:::::: CHEETAHS :::::: thursday, march 1st


Mornin', cheetahs :)

Today will be S&A & ARX for me. And if I can, I'd like to squeeze in another Fluidity workout. It's also weigh-in day for the Biggest Winner competition at school. Ugh. *lol* Yesterday I did NOT eat clean, so I'm feelin' kinda bloated and gross.

Wendy :: good luck with the test! Is there a time limit they give you? I'm sure you'll ace it.

Have a great day, everyone!
~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Good Morning Cathy and all who follow.

Well, my rear end doesn't hurt. I haven't checked for a bruise but I doubt I have one. It hardly hurt when I hit the ground anyway. :p :) :7

I originally had Cathe cardio on tap for this morning but I did not get up early enough to squeeze it in before DS gets up and I'm not sure if I'll have the opportunity at nap time so I'm off to the gym at 8am for a run. I am going to use one of my new ITreads today. I can't wait!}(

I am heading up north to do a favor for a friend right from the gym. I'm not sure what time we'll be getting back. I have yoga on tap for this evening though as I know I'll be back in plenty of time for that!:)

I have to start getting ready to go away this weekend. I need to wash some clothes and pack for myself and DS. He is going to my mom's for the night since DH has a full schedule on friday evenings right now and won't be home. I guess I'll wash clothes when I get home later and pack at some point tomorrow. I have to work in the morning and have Core Syn to do at nap time as well. YIKES! How do I always manage to over-pack my schedule??? I also am supposed to get up with the chickens and do some cardio in the morning! If I don't make it out of bed, I may nix Core Syn in favor of cardio at nap time considering what my eating will be like this weekend!:eek: I won't have time to do both at nap time...that's a fact!

Okay, I'm done babbling now...If you haven't been entertained by the going's on in my step class last night yet you must go check it out! You're all gonna LOVE it!:7

Hi, Cathy! Good vibes for weigh in!

I have to go back and read last night's posts. But Thursday is my quickie morning. I go into DS's Kindergarten class every Thursday, so I have to make it quick.

I was up early for B&G. I'm having problems with ab work that requires rolling up on my tailbone. It's still very tender from the snow tubing 'incident'. But the BUTTS part was awesome! LOL

Gotta run, sorry! BBL

WENDY! I had to go back NOW to read about your fall. OUCH! I am NOT laughing, especially after my snow tubing fall on my tailbone. Be careful. Hopefully all that's hurt is a bit of the ego. lol. CAREFUL!

NOW I HAVE TO GO!!!!!!!!!! BBL

Good morning cheetahs! Couldn't manage a post yesterday but I'm in a slow period at work so I'll take a moment for a quick cheetahfix:)
I have a big meeting after work... that's always fun after working a
12 hr night shift:eek: At least I'm off tonight:) After a nap I'll get in a 4 mile run and ME leg press premix. Later on I hope to get in a 40 min iCycle.

Wendy- Good luck on your exam!!! I guess you're focused now on your upcoming Atlantic City getaway:7 Hope your buns have recovered from your step class fall. That sounds like something I'd do:p

Cathy- See what happens when you are so dependable with starting up the check in each morning! It was sheer panic yesterday;-) (LOL)
Congratulations on finishing up with the paperwork marathon!!! You should get a medal:) Good luck with the weigh in today!

Gayle- Have a fun kindergarten day:7 :7

Hopefully I can check back in later today! Hi to everyone following.

Hi :)

Cathy-ok you are allowed a day off from starting
up the Cheetahs. Did you have a nice visit/dinner with your friend?... OK we will be waiting foryour review of Fluidity!

Wendy- Falling at home is bad enough but falling in class- yikes! At least you don't have a(visible) bruise! Have a wonderful weekend away :) Your Mom is a special Grandma for sure.

Hi Gayle- TG your DF was ok, I'm sorry he was the one to discover the body.

GTG time to get DD to school..BBL I hope!


If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.

