::: CHEETAHS ::: Thurs., 10/19

Hi Laurie! Look up above your post. I explained what a power class it to Shelley in my post right above yours!:+

Have a great day!
Just found out my friend can probably run after work today! :+

It does have it's pros and cons though...

Pro: no music-less TM run.
Con: no power class-timing is no good.

If we do this then it means that I will FINALLY give that danged jogging stroller a try!:eek: :7 :7 :7

I will get my weight work in via Jari either tonight after DS' bedtime or tomorrow after work. }(

I could push it to Saturday morning and take the class then but I'm hesitant to work lower body the day before a race!
Susan - I do the same thing when I cut back on cardio. Especially when I switch types of cardio, as well. Seems like my appetite is so much bigger when I run and do heavy weights! but then I even out and pretty much hit a plateau, I guess. Guess that is when my body gets adjusted to the change?

Runnergirl LD - A Garmin is a GPS/Heart rate monitor. The Garmin 301 and Forerunner 305 is a heart rate monitor, also. It allows you to keep track of your pace, heart rate, calories and distance. The 305 (not sure about the others) even allows you to "race" a virtual partner. There is software to download to your computer and as soon as you plug your Garmin into the computer, it stores all of your information and allows you to see a "map" of your course and all of the other information. There is a lot more that it can do, but I am still not real familiar with mine yet. Hope this made sense :+

Christine - I tried to find the January 06 rotation, but could not find it. I am pretty sure I did it, though. I am thinking it was kind of like the August 05 rotation? I usually don't really lose definition unless I do something like that for over 6 weeks or so. I would say if you throw in some heavier weight workouts once in a while, you would not. Also the added cardio may even allow more definition. That is usually the way it does me for a few weeks. And after that, I need heavier weights for a while.

Wendy - The only Trainer's Edge that I have is Killer Butt. I think it is a good workout. I really end up with DOMS from it! But...it does not have anywhere near as good production as a Cathe Workout. She counts contantly and the music is not the greatest. But I honestly do not pay attention to that when I am doing the workout. I am drenched in sweat. She does one complete lower body circuit with no weight and then on the second circuit, she adds weight. I use weight throughout the whole workout, though. It is a high rep, low weight type of workout with some floorwork at the end. I really do like it.

Laurie - I am glad you had a productive PT visit! Good job on the Imax workout! That is so neat that you are a Certified Massage Therapist? I have honestly thought about going to school for that. Do you like it? I can definitely see where the yoga would go hand in hand with it!

Judy - your workout sounds good! I miss doing KPC! I need to pull that out soon! I don't think I have ever done any of the premixes to that one! I need to give 'em a try!

Talk you you guys later!

Good Afternoon Ladies!

I got my 60 minute mixed aerobics workout done. There are some days that I don't feel like doing any DVD, so I do kettlebell swings, kickboxing movements, and anything else that maintains my heart rate. I even tried some of the moves shown on the extended DrillMax clip.

DM is the only new workout I preordered, and I am so looking forward to it. But since I am in ABB mode, I may not get a chance to do DM until mid January! :(

To build up my aerobic base and lactate threshold, I am trying not to go anerobic. It's hard though! I love the burn from Cathe! }(

I am off to practice my pushups. I can at least build up my strength for the DM dive bomber pushups! :7
Elaine - I read your comment: "To build up my aerobic base and lactate threshold, I am trying not to go anerobic. " I'm a little confused. I've always been taught that in order to build your lactate threshold - which is your anaerobic threshold, the best way is to push against it and push against it hard. That has always worked for me, but maybe I should be doing it differently.

Linda - you've got it - the Jan '06 rotation is like the August '05 rotation. I will do what you say - scatter in some heavy weight workouts... Thanks for the advice. I've been doing heavy weights for so long that I'm ready for a nice change...
Hi there cheetahgalpals! Had a pretty successful 5 mile run and still feelin good:7 I'm on the way back! I just have to restrain myself from running too fast too soon! I also got in the GS C&T workout....wow, it's been a while since that one..I'll be in DOMS city tomorrow. :eek:

Christine- Hope your rest day is going well. I'm guilty of sneeking in a post at work also ;-) I think your idea of a semi rotation with the new workouts and running is a good one. I'll likely be doing the same and lightening up on the heavy weight workouts til after my marathon in January.

Linda- You really should set aside a dedicated day to completing the GS C&T workout as is with all the sets of pushups. It gives you such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment....ya feel like superwoman!

