:::::: CHEETAHS :::::: Sunday, Feb. 24

Good morning ladies,
ICK! It is raining here and it is dark and gray out. I do not like this at all(LOL)! I am so spoiled with out weather.

I am in chore mode this morning. I have tons of laundry and just plain cleaning to do around here. I have always been a little obsessive about my housework and have been trying to loosen up about it, but now I have a huge amount of work to do. I think I will go back to cleaning everything on a daily basis.

I am not sore from the run yesterday and the back feels okay, so that is good news. Like I said I am going to just not obsess about the idea of running and mostly focus on being able to do all of my Cathe dvd's that I so have missed.

I ate WAY too much last night. I had a giant hotdog at the movie theater and then a big fat blueberry muffin when I got home, but the scale is still friendly this morning, so I am still feeling good about the weight. I am on track this morning though.

We say Pursuit of Happyness last night and it was GREAT!!!!! It was sad but also very inspiring. Will Smith is just wonderful in it and his son is adorable and the chemistry between them is amazing. I definitley recommend it.

Well, I am going to do Legs and Glutes today and ME upper body. I have been sticking to the 3 day cardio and 2 legs a week rotation and it is working really well for me. I don't miss the 4-5 day of cardio because the leg workouts are so cardio based that my heartrate is up the whole time. I definitley need to add some heavier upper body work though. I will have to get the gym styles out again.

WOW! I am a chatty cheetah today.

Cathy, get those workouts in today, ya hear?;-) I love the new little saying and it is so true.

Sunnydelite, I would love to eat a restaurant named pig pickin! I would fit right in}(

Laura, how exciting to buy a new house. I love looking at houses. Enjoy Barry today:)

Wendy, how nice that you have a place for your little one to spend the night and you can have some down time. did you go out dancing?

Carole, I agree with Wendy, it was weird not seeing your post yesterday. In fact, I checked even in the evening and was a bit worried about you. Just goes to show you, you are definitley a strong positve presence on this check-in. I am sorry your glute/ham is bothering you. Are you going to get it checked out or do you just need rest and time to let it heal? Does step and leg work bother it too? Have a good run and don't push it:)

Marcia, it is funny how yoga can also work those muscles good. It is the only workout where you stretch and strengthen at the same time. Get yourself a yoga mat though, it will be a lot easier:)

Shelly, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! That is a long time to be married. Are you guys going to do anything special today? That is great about you being pain free and injury free. What is your secret;-)

Gayle, glad to hear you are on the mend. Sometimes the workouts don't get done and that is okay. I am finally learning that:)

Christine, good job on you restraining yourself last night. I wish I could say the same about me, OINK! Yeah, I am always amazed at how people can run at 4.5 or eve 5.0. It seems unnatural. But, you are right we are definitley cheetahs!

That is it for me ladies. I am off to have my green tea and get some of this dang housework done,BLECH!!!


Gayle - let me know when you want P90X back. I'm completely hooked and will order it so I can send yours back to you once I get mine (if that's OK). If anybody else out there is interested in selling their P90X, I'm interested.

Thanks again, Gayle, you are a sweetheart for letting me borrow it. :*

OK, I did 45 min. of YogaX and that was enough for me. I'm not abandoning the DVD by any means just yet, but it is definitely more athletic than the kind of yoga I have been practicing recently and a bit more repetitive, too. I like to be challenged, but I need variety!! This is one that will have to grow on me, and I may be switching it up w/ some other yoga DVDs now and then.

Susan :: good for you to bounce right back into clean eating! Good luck getting all your chores done & enjoy your workout! It's pretty dark and gray here, too...but then again, this is Jersey. *lol* Fingers crossed this storm hits us hard!! (I am worse than my students, I know!}( )

You know, I don't think 4.5 and 5.0 is that bad...That's a 12 or 13 minute mile -- still a lot better than most out-of-shape folks, right?