Tonight I will do something at the ymca when my boys have soccer practice. Thanks for all the congrats on getting approved for the loan. My DH and I dont know for sure what we are going to do. we plan on going to the house and see it again this weekend and also homes in bowling green that they build. We really dont want to payments at the same time so we might go the builiding route. We have some things to do to our house before we can put it up on the market. but homes arent selling very fast and we are afraid of getting stuck with ours too long and that will be very expensive. anwyay, we'll know more this weekend on what direction we will go. I do love that house we saw last weekend but a new home would be great too.gotta go to work, the new company comes in today. seee ya!
Hi everybody! I just came quickly for a question....SILLY question at that! For a 10 mile race/run, you'd think the organizers would have potties on the course, right? LOL. My 10 miler is this Saturday and I'm a last-minute walk-up....I wasn't sure what DFiance's schedule would be and what I would do with my kids. BUT it looks like all is clear for the race. BUT....Some people worry about mile markers, or time split clocks. I worry about the potties! LOL. You'd think they have them, right? I looked for an email addy to ask the organizer, but imagine how strange that question would be! LOL. ANYWAY....off to school!

Good morning Cheetahs! Yesterday's run went well, and I felt great afterwards. On taps for today will be strength training, not sure which one though. Any ideas what I should do? Initially I was going to run today so I would not have to run tomorrow since Saturday is my long run. (I don't like running 2 days in a row.) However on Saturday I will be taking DS, DS's friend and his Mom to Disney on Ice, which my work provided tickets for. The boys are both so excited. Anyway, I think I might change my long run to Sunday instead.

Cathy we missed you yesterday. I'm glad your dinner with your friend went well and you finished grading all of those papers. No wonder you were MIA. Glad to have you back. BTW, I'm paying attention to what you think of Fluidity.

Wendy - Sorry about your fall yesterday! No laughing here. It sounds like something I would do. That is why I don't like going to the gym, too many people and so many stupid things I would probably do. Enjoy your Atlantic City weekend. Are you and DH celebrating something like an anniversary or is it a just for fun trip? Sorry I probably missed that post.

Hi to all Cheetahs! I hope to BBL. However my office manager is out of town this whole week so I am doing my job and hers. I'm swamped with stuff to do. When I finish one project I get 3 more given to me. TTYL!
Happy Thursday Cheetah Babes!

I’m struggling to wake up fully – took a bit of Nyqil as I was coughing last night – allergies are bad here right now – a lot of things in bloom. Still not sure what I’m going to do today – some kind of total body weight workout. Trying to decide if I’m going to do something like HSTA (which is what I’ll probably end up doing) or something like Power Hour. I am taking my role as the indecisive Cheetah very seriously! :p

Cathy – Good luck at the weigh in! The bloated and gross feeling was me yesterday, but I had had too much bean soup the night before. So I was bloated, gross and lethal!! Lovely combo – eh?

Wendy – Glad to hear you are pain free! Let’s hope you’re bruise free. Have Sal check for you }(. Enjoy your run at the gym. Let me know which iTread and how you like it! You’re going up North this weekend? Have fun. How far up north? Good luck on your exam! I have faith in you!

Gayle – Sorry the tailbone is still sore – those take forever to heal, I swear! Enjoy your time at DS’s kindergarten class. It’s great that you get to do that! And I’m with you – I worry more about the potties for a 10 miler. My 10k in Sonoma only had them at the end. I don’t think that’s an odd question to ask at all.

Shelly – we missed you yesterday, but understand absolutely! Have fun with your workout – sounds like a really good one! Do you have a spin bike or a bike on a trainer?

Laura – it took us 2 years to find the house we currently have, and when we did, it was one of those things where we just knew it was the one. So, take your time. Where are they building in BG? It’s so funny to hear about my old stomping grounds.

Judy – Hi there! I think catching the kitty and taking him to the vet is a good thing. Especially if the kitty hangs out with your other kitties. You should check around – there are societies who will help spay/neuter feral cats and get them their shots, etc. Maybe they can help you do the full spectrum. A friend of mine does that for the stray cats in her neighborhood, but of course she’s very well set financially and can afford to so things like that.

Kristi – Disney on Ice sounds like fun! Enjoy that. No help on the strength workout as I’m still deciding myself. Sorry!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I bet that is quite a relief to have the grading done. How fun to get something new. The Fluidity bar should keep you busy. We don't get much snow here so it is always exciting when we do. I almost always take pics...:)..Enjoy S&A and ARX today. Seems like you like the Fluidity workouts so far...