Carole- Another donut hater here! I don't think I've eaten one since I was a teenager (a LONG time ago) One small piece of chocolate is OK but if I try to eat more I get sick quickly. I more than make up for this however with my weakness for CHEESE!!!! Hope you're recovering from your bug!

Jess- Hey....how did you like IMAX3??? (my favorite) Venison chili sounds delicious! Sounds like your having quite a shindig!

Susan- YOur experience with weight loss isn't that unusual. People often mistakenly train for a marathon in order to lose weight. What often happens is that with the huge increase in cardio there is also a huge increase in appetite.

Judy- Sounds like you had a fun workout day with KPC!

LD- Garmin is just the most popular well known brand of GPS navigators.The ones made for runners are called the Garmin Forerunners. Timex and Polar also make their own versions. I think if you make the decision to get one you'll wonder how you ever ran without it!

Hey WonderWendy! (new name :p ) You Power class sounds great...
but I would opt to run with a friend any day over a class....especially if you get to use your jogging stroller!

Laurie- How great that your ankle is recovering! Some really great support shoes will be just the ticket!

Elaine(DP)- I admire you for being able to put together an effective ad lib workout that really works you. I'm not good at that at all...
I need the direction and motivation of a tape....unless I'm running of course.

Nice chattin with y'all! Hi to anyone else checkin in today!

Good evening Cheetahs,

It's been a crazy couple of days/weeks at work, school, home and in just about everything. I do log in every once in a while when I can but that's not very often. I'm sorry if it seems that I just popped in and popped back out but life has been crazy.

I'm still keeping up with my half-marathon training and getting in my workouts and that's probably what is keeping me from not tearing my hair out. Today is supposed to e a 3.5 mile run but I ended up giving blood for a co-worker who is having surgery tomorrow so it is an unscheduled rest day.

Elaine (toughyrun) I just want to say CONGRATS! on your marathon, way to go!!!

Shelly, it's great that you had a run in today without pain. Take it easy and in no time you'll be back to form

Wendy, all your talk about Jari love got me curious and I bought Slim n' Lean and Ripped to the Core. I hope I enjoy them as much as you do.

Christine, congrats on your job, I hope it works out well for you

Carole, I hope you feel 100% soon. Take it easy Cheetah!

Susan, congrats on the weight loss. It is very common for my weight to fluctuate by 2-5lbs any given week. It depends mostly on my eating habits.

Hi to Cathy, Linda, Laurie, Jess, Elaine (DP), Laura and everyone else who pops by.

Enjoy the rest of your day Cheetahs.
Hey ladies.

Linda: Thanks for the w/o review!:)

Kim: I really hope you like the Jari workouts!

Shelley: WonderWendy!? LOLOLOL You don't know me very well, do you? :p

Okay so I met my friend at the park and all I can say is OH...MY...GOD! Who's bright idea was it anyway to invent a jogging stroller!? They are pure friggin' evil!!!}( }( }( :p I ran 2 slooow miles (it took 25 mins :eek: ) and thought I was gonna keel over! :eek: :eek: :eek: I guess just like anything else, the more you do it, the more endurance you build up. I really never expected it to be THAT hard though! WOW!

Well, I missed my Power class so I guess I have a date with Jari tomorrow after work!;) I COULD do weights now but um....NOT!LOL :p
Tomorrow evening I intend to take the gym's kickboxing class for the first time. It's called Group Kick. Hope it's a goodie!}(

Well, off to the showers with me!

Ciao Bellas!:*
I'm back and smell all purdy and clean now! Ain't ya proud of me!? :p

I have nothing further to report...just bored...la dee dah and ho hum. LOL I don't feel like doin' housework (oh my! did I just say that!? Don't tell my DH!;-) ) and tv just sucks the life right outta me cause all I do is flick thru the channels and usually find a fat lotta NOTHIN' on! ACK! x(

I could read but truth be told, I'm not really into the book I'm reading right now so it's kind of a chore...hate when that happens. I DO intend to finish it at some point though as I bought the darned thing!

Okay okay...I'll stop boring you ladies with my boringness...wait a second...is that even a friggin' word!? BORINGNESS!?!? LOL Oh gawd, I am losin' it now!!!:7 :7 :7

I'm gonna go make a cup of decaf java....maybe that will spur me on to do something constructive until it's time for bed!;)


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