::::: CHEETAHS ::::: Thursday, 3/8

Hello all I think I am currently sitting in a boring inservice and being a naughty girl and looking at the forums}( I am so bored. I am considering not working out tonight.
Hey everyone! I took this morning off. I got up and took little Madison out at 4:00 and decided I was going back to bed! So I slept until 6:30 a.m.:7

Cathy - Enjoy the play! Good plan on taking the workout with you!

Wendy - Yay! I hope you like BBC! I have never done the non-treadmill cardio, but just by previewing...it is intense! I am going to give it a try sometime soon, though! You could use any cardio that you wanted to! You can do it kind of like P90X.

Jackie - 7 miles will be a good run! I need to do a 7 miler! The longest I have done the past month is 6. I am due! Hope it doesn't rain on you! I am with you on BBC Back and Shoulders! I love the standing abwork. Well, actually, the whole DVD! (and ummm, Joey :+ sure doesn't hurt!)

Jess - That is so great about you being able to run painfree! Thank you so much for all of your info on listening to our bodies and resting our injuries! I did get my foam roll! It really does help! So...are you not going to go to your PT anymore?

Carole - I have never heard of those drinks, but the really sound interesting! I have read about cleansing that some people were doing here on the board a few months ago. Was that the one you have done? Is that the one where you drink the "lemonade"? Are they all from the same company? I am sorry....so many questions :+ Enjoy your EXT and standing B&G!

Laura - My goodness! You have really been busy! That is nice that your in-laws are selling the property to you! Have fun looking for a house to build! I love looking at house plans, etc! I have Amy's Bootcamp. I liked it. It was a little on the short side and not quite as intense as Cathe's. But I did like it a lot!

Sunny - Congratulations on the new workout room! Yes, please post a pic of it and you! It sounds like you are a very busy PT!!

Judy - I am glad you hip and legs help up on the treadmill walk! I had ordered a foam roll, but it had not come in yet, but yesterday my DH stopped and picked me up one at Dick's. I guess I have been keeping up at night because of my hip. I used it last night and it felt sooo good! Have you tried one yet? If not ....I do recommend it! I need to get the Chi running book! I STILL have not done that :+ Awww...I feel for your little DD.

Christine - Glad you are starting to feel better! Sounds like you have really had a rough week!

Gayle - Good job on the run! Glad you had no bad DOMS from L&G! I am planning on doing LoMax sometime soon. Since Carole was talking about that...it made me want to do it +) The "Power of Suggestion". I do need to start putting some stepping back into my weeks. I miss it! Enjoy the "taper"!

Shelly - I am SOOO jealous of where you live and your dirt road right by where you live! That would be heaven! I would love to run without having to worry about getting blown off the road by cars speeding by! I am glad you enjoyed your run! It sounds great! Have fun at Costco! Enjoy your workout!

Marcia - Could you have maybe lifted heavier than normal weights and pulled a muscle on that one side of your body? I know I used to feel like you are describing when I did heavier than normal chest and corework. I felt like I just could not take in a full deep breath...and I hurt from the top of my shoulders down to my hip. It was mainly on one side. I don't know...just a thought. That hasn't happened for a couple of years. Hope you feel better.

Hi to everyone and hope I haven't missed anyone!
Sorry ladies, this is another "drive by" post. Work has been so crazy lately. I barely have time to finish 1 project before 3 more are handed to me. We are quickly heading into our busy (sold out) part of the year and it normally continues until the beginning of October so my posts will probably begin to become even more sporadic. Please know that I will still be thinking of you ladies.

Yesterday I was able to run 4 miles outside. It was 63 degrees and very beautiful. Too bad the warm temperatures did not last longer. I'm just glad that with the time change this weekend we will begin to have daylight last longer in the evenings. Today I did Butts & Gutts. I could not do it all due to time constraints so it really was more of a hodge podge, but still effective.

I promise I will try to find time to chat with you all tomorrow before I go MIA for the weekend.

I hope everyone is doing well and the injured cheetahs are recovering. Take care!!
Hello again cheetahs! Back from Costco with my checking account now lightened;-) But I love it there! Anyway, some catch up...

Marcia- Your sidestitch sounds like pleuritic pain to me. The pleura is the lining of your lungs and when it gets inflammed it gives symptoms just like you described. It probably is minor and will pass, this can be from infection or other causes (there are multiple) However, if it persists and/or gets worse I would go make a visit to your doc. Hope this helps :) .... nothing to get your panties in a wad over either....I'm sure you're fine!

Wendy- I may be a sucker right with you. I've been considering getting BBC for my next purchase. Congrats on upping the weights ...
you animal!!!

Gayle- Great tempo run!!!

Jackie- When I hear about people getting black toes I usually suspect the shoes. Are you using different ones now? Anyway, best of luck to you this weekend!

Linda- Yes, I live out in the boonies where I seldom have to worry about traffic. In fact with today's run I didn't see a single car,
I only had to dodge some cows! Actually, they dodge me but the stupid things don't have the sense to run off the road but often just run further down and I end up "herding" cows during my run!

Okay, I feel like moving again!!! Instead of KM I'm in the mood for some PlyoX}(

Yoga X is done done done! I did it all...with the exception of the ohms...I just can't!:p

So tmrw is Legs and Back...gonna feel like an EASY day...won't even have to do ab work! :7

Have a great night all!:)

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