Linda...I did get the CD in the mail yesterday. Hope you have it soon...:)

Gayle...wow..must have been awful for your fiancee to find that fire victim...Good job with B&G...hope the tailbone heals up.

Shelly...great workout as always. Glad your running is going well.

Kristi...sounds like you running is going well. Disney on Ice should be fun!!

Christine...sound like you are enjoying the spinervals. I have no doubt your legs are getting stronger. Sorry about the allergies...I get those too, but since I have been on meds regularly, they seem to be at bay. Enjoy whatever workout you choose...

Jess...always a busy cheetah! Congrats on the new Truck..Good workouts too.

Wendy...Yeow!...Sorry about the fall, I have fallen before at home, glad you are not sore today...XStretch can be a long one, I'd probably sub one of Cathe's Stretchmaxes...:)..good luck with the PT test. Enjoy your iTread!

Judy..that's cool about the Bible study. We have had stray cats too....funny how it followed your cat right in...:)

My nephew said he wanted me to avoid running for about 2 weeks because the pain flared up in my back Tuesday. He thinks it could be the impact affecting my back. So I will be doing alot of the EXT! Today I'll be doing Power Hour legs and an iClimb on the EXT.

Have a great day...:)
Carole - sorry to hear you can't run for two weeks! I'm glad you have the EXT. Enjoy your workout. Yeah, I'm enjoying the Spinervals. I may just do my Hillacious again tomorrow - we'll see.

I ended up doing HSTA and ME Abs. Funny - ME abs wasn't as tough as I remember. Oh, it's not easy, but I think I'm getting stronger! YEAH! HSTA on the other had was as tough as I remember - but it was still fun!

Have a great day everyone!
My workout is done and so is my smoothie and water. I 'll just be here for a quick visit. This morning I did EXT with the Cardio Coach Press Play Choose Living. ( I tried to focus a bit on using my abs and arms similar to the Chi method. But since feet don't get picked up it is a different feeling. ) Then for upper body I did ME.

Carole- I am sorry about your back keeping you from running. Thankfully you have the EXT to keep you cardio factor strong. I am wondering when I should be able to run again too. Monday on the TM was a set-back.
Jes and Susan did so well with resting as prescribed; hopefully we can too!!

Hi Christine- I agree about ME abs having just done them! I haven't visited HSTA in a while.

Ok, it is time to get cleanning, and make phone calls. (I called a contrator/friend about finishing our workout area 3 weeks ago and he has not called back!) I also have to book a flight home for DD for Easter. I think I will drive DS home from Boston at Easter so we can bring his ski and Hockey equipment home.

Ok by this time , really :7

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning ladies,
I had a very busy day yesterday, so did not have time to post at all. I did have a great workout yesterday though. I went to the gym and did the elliptical for 45 minutes and then the bike for 20 minutes. The bike was a little uncomfortable for my glute, but it was nice doing something different. I had not been to the gym since I got my elliptical. It was a nice change:)

I talked to my sister yesterday and my mom has pneumonia now. They decided to not do anymore chemo, for reasons I do not know yet, but I am thinking maybe it is not shrinking the cancer. I guess she is really sick though with this pneumonia. I will call her today. I am preparing myself for the worst. I have a feeling she will be declining fast now. I feel very sad for her and very helpless. I am not really sure what to say to her now.

Anyway, sorry about going on about that.

Cathy, Don't fret about the weigh-in. I am sure it will be fine and if it is not there is always next week. I personally am so tired of the scale. It is so inconsistent. Sounds like so far you are enjoying fluidity. It is fun to get a new toy.

Wendy, When I was teaching aerobics, I would sweat so much that I would get sweat all over my step and one time I slipped right off of it on my rear. I was SO embarressed, but just got up and get teaching. Glad your bum is okay;-)

Gayle, I love the butts and gutts dvd. I too tend to focus more on the butt part}( I am doing the leg blast premix today. I also work in my 1st graders classroom this morning. I love being in there.

Shelly, amazing how after that long shift you can get such awesome workouts in. I would probably sleep the whole day. I will have to try that ME leg blast premix, sounds fun!

Laura, that is great about the loan! It is so exciting buying a new house. I hope you find your dream one.