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Hello again lovely cheetahs!!! I had a wonderful 8 mile trail run:7 I even ran by one of my nurses (who was walking the trail)
It's always a pleasant surprise to bump into people you know like that. I had a pleasant lunch with DH and after I finish here I'll go tackle B&G leg blast :7 :7 We usually go somewhere on our anniversary but with our dear sweet Birdy dog recuperating from her surgery (and doing well:) ) we decided to stay here. I'm preparing a special dinner at least. Hard to believe it's been 22 yrs! He signed his card to me, "from your best friend" and that's really what he is!

Wendy- Great job with the run!!! 5 miles is pretty routine for you now isn't it? Think of how far you've come over the year:eek: You should be darn proud!

Christine- I'm with you there about running 4.5 mph!!! I didn't think it was possible. I'll have to go set the TM at that pace and try it now:p Are you going to be keeping your beautiful blonde shade
or going for something different?

Cathy- WTG getting in those 6 miles!!! Now that you mention it, I guess doing downward dogs would be a tad difficult when your head is pounding! I can rarely get through all of YogaX myself!

Susan- Glad to hear you're running without problems now!!! You've certainly been patient about making sure you recover fully and it's paying off! Unfortunately I can't claim to have a secret to remaining uninjured seeing as how I've just recovered from several myself! However, I am determined to do my best this year to keep from getting reinjured. I'm focusing VERY hard on my form and limiting the speed workouts.

Okay, time to get serious! Hope everyone is having a happy and restful Sunday afternoon!!!!

I’m back! Ended up doing Spinervals Hillacious and 25 minutes of Stretch X (the length of time my color stays on LOL). But it felt great. I’m relaxed and ready to go. Made some bean soup this morning – it’s so thick and rich and wonderful, but low cal – gotta love it! It’s for Tuesday’s dinner, but I had some for lunch today. YUM!

Cathy – I was very proud of myself. I’m not good at containing myself in front of food, especially Dolly’s food. And it was really good. I’m glad I’m not the only one with an animated signature – yours is so cute. I know 4.5 mph isn’t that bad a pace – and actually, I’m so darned proud of them for running 4 miles at ANY pace! It’s just odd for me to think of a walking pace as a running pace. :+

Susan – don’t you love it when you indulge and the scale is friendly to you the next day? Feels sooo good! Have fun cleaning!!

Marcia – I’m loving seeing you so happy with P90X!

Shelly – yeah, still blonde. Was starting to get some dark roots and some *gasp* gray in there as well. Now it’s all blonde, thankfully. :p Enjoy your Anniversary – any big plans?

Enjoy your day ladies… I’m in for some serious ham/glute recovery – that Hillacious workout is, well, Hillacious! And so fun.
Shelly :: Wow - you're back up to 8 miles already. Nice going! Awww, DH's card signoff was sweet - how lucky you are to be married to your best friend!! Enjoy your night!

Christine :: I am not good about restraining myself with food, either - esp. not when I'm out & about! But I *have* been doing better lately. Tell you the truth, I am not much faster than your group of gals there. I usually do 6 miles in an hour. I have been faster in the past and imagine I will improve again eventually. But I'm not exactly a true cheetah--and never will be. I just love to run. :) Or waddle. Whatever you wanna call it. :p :)

OK, I just knocked out a whole mess of work. I finished my lesson plans for the week and graded a bunch more stuff (won't you guys be glad when you hear me stop talking about grading, for crying out loud?! I'm sick of it myself!) Now I am down to 75 essays, and I have to bang those out by Wednesday (the scores are due to my supervisor). Pretty soon my weekend work boycott will begin!!! I also finished 1 project and 1 paper for my grad classes. I just have one more assignment to go and then the semester is OVER - woo-hoo! All right, I'm off to scrounge up some grub and keep an eye on the snowfall. Keep it comin'!

