Okay, Shelly, I take back all my negative words about All Body Attack. I did it today and it got me good! I used 5 pound weights as I did not want to really work myself, but as I have not been doing traditional weights, even those got me. I did add a little of ASCII on the end, but not as much as I thought I would. I was fried. I love it! It is a fun workout, I just needed to get used to the idea of how different it is.
Well, Fed Ex is saying that my Amy DVD's are still sitting in the Fed Ex location, so I highly doubt I'll get them today (made no sense anyway). I'll get them Monday. Hmm, normally I take Tuesday off. Guess I'll have to take Monday instead.
Groceries done, Jimmy had a nice romp at the dog park, and DH is asleep in his chair (he's been having issues sleeping with his allergies), while both dogs are asleep beside him. It's kind of funny.
Wendi – Great job at pushing through the workout! Hope Haymax and the ride-a-thon went well! Good luck with Miss Toad!
Kath – You don’t like cookies?! Oh my… I feel like you’re missing out on one of life’s simple pleasures! But, then again, if I didn’t like cookies so much, it would be a lot easier to control my eating!
Dallas – So which workout did you do? I’m anxious to hear what the Cheetahs think of Hi/Lo Knockout. Have fun at all the birthday parties today! And Happy Birthday to DD!!!!
Wendy – Wii beverages are a MUST!! Sounds like you had a good time with GH on your new Wii! My DD loves it!
Sunny – oh that one sounds like fun! I think the elliptical and jumping rope would be fun, too. Have fun training your friends! Sorry about the yard work!
Carole – I loved that story about Donald! I saw the interview on TV and was just clapping for him. I think we’ll get Amy’s workouts on Monday. I was hoping for today, but I didn’t think Fed Ex would deliver on the weekends. Bummer.
Judy – I’m with you on the perfect pushups!
Jackie – great workout! Enjoy PackMax!
Linda – Yeah, Mark is cute – he’s also a character – went through medical school and discovered he did not like working with patients. He is now partner’s with a group of doc’s who read MRI’s for hospitals, but he takes 1 week off for every 3 worked. He and his wife like to enjoy life. They’re great people. Seriously – take your lightest kettlebell outside in the grass where it cannot do damage, and do a swing with it, and let go. Those suckers are too heavy to fly far – they just come crashing down in front of you – your TV is safe.
Step Jam does sound like fun, doesn’t it? I might have to order that one too.
Edited to add - Fed Ex Ground DOES deliver on Saturday! I got my videos! I'm doing In the Ring tomorrow!! YEAH!!!