:::::: CHEETAHS :::::: thursday, march 1st

Hello again cheetahs! My goodness, it's an unusually quiet day in cheetahville:p I had a great hilly outdoor 4.5 mile run and picked up my speed comfortably. The ME leg presses didn't feel like enough so I tacked on CTX power circuit. I had a lot of frustration to work off. I'm under alot of pressure to accept the charge nurse position of the new open heart surgery unit, but I really don't want to! I'd like to take a break and go back to patient care again. Hopefully I can work out a compromise. Anyway, enough boring nursy talk:)

Laura- Congratulations on your home loan approval!!!! You must be so excited! If I may offer a little opinion based on my own experiences. DH and I bought and sold several homes over the years and 6 years ago we finally custom built our home. There were alot of headaches along the way to be sure (it's unavoidable I'm afraid)
But I don't regret it for a minute!! There's nothing like having a home built like you want it and brand new!!!! Have a great "Y" day.

Judy- You sound pretty busy but happy! I scanned yesterday's posts and read that you're really getting into the Chi Running technique.
Have you tried it outside yet? I was focusing on it alot today. It really dramatically reduces the effort level!

Gayle- Wow, I've never heard of a race longer than a 10k without potty stops:eek: But you're so speedy anyway I doubt it'll be a problem for you! I'm sorry you're not getting your expected tax refund this year. I'm sure it must be frustrating to you. My goal is to keep my refund as small as possible.... I don't like the idea of loaning the government MY money interest free!!! They certainly don't return the favor, if I underpay my taxes there's a penalty!
So IMO, I think you managed your money very wisely! I hope it helps you to see it this way anyway.

Kristi - sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! No need to hang your head in shame there girl! You're running is going VERY well!!!! Good work.

Christine- I only have a regular upright stationary exercise bike. When I was shopping I originally wanted to get a trainer but they were so expensive I went this route for now. When I upgrade my bike I would like to get a trainer to go with it.... eventually ;-)

Carole- A two week running break sounds like the smart thing to do!
With your excellent EXT you won't lose a bit of your endurance!
Maybe you should look into the Chi running technique, even though you've been running many many years I know and change would be difficult. He guarantees to keep runners injury free. Just a thought:)

Susan- MEGA {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} to you sweetie!!! I'm so sorry you're mom is doing so poorly. You're feelings of helplessness and not knowing what to say are perfectly normal!!! Having been a 3rd party at many of these types of scenes with my work I can tell you that all she really needs and wants to hear is that you love her:)
I'll bet working out and running helps you ease some tension right now! Please keep us informed if you can and if it helps.... we all care!

Linda- x( x( x( I hate it when I have to repost a long notex( x( x(
There's lots of little frustrated smiley faces for you! GREAT job with your run today... as usual! Now go flex those bis!!!

Gotta run and pay some bills and then hop on the bike:7

Hi cheetahs,

Thank you for the Birthday wishes, Cathy!

Lot’s going on for me this past week but I have been somewhat “lurking” to keep up with ya’ll. I wanted to post the last few nights but felt it would be a waste since nobody would read it probably. I’m on the west coast and well…if I post at 11 pm PST then well, forget it. I’m at work now and just received a phone call ordering me to “come straight home” as DH and 2 of the teens are taking me to Chevy’s for my b-day dinner! :9 Yay!

I promise to come back a post tonight an update of my past week and to do personals for all the fab cheetahs.

Have a good night

Thomasina :7
Getting outside to try the the Chi Technique has not worked out just yet. I'm trying to rest my hip longer. However, on the EXT I have tried tried some of the Chi focuses like 'the lean' and using my abs and upper body while relaxing my legs. The EXT keeps track of cadence nicely. Do you use a metronome outside? I would like to find a source that has an 85-90 cadence. I think that translates to a 170-180 beats per minute and that is hard to find.

Cathy- I haven't caught the stray yet. It may not want to be caught; It is quite skiddish. it just want to eat our food and come in to get warm:) I still want to get it checked out and vaccinated and spayed/neutered.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Evening My Lovely Cheetahs!:)

No time (or energy) for personals tonight. :-( I am dog tired and still have yoga to do! I did my new Itread 20 min work out this morning. Great work out when you are fixed for time! It's a keeper!}(

I have a short Cathe cardio + Core Syn on tap for tmrw but I doubt I'll have time for all of that. As much as I'd love to get in another Cathe cardio I think wisdom will dictate it be a Cardio X day instead. That way I'll some cardio and some core syn all in one nice neat and short package! If I end up with more time than I thought I will stick my original plan. I will see how the afternoon goes....I have to work in the morning so that is killing a bunch of time I could be doing everything else I need to do!x( I didn't get much done today either since I had to do that favor for my friend in north jersey so I left the house before 8:30am to hit the gym and didn't get home again after the north jersey trek until like 3:30 this afternoon!:eek: I didn't mind helping him out...it's just bad timing cause I have so much going on right now with trying to get ready to go away.

Oh well...I'll stop babbling now-I'm wasting energy and I need to save it for Tony and Yoga X!}( :p

If I get revived by my yoga session I will pop back in for personals but if not...have a great night and I'll "see" everyone tomorrow!:)

shelly- thanks! I have heard that building is a pain but like you said worth it in the end.

carole-sorry about your back. Hope you feel better soon!

susan- thanks,hope we find the house of our dreams too! Its been a long time waiting.

cathy-It was very stressful today with the new company. Not enough workers. Ihope they hire new people quick.

talk with you all later!
Shelly :: thanks :)...Glad your running is going well...nothing like a good run (on hills no less!) to work through some stress. Good luck with your job situation! I hope you are able to reach a compromise. It's gotta be flattering to know you're a wanted woman!

Judy :: good luck catchin' that little guy!

Thomasina :: I think most folks do go back and read the previous day's posts when possible, so no fear of a late-night post going unread...but of course, no pressure! Feel free to post when you can. Hope you enjoy your night @ Chevy's!

Wendy :: hope you get everything done that you need to!

I *just* woke up...it was Nap X for me...at this point, I *might* try for a Fluidity workout, or I might just call it a night. I haven't decided. I feel a bit out of it...I can always double up on workouts this weekend...

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Well, I pulled out the yoga DVD that I couldn't bring myself to do before-the one I got for Christmas that is more on the spiritual side...Anyway, I decided to give it a shot because of how tired I am-it's not as intense as Yoga X and Long and Lean. I actually did the first 30 mins of it and it wasn't that awful! I must REALLY be tired!;) I feel guilty for not doing more but hey...the fact that the X has me doing any yoga AT ALL is pretty darned amazing so I'll take what I can get!:p :7

Have a great night ladies!:)
Hi there again…

We had a great time at Chevy’s. I had the portobello asparagus fajitas. Now it is 11:40 p.m. PST and I am sooooo tired. This week has been a doozy. I have to get some sleep, so I’ll be posting more and personals tomorrow morning on my first break at work.

Thanks for the birthday wishes, Judy!

See ya’ll tomorrow….


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