Cheetahs Sleepy Sat check in!


Good morning cheetahs

Everyone must be sleeping in??...:D

Jackie...I did enjoy my quiet time.

Today will be some sort of KB mish mosh, just not sure yet. then church and a visit with Mom.

Have a great day...:)
Good Morning Carole and all who follow.

Carole: Wow you are up super early this morning, no? Enjoy your kb mish mosh and I hope mom is doing well today! :)

I should be driving home from the gym about now after having completed a 60 minute run but I overslept so I didn't have time. :confused: DH has to take my car to the mechanic this morning so I'll have to go to the gym when he gets back now. No biggie.

Hmmm...I have an entire day of personals to catch up on but DH is hawkin' me for PC time before he has to leave so I'll be back in a few to play catch up. In the meantime I'll be enjoying my java. SLURP! LOL

lovin' life on quiet Saturday mornings

Morning, cheetahs! :)

I was up at 2 am for a bit, then managed to catch a couple add'l hours of shuteye, and have been waiting for someone else to get us going.

I have personals to catch up with...Will BBS.
Good Morning Carole and Wendy. We are the early birds today. Just got finished doing 2 miles of hills on the TM and then I went out to my driveway and did driveway repeats. We have a steep driveway. I did that for 20 min and now I'm off to make breakfast for dh and the kids. Have a great weekend.

Happy Sat to everyone else. I hope you catching up on some much needed zzzzzz.

Posted and then saw Cathy. Have a great Sat Cathy. Enjoy the day without meetings and paperwork and kids.
Good morning! I am procrastinating :eek: I need to do laundry and get busy and do my shortish run....but here I am ;)

Carole - LOL....goodness you're up early....or we're up late! :) Enjoy your KB and visit with your mom!

Jackie - My DD is due February 13th. I am really excited! She has her ultrasound Sept. 26th that will tell the sex of the baby :) I will be going with her.

Judy - The marathon is Marshall University Marathon (aka Healthy Huntington Marathon). This will only be it's fifth year. It is an emotional race because of the plane crash that killed the football team. Right before the finish, we run by the memorial fountain and throw roses that they hand us right before that spot into the fountain, in memory of the team. Good job on iClimb and the yoga class! The class sounds wonderful!

CAthy - Sorry you woke up so early. I am glad you got to go back to sleep for a bit, though!

Wendy - LOL....I think I will join you on the Java....I drank half of mine, but got side tracked and came in and got on the 'puter and left it downstairs. Enjoy your gym time!

I guess I had better go get it in gear and get busy with my "chores". Then I will do a short run (probably TM). My DH and SIL are going to the football game tonight, so my DD's, my grandkids and I are planning on a movie.

Will probably BBL!

Karen - I missed your post! Sorry! That is a very good idea!!!! I have a steep drive way, too! I could do what you did with the treadmill and then the driveway severaly times. Thanks for the idea! Great job on getting your run out of the way! Man, am I ever procrastinating! Enjoy your day and breakfast with DH and kiddies!

Linda :: Now that Chicago is a month out, I plan to use the EXT for my circuits from now on. Previously, I was varying the cardio, doing kickbox, step, or EXT. I consider Winsor a leg bonus but not really a "workout." I am still adding it on to two runs per week, but I think generally the legs are getting sufficient work with the hills that are part of every run. No more k'bell workouts til after the marathon, though. I really like the BM2 u/b work, but I think I'll continue to use HSC, HSTA, LIC, and DM as well...My feet were very happy yesterday! :)...Interesting that you are doing 10 or 12. I was debating what to shoot for myself with tomorrow's long run. Something to ponder...Glad your DDs are doing well. What movie are you going to see?

Carole :: So no email access in the rehab place? I would go nuts! Did you catch any fish yesterday?

Karen :: It was nice to not have aching feet at the end of the day. We're very lucky to be able to wear jeans and sneakers (if we want) on Fridays. Those small perks go a long way. Glad you enjoyed an easy 4 miler.

Christine :: I guess Leadville helped reignite Lance's competitive fire. Point me to the great, comfy heels! When it comes to shoes, I have found spending more for a good pair to be worth it. Now I don't own the crazy-expensive shoes like Jimmy Choos, but I don't wear Payless, either. Not that there's anything wrong with Payless--I just have problem feet, and when I try to save money, I wind up wasting it altogether because I can't wear the shoes at all. Wow, you are doing some fierce rides. I can see why additional rest days are necessitated. How was last night's carb load?

Jackie :: IA the hill running can do a number on ya. Had to chuckle at your comment to Christine showing up the 16yo. :) She totally could! Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing night last night.

Dallas :: there ARE cute non-heeled shoes, but heels look most flattering on a shorty like me, especially with the length of my pants. Hope you enjoyed your run, abs, and yoga.