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

hello everyone,

got real busy today. My Dh and I went and got our taxes done and he drove my the house that we looked at twice today.I managed to do both the barre method workouts in tonight and I was lazy and just did the wt portion of jiggle free arms. That is just straight and to the point of blasting your muscles. Ididnt feel like doing a 45min upper body workout tonight,same for legs I was lazy and just did the barre method but both workouts. I like them. those exercises are simple but they burn. I wasnt sore from them last time though. Maybe because you get in and target the muscles and then stretch immediately.

cathy-sounds like you got alot done!

shelly-good job on upping the mileage.Its funny, the last couple of weeks I havent thought about my wt,kind of going with the flow. It will come off, I just get discouraged sometimes and let it bring me down. thanks for the tips though.

carole-glad everything is okay! I need to go threw my stuff and clean alot of stuff out.

we definatley need a bigger house. with 3 kids and my dad, we are very cramped in our bed rooms. the house we are looking at has 5 bedrooms,2baths,and a basement,2.5garage and over an acre of land.2500square feet not counting the basement. I am very excited since we have been suffering in this house for yrs. but because of extra debt we had to hold off. but things are looking up and things are getting paid off. Its a great feeling.

lastnight we watched the guardian, its a good movie. We also watched the departed, but we didnt like that too much. It was bouncing back and fourth so I turned it off.anyway, have a great night everyone!!
oh, I also won the power hour on ebay. I hope its a good workout, can any of you tell me please!! I am still waiting on the gym style workouts, I think I have another day before knowing if I won.

Peekin' in to say hi to my Cheetahs! I took today as a rest day. The weather was very icy & cold this morning so we cancelled our run. That was fine w/ me since this is my usual rest day anyway. It was nice sleeping in, but we actually slept til 7:30 & had to be at church by 9!! We were in a rush to get everyone fed & ready to go! (ie, no computer time for me! ;-) ) I was tired because Hannah had been up from about 3- 4:30AM w/ tummy probs. She was fine when she woke up though.

Anyway, we made it to church w/ 1 min to spare. :) (just had to be there early for choir rehearsal since we were singing) And then came home for a nice lunch & then I took a nap!! It felt wonderful. A true *rest* day for me! ;-)

I am planning to get up to do IMAX 2. I have a morning dentist appt so I've got to get it done early! I'm finally getting my front crown fixed. Yeah for perfect teeth again. ;-) Allison will go w/ me, we have to drive an hour to the lab for them to match it to my other teeth. Good thing the van has a DVD player.

OK, just wanted to check in on my Cheetahs. I'll post sometime later tomorrow!
I love Power Hour!! Elaine was kind enough to send it to me on video so I don't know of the premixes or any extras, but I love it as is! It's a good endurance workout, an older one but still a good one!! I hope you get the GS workouts too, I keep saying it but I love them!
<JESS :: I know you get them frequently – it sucks! And isn’t it weird how they usually occur around TTOM?? I don’t understand what exactly triggers mine…do you? I’d never really gotten one until my mid-to-late 20s. The first time it happened I thought something went terribly wrong with my contact lenses. But in the last year or two, the migraines started to go away, and then adult acne came and took its place – DOH!! *lol* Re: the film, see above. Let me know what you think of Music and Lyrics. If you love cheesy 80s music (as I do), you’ll probably get a kick out of it…Absolutely, hindsight is 20/20. I really believe that most runners learn it the hard way at some point.>

I've found a few triggers for me. First of all, not enough sleep will get me. I need my sleep!! MSG & eating a lot of processed food is another. Another one of my favorites- Chinese food. ;( I love it, but it seems to get me even if I make sure there's no MSG. My Mom gets them even more frequently than I do & she has to be careful w/ some cheeses & bananas. For some reason, anything w/ bananas gives her migraine. She is on Topomax for hers preventatively. I used to use Excedrin Migraine, but found that once the Dr. prescribed Imitrex for me that it works MUCH better. Aleve will help if it's not bad, but if it's the ice pick in the eye feeling I've got to take an Imitrex quickly. I got them terribly when pg w/ Allison which is just horrible since you can't take anything. Anyway, I'm still figuring out what does it. PMS will usually trigger one regardless..

Thanks for the review for Music & Lyrics, I love 80's music so I'm sure I'll love it. We're going tomorrow night, I'll let you know what I think!

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