Hola, cheetah babes!
Got some personals to catch up with here...
Kath -- Last summer I was able to just do committee work and tutor. I just learned today that I've only been selected for one of the two committees I applied for. (I'm kind of relieved b/c the one I didn't get would have wound up being a rather involved commitment *during* the school year, and I already have enough on my plate.) So, I might see if I can find some supplemental temp work...I can't imagine begging my spouse to be able to pursue a hobby/sport, or vice versa!
Judy -- You mean the beef & beer? That's a couple weekends from now. This weekend will be a BBQ or two. Your macros are lookin' good to me. Great job!
Wendy -- OMG, you are my idol. You passed up BISCUITS @ Cracker Barrel??? Rock on!!! That is some willpower of steel!...Yeah, I had all 4 done at once, too. Ahhh, yes, the ice cream!
But overall, I didn't take long to bounce back, either. I think I went up to visit my cousin in CT two days later and was pretty much back to normal eating by then. I remember they ordered a pizza. I chewed carefully.
Tell me again who puts out Awaken the Body?
Sunny -- I downloaded TT. :7 Kudos to you, too, for keeping the eats in check!
Shelly -- fabulous pic! The guy behind you looks like he was intent on catching you. Ha! Sucker!!! IA with DH...it is usually much warmer this late in May. Sounds like we'll be getting a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend, though. Fingers are crossed that the job of choice comes through.
Carole -- Yeah, I hear you. Too many numbers to crunch turns me off, too. Now I see you are whuppin' my butt in Scrabble. You are dangerous, woman! But hey, I did get close on a couple of those Scramble rounds.
Christine -- so what do you make of the discrepancy between Alwyn & Craig's views of HIIT? I do agree w/ you on the simplicity of WW. LOVED the B2B photos -- so entertaining! I absolutely want this cheetah GTG to happen next year. What a hoot!
http://www.millan.net/minimations/smileys/yaysmiles.gif on your case being settled so quickly! Glad to hear DH is doing better. I hope your friends will be safe from the fire.
Dallas -- glad you were finally able to get some zzz's. School ends mid-June. I need to read up on TT this weekend. I wasn't thinking of starting WSFL until June, anyway, so I still have wiggle room with where I'm going. Which program has piqued your interest most?
Wendi -- congrats on the fine showing! Those were some cool action shots. Handsome feller. Thanks for sharing. Do you get a chance to just breathe now?
Gloria -- Yeah, there was a time I was WAY more dedicated, apparently...*lol* I'd run in snow, rain, freezing temps, anything. Now I wonder WTH I was thinking. :7 I've definitely wussed out in my age. *lol* YESSSSSS on the BOSU!! :7 :7 :7
Jackie -- that does sound like a dream home...You know, it was odd. It hasn't felt like a terribly taxing week. I just had a headache and thought a little nap might nip it. Guess you're right, though--I musta been tired.
Well, my Gymboss arrived today as did my Wii Fit, so I'm off to give it a go! Have a great night, everyone!
[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
"Do you want to feel my spatula?"
Run, Fat Boy, Run