Cheetahs Sleepy Sat check in!

Hello Cheetahs!

Carole - You were the early one this morning. Hope you enjoyed your KB workout and your visit with your mom.

Karen - Good job on the hill repeats! Get some use out of the driveway.

Linda - I know you must be excited about the new baby and ultrasound! Maybe DD will have a Valentine baby. Enjoy the movie with DD and grandkids. Good job on your 5 miles today. Hope tomorrow's run goes well too.

Cathy - Glad your feet got a break yesterday. Wouldn't it be nice to have someone massage our feet after a long day? Sorry the rain ruined your run yesterday. Know you can handle two days in a row of running.

Wendy - Snap out of it! You'll get that routine down yet. :p Sure hope your toe heals. Hate getting those. Takes the fun out of running for me. Did you have fun shopping with BF?

Judy - Glad you enjoyed your iCycle. Hope you enjoyed your quiet day.

Christine - My half marathons were painful for me too. Don't know why I'm even thinking of doing another one. Maybe I want to prove to myself that I can have a good one without the pain. Dinner last night sounds delicious. Glad you had a good ride and you didn't show the 16 yo up. Sounds like a tough ride for both of you. Ugh on the bathroom!! Hope all is well now. Not fun I know!

Gloria - No special plans today. Just want to take it easy. Sorry you overslept yesterday and missed your run. Always nice to sleep in which is about 6:30 for me. Good job on the 6 miles!

Dallas - Glad you were able to squeeze that run in between storms.

I didn't get up until 6:30 this morning. Really needed to be out before the sun came up but just couldn't make it. Felt a little tired. I had plans of running 6 miles and more if I felt like it. The temp was in the low 70's and not bad at all. I started with hill repeats again and had to do an extra one because my neighbor's dog down the street decided she wanted to run with me. So, I needed to shake the dog. When I ran back by her house, she didn't follow. Really didn't want her company either. I lost steam at about mile 5 but pushed through for 6.1 miles. I woke up hungry and know that probably had something to do with it. I'll have to start eating a little something as the miles get longer. Finished up with Cool It Off Express. Still feeling a little tired. Happy tomorrow is a rest day.

Enjoy your evening ladies.
Evening Cheetahs!

This is different posting on a Saturday night. ;) It's so bad out there. Roads are getting flooded and I guess we still have Ike's rain coming tonight into tomorrow. I won't complain though because it's nothing like Galveston, TX. :( Never did get the energy for Trader Joe's and like Christine said, I didn't feel like fighting the crowd/lines. I'll try to get there early tomorrow since we went to church tonight. This is a new church for us and tonight they started a "One Month to Live" challenge kind of like that Bucket List movie. It should be interesting. :) It's based on the book. Another book to check out from the library. ;) My requests are growing.

Anyway, time for personals:

Jackie ~ WTG pushing through to get to 6.1!!! :) Good for you on the St. Jude marathon. Are you running with friends? What type of plan are you following?

Christine ~ Woo hoo on your ride!!! Hope you're able to walk tomorrow. ;) I have to ask, how does your bum handle it? :p Seriously!??!? Sorry about the flood. :( Always something, huh?!?! You're right or Cathe is right, "No time for downtime." :confused: Nope, see above no TJ's. Tomorrow though for sure.

Gloria ~ WTG on the 6 miles. Sounds like you're getting a lot done there. I've been trying out Emilie Barnes 15 minute approach to big projects. I like it and getting my motivation back on those dreadful projects. I miss my Cheetah time too. I hope to get back on track. :) What's Advanced Studies?

Wendy ~ What body parts does One on One work? Or was it a total body? I heard I could get just the legs and abs workouts w/o buying the whole enchilada. :) Sounds good to me. How did your knee and toe handle the workout today? That does sound like a good idea about switching w/dh.;) I know it won't happen though.

Linda ~ I think you asked me a marathon question...sorry, I don't know the answer. I'm a newbie. :) Hope another Cheetah answered though. Wow, how long is your "short long run" ;) tomorrow? Do you and your friend stick together the whole time?

Judy ~ I'd like to read that book too. I'd like to get the one I mentioned above first. That was a great spin bike workout!!! I don't know how you and Christine stay on that bike that long!?!?! I guess I need better padding. ;)

Cathy ~ I completely understand about the pants thing. I have to wear heels with most of my jeans, but sometimes I just don't feel like it. :p lol I like medium-ish heels. How did your run go?

Karen ~ Nice workout!! How are things going?

Carole ~ What was your KB mish mosh. Always curious about your workouts. :) Did you get Rumble? Oh, that's right about your bench. I remember now. Hmm, I have to figure out what I'm going to do. Yeah, I've been trying to be up by 4:30A so I can workout and even shower before waking the kids...not doing that great with that. ha ha
Hi to the rest of the Cheetahs.
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Late personals from me but better late then never. We tried to clean the yard for fall this evening. Tour out the veg. garden and left what could be left and then cut some shrubs back. Then dh tried to light our fire ring but the wood I put on was wet. Who KNEW :rolleyes::rolleyes:. The kids couldn't roast marshmellows so we took them for ice cream.

Linda- My knees feel good with my hill repeats today. I have a knee issue. I don't know what is wrong with it but if you kneel on it it hurts like crazy. If you run it's fine. So I was worried today but it feels good. The driveway is a good idea and I don't have to go far at all.

Wendy- Judy- I got this amish cookbook from the library the other day and in it was this recipe for Carmel French Toast. I had to make it. I didn't eat any but I should have considering I ate an entire bag of Rolled Gold Pretzles when I came in tonight. Not a little bag either.:eek:

Christine- 4hours is amazing. You really are strong. Your legs must be rock solid with muscle to go up hill like that. I'm still in awe. Seriously.

Gloria- I have been finding it hard with school and activites to find Cheetah time too. The evening is working out for me. I know your busy, but we miss you and know you check in as much as you can. I'm glad you got to sleep in this morning.

Dallas- Things are going ok. My mom and all is still up in the air but I'm trying not to dwell on it. Some days are harder than others. When dh is home it is so much easier because he keeps me busy.

Off to read to the kids and get them to bed.

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