Judy :: how cool to have one-on-one yoga instruction. Oh, I heart the casual days. I wore a pair of ballet flats that are really comfy. I do love shoes, though...Ooh, lots of new iTrains to enjoy! How's the foot feeling?

Yesterday, I'd planned on an after-school run. It was drizzling when I walked out to the parking lot and pouring by the time I got home. So, I will simply run today and tomorrow back-to-back.

Have a great day!
Hi again.

Okay, DH is outta my hair so now I can do personals. :p

OMG, I just realized I am now TWO days behind on personals! WOW, that NEVER happens to me! I think I need to pull DS outta school. My life has become way too hectic since he started last week!;):D

Well, I'm just gonna start with yesterday's thread and hopefully I'll be able to keep up today until I head out later on in the afternoon...

Cathy: Hope your professional development day was a nice change from your usual grind. Sorry it rained on your running plans y'day. I know you are not stressed about it though. :) I hope you can squeeze in your run between the rain drops this weekend. DH thought it was pretty much gonna rain all day but I haven't seen a drop yet....Perhaps if it's not too hot later (and still not raining) I'll have to take my run outdoors this afternoon instead of on the TM.

Linda: So how many more long runs do you have to go before your mary? When is it again? Isn't yours in November?

Karen: So what's for breakfast this morning? :)

Christine: How was dinner last night? What did you order? Enjoy your long ride today!

Jackie: It seems that any work out with the name Boot Camp in it is a goodie, huh? :D

Dallas: Um...girl...what are you thinking!? IMMEDIATELY trade with DH and take those kids to practice and let DH do the other stuff!!!!!:D

Judy: They still had yoga class with only one participant? I think my gym cancels class if the head count is under 5 or something like that.

Hi Saturday Cheetahs!

I just finished a 45 minute icycle and added on 15 minutes of steady state. total distance was 20 miles, and I am drippin' The urge to run did hit me, but sesnibility took over. The icycle was plenty challenging!

Karen- dirveway hill repeats! great idea! Whats for breakfast?

Wendy- enjoy that java! I had mine earlier so now no more until afternoon. But it is so grey and rainy here I could probalby drink coffee all day long!

Carole- thanks for getting us stated today. My you are an ealry riser! Have a nice visitwith Mom.

Linda- You chose a very meaningful marathon. I imagine the end is emotional enough but with the memorial, and with the roses it will be more so, I imagine..

Cathy- my foot feels almost fine (except for that first step in the morning) if I don't do any impact. I am also dealing with :mad::mad::mad:bunion pain:mad::mad::mad: However, the bike was a great calorie blaster without the pain today.

Christine- I thought of you during my bike workout this morning! Good luck on your ride! That rest day should have you ready to attack the ride!

HI Shelly and Thommassina and Lorie!

I am starting to get a chill from these wet workout clothes, so it is time for a nice shower. It continues to be quiet here with the boys gone. DD is at a car wash fundraiser for her Crew team and then homework and off to babysit for the evening. I am reading Randy Pausch's The Last Lecture. I'll finsh it today and then forge around here for another book.
Ack. My toe is hurtin' me. It's bruised from my long run wednesday. One of my knees is a wee bit sore as well. I think I will put my run off until tomorrow. That being said, I am going to give Tony's One on One Road Warrior work out a try today. I've had it for a while and haven't done it yet....BBL!
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Linda – I did okay in my half’s, but they were painful. The thought of running a marathon just makes me shudder. :D But, I’ll be there cheering you ladies on!! I’m totally impressed at anyone who can run a marathon. Enjoy your movie – that sounds like fun!

Jackie – you’re cracking me up – me showing up the 16yo! Too funny! Glad you enjoyed BootCamp – that’s a fun one!!

Dallas – Glad the incident was minor! That really is a relief – and no one was hurt. I, too, got teary-eyed with the 9-11 stories. One of my forums had a post going on “What were you doing when…” and some of the responses where really interesting, including some Canadians and others from overseas. I never knew it affected them so much, but I guess they figured if it were happening in the US, the safest country in the world, it could happen anywhere.

Judy – enjoy your new iTrains!! How’s the foot doing? Wow, that’s a long indoor training ride! Good for you! Thanks for the good wishes on my ride. I’m feeling rested and ready, even after dinner out last night! :p

Carole – I think some people should just not won dogs. Especially the big, intimidating ones. I swear our pups know when the camera is out! Drives me crazy. If Beau is a field lab, which he probably would be if your DH wants to use him for hunting, he won’t be really big. It’s the show labs that get big and bulky – just like the Aussies. Enjoy your KB Mish Mosh and your visit to Mom!

Wendy – enjoy your run! Sometimes sleeping in is the right thing to do! I personally love it, but I have a furry alarm clock who nosed me at 6:30 this morning (which is sleeping in for me!).