Judy, be CAREFUL with your injury. I ran so many times when I shouldn't have and made my injury so much worst. Try to focus on some other form of cardio like step or kickboxing. My pt says that most injuries from athletes come from too much impact. It has been incredibly hard for me to cool it with running and other high impact activites, but a real lesson in moderation and listening to my body. Great workout this morning. I love the upper body portion of ME.

Kristi, I would recommend ME or Muscle Max for today. I love both of those. Let us know what you come up with:)

Christine, I say go for HSTA!!!! Love that workout! I am sure you will do something kick arse. Yeah, I think yesterday was a high allergy day. Where is our sun today?

Carole, Sorry about the back. That is what was happening to me. I would start to feel better and the impact from running would cause my back to flare up as well. I guess that is why I am really questioning doing that anymore. But, at least you can do CAthe or does he want you to stop the step too? Thank goodness for the elliptical and Cathe strength tapes. The pics of the snow you posted were so pretty. We get snow over here at Mt Diablo.

Christine, Great workout!!!! BTW, I will be thinking of you at lunch today. I am going out for an Indian buffet feast}(

Well Ladies I am off to work in my Allyson's classroom and then PT appointment. I will be doing the butts and gutts leg blast premix.

Have a great day friends!

Susan - enjoy your Indian Feast!! Sorry to hear about your mom. She's in my prayers, sweetie. As are you. If you need an ear, please feel free to use mine. You know I'm close. {{{HUGS}}}
I'm here for a quick RANT.

But first, I just have to send you HUGS, Susan! Know you are in solid prayers at all times!

OK...RANT. Perhaps I should be ranting at myself. And my stupidity! I'm clueless when it comes to how taxes work. Clueless, completely! As you know, I'm a widow, 2 boys, new home (built it 5 years ago before DH got sick so I'm paying mortgage + taxes monthly), SAHM for all of 2006. The only income our house gets is Social Security Survivor Benefits. That's it. No life ins, nothing. And it's TIGHT with a HUGE CAPITAL T! Financially, I pinch and make a penny stretch to a dollar every single month. WELL...onto taxes. Last year, I got a refund of over $5,500. I dropped my taxes off last week, picked them up today. NOTHING. It's a complete wash. I owe nothing (which is ALWAYS GOOD), but I don't get anything either. Not a penny! Well, being clueless, I asked why. I guess it may be obvious to all of you. BUT....if you HAVE no income, you cannot claim what is called EIC (earned income credit). I had no idea that it was the EIC that was pretty much making our refunds so huge every single year since we were married.

Now, I'm okay. BUT....our yearly refund is what we've always used as our cushion. Play money, if you will. I'm starting to worry about the rest of this year, and vacations (which we don't really do big ones anyway), etc. No cushion this time around. Now, I do have some play money still left from last year's return, but still!

OK...I really am sorry if this seems trivial, obvious, or self-serving. Being ignorant is not all it's cracked up to be! LOL.

So much going on in my head right now, so I could type and rant forever. But I won't. I'll stop it there. And move on.

Oh, and in case you're wondering how much longer I'm planning on depending on the government to keep my household running...I am planning on going back to work next year when younger DS is in 1st grade full time.


p.s. SORRY!

ETA! oh....just came back to say that I got in touch with the organizer of this weekend's 10 miler and there are only bathrooms in the school building at the start/finish....so only at the beginning and end! ACK! LOL
Gayle - I pmed you!

Okay, lunch did not go as planned. It is rainy here and I didn't feel like going home to exercise. *Hangs my head in shame* Instead I opted to go to Babies R Us and Walmart to check out clothes for Annamarie. She is outgrowing her winter stuff and I need to find a few things to tide her over until summer is here. You would think that wouldn't be too hard, but everything that is out right now is for summer. I think I need to look around a little more and see what I can come up with in the meantime.

I'll BBL.
Hi everyone! I am going to, once again, attempt my post! I lost it once and just cannot seem to get it done 

Cathy – I am glad you got your Fluidity! I agree….it is definitely “different”! I hope you like it and don’t regret the purchase! I am liking better than I did last summer, so far! Glad you had fun at dinner last night with your friend!

