Hello again cheetahs! My goodness, it's an unusually quiet day in cheetahville
I had a great hilly outdoor 4.5 mile run and picked up my speed comfortably. The ME leg presses didn't feel like enough so I tacked on CTX power circuit. I had a lot of frustration to work off. I'm under alot of pressure to accept the charge nurse position of the new open heart surgery unit, but I really don't want to! I'd like to take a break and go back to patient care again. Hopefully I can work out a compromise. Anyway, enough boring nursy talk
Laura- Congratulations on your home loan approval!!!! You must be so excited! If I may offer a little opinion based on my own experiences. DH and I bought and sold several homes over the years and 6 years ago we finally custom built our home. There were alot of headaches along the way to be sure (it's unavoidable I'm afraid)
But I don't regret it for a minute!! There's nothing like having a home built like you want it and brand new!!!! Have a great "Y" day.
Judy- You sound pretty busy but happy! I scanned yesterday's posts and read that you're really getting into the Chi Running technique.
Have you tried it outside yet? I was focusing on it alot today. It really dramatically reduces the effort level!
Gayle- Wow, I've never heard of a race longer than a 10k without potty stops
But you're so speedy anyway I doubt it'll be a problem for you! I'm sorry you're not getting your expected tax refund this year. I'm sure it must be frustrating to you. My goal is to keep my refund as small as possible.... I don't like the idea of loaning the government MY money interest free!!! They certainly don't return the favor, if I underpay my taxes there's a penalty!
So IMO, I think you managed your money very wisely! I hope it helps you to see it this way anyway.
Kristi - sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! No need to hang your head in shame there girl! You're running is going VERY well!!!! Good work.
Christine- I only have a regular upright stationary exercise bike. When I was shopping I originally wanted to get a trainer but they were so expensive I went this route for now. When I upgrade my bike I would like to get a trainer to go with it.... eventually ;-)
Carole- A two week running break sounds like the smart thing to do!
With your excellent EXT you won't lose a bit of your endurance!
Maybe you should look into the Chi running technique, even though you've been running many many years I know and change would be difficult. He guarantees to keep runners injury free. Just a thought
Susan- MEGA {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} to you sweetie!!! I'm so sorry you're mom is doing so poorly. You're feelings of helplessness and not knowing what to say are perfectly normal!!! Having been a 3rd party at many of these types of scenes with my work I can tell you that all she really needs and wants to hear is that you love her
I'll bet working out and running helps you ease some tension right now! Please keep us informed if you can and if it helps.... we all care!
Linda- x( x( x( I hate it when I have to repost a long notex( x( x(
There's lots of little frustrated smiley faces for you! GREAT job with your run today... as usual! Now go flex those bis!!!
Gotta run and pay some bills and then hop on the bike:7
Laura- Congratulations on your home loan approval!!!! You must be so excited! If I may offer a little opinion based on my own experiences. DH and I bought and sold several homes over the years and 6 years ago we finally custom built our home. There were alot of headaches along the way to be sure (it's unavoidable I'm afraid)
But I don't regret it for a minute!! There's nothing like having a home built like you want it and brand new!!!! Have a great "Y" day.
Judy- You sound pretty busy but happy! I scanned yesterday's posts and read that you're really getting into the Chi Running technique.
Have you tried it outside yet? I was focusing on it alot today. It really dramatically reduces the effort level!
Gayle- Wow, I've never heard of a race longer than a 10k without potty stops
So IMO, I think you managed your money very wisely! I hope it helps you to see it this way anyway.
Kristi - sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! No need to hang your head in shame there girl! You're running is going VERY well!!!! Good work.
Christine- I only have a regular upright stationary exercise bike. When I was shopping I originally wanted to get a trainer but they were so expensive I went this route for now. When I upgrade my bike I would like to get a trainer to go with it.... eventually ;-)
Carole- A two week running break sounds like the smart thing to do!
With your excellent EXT you won't lose a bit of your endurance!
Maybe you should look into the Chi running technique, even though you've been running many many years I know and change would be difficult. He guarantees to keep runners injury free. Just a thought
Susan- MEGA {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}} to you sweetie!!! I'm so sorry you're mom is doing so poorly. You're feelings of helplessness and not knowing what to say are perfectly normal!!! Having been a 3rd party at many of these types of scenes with my work I can tell you that all she really needs and wants to hear is that you love her
I'll bet working out and running helps you ease some tension right now! Please keep us informed if you can and if it helps.... we all care!
Linda- x( x( x( I hate it when I have to repost a long notex( x( x(
There's lots of little frustrated smiley faces for you! GREAT job with your run today... as usual! Now go flex those bis!!!
Gotta run and pay some bills and then hop on the bike:7