Karen – great job on the drive way repeats! That steep driveway is good for something - eh? :p

Cathy – I love my J-41’s. They are very comfortable. They run about $100 and I can wear them all day and not feel the least bit of discomfort. Zappos carries them. Enjoy your run today!

Today is my long ride – 43 miles and about 3100 feet of elevation gain with DD’s BF. Hope he doesn’t kick my bootie! :p Then it’s groceries. Had a good time last night at dinner. We went to a little Italian place where you start with a salad, then it’s a shared pasta dish or two, then they bring out meats, cheeses and grilled veggies. Just enough of everything and not too much of any one thing. I enjoyed it. Have a great day ladies!
Carole: What a great idea to print out your mom's email! She will love that I bet. :)

Wendy: I am enjoying the java too this morning. Enjoy your run today!

Karen: Great run today!

Linda: I do not mind being laughed at, it is ok. :) I have lots of chores today too. Have fun with the movie!

Cath: I am glad you are making good progress with your challenge. I have one too, and I am working with some other people to make sure it will be a good year. My feet have been killing me too. We just have to get used to being on our feet all day again. Once October rolls around we should be in good shape.

Christine: Hope you had fun at dinner last night. Enjoy the ride today!

Jackie: I really love the old BC. I don't get sick of that one. I feel like I am back in gym class with those terminator climbers! I think at one point when reading with my students that I shut my eyes. Time for a break! :) Any fun plans for the weekend?

Dallas: I am still feeling the pain of my workouts lately. :) I guess it shows that I need to be working those parts. Hope you have a nice Saturday with your family.

Judy: I am short too and wear a size 9.5 shoe! I have always hated my feet. Hope your foot will cooperate soon. :)

Hi to anyone I missed! Yesterday I had every intention of running. My alarm went off at 4 and I turned it off and slept until 6:30 by accident. YIKES!! That is when I usually get in the shower! Needless to say, I was a bit frazzled all day. Luckily I had the classroom all set for the day the night before. I slept in until 8:30 this morning and will make up the run today. Enjoy this wonderful Saturday! :)
Cathy - We are doing the 10-12 because this is our "cut back" week. Then next week we will do 19 miles. Does that sound okay? I am definitely open to suggestions :) I was looking at BM2's Upper Body this morning. It does look like a really good one to use. We are planning on seeing "Fly Me to the Moon".

Wendy - with a long run every other week, I am thinking we will be doing 3 more "long" runs, alternated with the cut back week's "long" run only being around 10-12. At least that is how we have it figured. The marathon is Nov. 2. is amazing how hectic one's schedule gets when the little ones start school! :) Sometimes it seems more hectic than when they were home, cause you have to be here, be there, etc, etc. I got the Road Warrior Workout a long time ago, too....and have not done it,either. It looks really good, though. I really need to give it a try. Do you have 10 Minute Trainer? I have been contemplating that one. Can't wait to get my next One on One! HOpe it is good!

Gloria - :eek: I wasn't laughing to make fun of you, I was laughing cause it reminded me of me trying to get dressed after a long run, and I could sympathize with ya! ;) I can also relate to you turning your alarm off at 4:00 a.m.! I usually get up at 4:00 during the week to workout/run, but every single day last week, I just could not do it. I didn't do it til night. I was just too wiped out. We need to sleep in when our body needs it! :)

Christine - Enjoy your ride and good luck!!! Your day sounds like it will be fun! LOL.....the thought of running a marathon makes me shudder, too ;) I just hope and pray that I am really able to do this! :)

Judy - Yes, it is a very emotional run! I am sitting here with wet workout clothes on and getting chilled, too! I, also, need to go hop in the shower! ;) I have been reading a book about the ultra marathoner, Pam Reed. It is called "The Extra Mile". I am having a hard time putting it down! I ordered "Hattie Big Sky". I think it is by Kirby Larson. I got it because it is set in Montana :) Great job on the 20 mile cycle workout!

I ran 5 miles on the TM and did some abs. I will probably be sorry, since tomorrow is my "long" run. Or should I say, "My short long run" ;). And my Energizer Bunny friend is taking today off, so she will be raring to usual!

Hey to everyone!!
Hi Girls.

Finished One on One. It was a goodie! I really felt it. It used one band/tube and that's it. It was an hour long and was comprised 4 rounds, doing one exercise for each body part per round. Reps varied. It was a do your own thing till ya feel the burn type of work out. I enjoyed it. Nice for a change. :)

Gotta hit the showers now. Hoping to head north in about an hour. Stopping at mom's for a short bit and then heading over to BF's. We are going shopping for decorations for her new place and then will most likely have dinner together. That will be nice. She hasn't been around much with all that had gone on with her poor mom in the last month or so. It'll be nice to see her getting back to a normal life and having some fun again. :)

Well, that's all for now but if I have time to before heading out I'll come back and do some personals. If not I'll catch up tonight or tmrw morning!