Susan – I am so sorry about your mother! I hope and pray she gets better soon! It is so, so painful to watch a loved one go downhill. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Good job on your workout yesterday! It does feel good to do something different than you usually do!

Wendy – Your weekend getaway will be here before you know it! I hope you don’t wear yourself out getting ready for it! Good luck with your test and finishing the manuals! Where did you order them and which manuals are they? I need to somehow or another, figure out where to order mine and what I am supposed to order.

Christine – Sounds like a good workout! I have not done HSTA in a long, long time!

Carole – Thanks again for sending that CD! I can’t wait to try it out! I am sorry about your injury! Hopefully, if you don’t do any running for a couple of weeks, you will be doing a lot better! You are lucky to have a “built in” Chiropractor ; - )

Gayle – I am sorry about the tax refund! I wish I knew of a loophole to suggest to you….but I am clueless when it comes to the Fed. Government and taxes! I have also heard of “unearned income credit”? ( I have also heard of that before, as well as the one that you referred to.) Could that be if a person does not work? Would that help? But, I guess your accountant would have known if it would have helped. I just know that they frustrate me to no end!!! No potties on the course???? Oh dear!

Shelly – Enjoy your night off tonight! Hope you get a nap and don’t have to stay for the meeting for too long!!!

Judy – Good job on your workout!

Kristi – Don’t work too hard! It sounds like your work day is going about like mine! My boss was out of town for a week. Today is his first day back. I am swamped with trying to get his stuff caught up. Hope you get a breather!

Laura - Good luck on what you end up doing about getting your new house! Sounds like there are several different ways you can go!

This morning I ran 5 miles with CC #6 with Sean and did Fluidity Advanced and GS biceps, since I did not do biceps this week.

Hi to anyone I may have inadvertently missed and hope everyone has a good day!
Carole - I'm sorry to hear your pain is flaring up in your back. No running for 2 weeks? Thank goodness you have an EXT to keep you going during those 2 weeks. Enjoy your iClimb and Power Hour.
Hey there, cheetahs! :)

Well, there has been no change in my weight since last weigh-in, but I *have* lost inches. Those don’t really count for the purposes of our Biggest Winner competition at school, but that works for me. I’m just concerned with getting fitter and smaller! I lost ¾” from each thigh, so the leg workouts have paid off!! Would be nice, though, if next month the scale catches up. (We only get weighed in the 1st of every month.)

Wendy :: sounds like a full day of running around for you! Great that you’ll have a chance to rock out in AC this weekend! :)

Shelly :: hope the meeting is quick and painless! I’m an anti-meeting person myself!

Judy :: yes, dinner was a good chance to catch up and laugh. I’m glad things are back to normal…Another great workout under your belt, I see. Did you manage to catch the stray kitten?

Laura :: hope it went well with the new company today!

Gayle :: That totally blows about your income taxes!! I can see how that would take the wind right out of your sails. Sorry to hear it.:(

Kristi :: Glad you had a good run…Complimentary Disney on Ice tickets? Sweet! You deserve it after running around doing two jobs this week…If you feel that your strength has slipped, I recommend the GS series or PUB. BTW, no shame, girl! The fact that you go home and EXERCISE during lunch every day is amazing to me. A break now & then is more than OK!! Good luck on the clothes shopping. It does seem that stores leap from parkas straight to swimsuits.

Christine :: cracking up at the bean soup effects!

Carole :: sorry to hear you’ve been sidelined from running for 2 weeks…probably better to err on the side of caution, though! Hope your back is better soon. This is so weird, but the other day I had a dream that I met you and you wanted to fix me up with your nephew. (I think this was buried somewhere my head bc my mom has joked about fixing me up with HER friend’s chiro nephew.)

Susan :: sorry to hear about mom’s pneumonia…I hope it’s not as bad as you fear…(((HUGS))) comin’ your way…let us know how she sounds when you talk to her.

Linda :: I’m glad to hear you are liking Fluidity better than before…It was an impulsive buy, for sure…I’d intended to wait a little longer and see how I liked the Bar Method workouts, but in the end, I just snapped and bought the thing. I am starting to feel it in the “seat” today, that’s for sure.

Thomasina :: if you stop in today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :) :) :) What are your celebration plans?

Well, I ate an early dinner and now feel a power nap coming on before my workouts.

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!


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