissors are haunting me right now… :p

Carole – I’m tech savvy and two cell phones confuse me. Fortunately it will be a while before I get my work phone – no one needs to call me now. So, I’ll be fine for a few weeks at least! And good for you! I love that you’re feeling so darned good about yourself!! I’ve met you – you should feel that way!!

LD – great job on the run! Hope you continue to feel better!

Linda – Thanks! I feel 100% better today! I’m really liking the job. Nice to be at a good company again. I didn’t like my last job that much actually. Glad this one is different. And I’m like Carole – I don’t pay attention to the time – it’s the distance. I just add miles (or half miles) and run however long it takes me.

Jess – Good job on hearing the alarm! And I’m glad you’re feeling better! Enjoy your party and your clean house!

Katrina! We’ve missed you!! It IS tough getting up in the dark, isn’t it? Ouch…

Jennifer – hope your yoga class went well. You’ll do great on this run – just remember to pace yourself as it sounds like you’re chomping at the bit!

Susan – oh what a pain! Sorry about the personals – that’s why I type everything in Word (plus it spell corrects for me) then copy it over to the post.

Shelly – I’m SORRY to hear about your computer. Sometimes the surge suppressor companies offer a guarantee – you might want to call them – an expensive surge suppressor should protect against lightening strikes. My new job is actually good, and I’m looking forward to really getting my hands into it – I guess I made it sound worse than it was – sorry. It’s a great, highly energetic and dynamic company.

Wendy – you have me laughing – yeah, they are very space challenged right now! Fortunately we’re moving to a new building in January. It’s a very growing company so I’ll just have to deal with it. I’d rather have those kinds of problems rather than it not be growing fast enough!

Elaine (Dark Phoenix) – WELCOME!!! Sounds like quite a challenge you have ahead of you. You’ve come to the right place for help. We’ll get you running in good time.

Colleen - We’ll miss you! Send a quick post when you have time!

Well DH is cooking - Indian food (after the Chinese food - I'm a glutton for punishment! Enjoy your evenings everyone!!!

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