Love you all!:D
Afternoon Cheetahs!

Have to be quick, but I hope to get back for personals. The rain has stopped for a little bit, so I need to get to Trader Joe's. I got my 8 miles in between the rain storms. It was drizzling a bit when I started, but soon stopped. I came home and did FW-running segment. Would have liked to do a bit more, but have other things I have to get done.

Check back later...have a good day!
Christine- Thanks for noticing my bike workout:):D. It was a fee- good-once-it-is-over kind of workout. I tried (successfully ) to keep my Hr up similar to my running HR.

Wendy- I am sorry about your :(toe and knee:(! But you had a good workout in spit of it, just like a true cheetah! My "gym" is really a private gym at our golf club. But it is decent and new and is included in our golf membership. If we do not get more participants for the class it will be canceled after 4 weeks. I have been trying to coax my golf friends to take advantage of this great yoga instructor. We only pay 10$ per class if we sign up ahead of time. Get this, the yoga instructor is into Kettle Bell workouts too! She has invited me to go to a class with her, but it conflicts for me.
Hello Cheetahs!

6 mile tm run done!

Linda: Oh dear, I KNEW you weren't making fun of me! :) I think I did need the extra sleep. I usually jump right up when the alarm goes off. The first thing I thought when I saw what time it was --I wanted to workout this morning! Great run today and good luck with the long one tomorrow! :)

Wendy: Glad you liked the workout. Have fun with BF!

Dallas: Nice to have the 8 miler done I bet. :)

Did some chores today like taking care of the garbage, returning cans at the store, etc. It is rainy here. DH is fishing. It is nice to be caught up with personals finally. This work thing is really getting in the way of my Cheetah time. :) I am taking the day off from school work and will tackle it tomorrow. I have to check quite a few papers and prepare for Advanced Studies, which starts Thursday. I am really excited about it! I think it will be something they will remember for a long time! :)

I hope all are enjoying the day like I am!
I will be back later for personals, but wanted to say that the ride is finished. No pictures this time, sorry. It was a tough ride. The toughest one yet. The calories I burned last week are 75% of what I burn this week. DD's BF hung in there and did really well, but we're both pretty sure that walking will be difficult tomorrow! There was a section where we had a 4 mile steady climb. It wasn't steep, but it was steady and every time we turned a corner and saw that it continued, I think we about cried. Both of us. Keep in mind that this was at mile 28, right towards the end of the climb (and to that point we had a lot more uphill than downhill - I'd say out of the 45 miles, a good 30 were up). I was never so happy to see a highway sign in my life. Highway 9 came and we knew we had 11 miles of downhill! That was fun! We did stop at the intersection because one of the local bike shops had a bunch of Trek bikes up there to test (oh heck no, I did not test them, but I did drool a bit). They also had snacks, so I had a few potato chips, but couldn't eat too many - they kind of made me feel sick. So it was a total of 45 miles with an elevation gain of 3200 feet. Next week is 10 miles and 1000 feet of climbing more. :eek::eek::eek::eek: Ya know that feeling when you're wondering just what the heck you go yourself into? Yeah, that's me now. :p But, we'll get through that too. Enjoy your say Cheetahs!!
Gloria - good job on the 6 mile tread mills run! I hate when I over sleep. Nice to be able to sleep in, isn’t it?

Linda – the ride was gorgeous, but tough. I did enjoy it, though. Funny how we all kind of feel the same about marathons. But it’s the challenge that gets us fired up. Good job with the run and your abs! Man, a long run after a 5 mile run! You’re insane.

Wendy – Sounds like an interesting workout you did. So you’re enjoying Tony’s One-on-ones? Give a hug to your BF from the Cheetahs!!

Dallas – good job on the 8 miler! Enjoy Trader Joe’s. I don’t dare go there on the weekend here, I’d never get through the line!

Judy – That’s a killer workout keeping your HR in line with your running HR. Great job! Mine was less of a feel good once it’s over ride, and more of a “Get me off this stupid bike!” Ride. :p But I did enjoy it. It was a stunning ride – many gorgeous views. They helped with the pain.

Karen – that ride took about 4 hours. We stopped, but not too much. It was about 10 miles long than I’ve been doing.

So, after a long ride like that, a shower feels fabulous, right? Well, I took a nice LONG shower… And came down to find the downstairs bathroom flooded :eek::eek::eek::eek: – evidently there’s a blockage between our house and the bathroom and it backed up. What a mess! :mad: DH and our neighbor shop-vaced up the water, but it’s still all over the garage. I’m just thankful the blockage wasn’t further up into the house and flood the entire house! Our downstairs bathroom is beside the garage and the water just leaked out in to the garage. Of course, the water is now turned off. I guess I should just go grocery shopping. As Cathe says, “No time for down time!” :p

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