Morning, cheetahs!
Feels like the weekend flew.
Sunny ~ I am thinking about trying WSFL for the month of June and subbing my long run for one of the cardios. I hear you that the guys don't want you to switch out any workouts, but I think it might still get some results. As of June, the BC class is over, so that won't interfere, either. The thing that will be the greatest challenge is not deviating AT ALL from that strict eating plan. I have a few social outings planned, and I'm not sure how that would work...that would be AWESOME if you could swing Chicago! I'm sorry your friend cancelled her wedding, though.
Carole ~ whoo, those are some big plates!! I'm glad I didn't go out, anyway. (It was tempting b/c the rain was initially light and it was still warm.) We did get those thunderboomers. Seems you never can be sure with weathercasters, but in this case, they were right. I just can't seem to get past that mental block I have for the TM. I crave the fresh air and scenery. I think I might just have ADD. The break was 105???
Gloria ~ I sure will. The same friends dropped by again?? That's a bit too much. I wouldn't be happy with that, either. Sunday afternoon/evening is my time to get things together for the week.
Posh ~ LMBO at your look of terror. (It's great to put a face with all those hilarious posts!) Glad you are lovin' the 4DS. It is definitely my favorite (barring the step w/outs which this klutz doesn't do). I am hooked on the CST and B&B premixes. Short but effective!...Yeah, I almost thought it was going to be a good rain to run in (light with temps still warm), but that quickly changed. We didn't get the hail or wind gusts, but we did get an intense t'storm. I'd like to try the orange Sharkies Carole recommended, but I think I will just order a box online.
OK, so this afternoon will be the long run.
Hope your Monday is a good one!
[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Feels like the weekend flew.
Sunny ~ I am thinking about trying WSFL for the month of June and subbing my long run for one of the cardios. I hear you that the guys don't want you to switch out any workouts, but I think it might still get some results. As of June, the BC class is over, so that won't interfere, either. The thing that will be the greatest challenge is not deviating AT ALL from that strict eating plan. I have a few social outings planned, and I'm not sure how that would work...that would be AWESOME if you could swing Chicago! I'm sorry your friend cancelled her wedding, though.
Carole ~ whoo, those are some big plates!! I'm glad I didn't go out, anyway. (It was tempting b/c the rain was initially light and it was still warm.) We did get those thunderboomers. Seems you never can be sure with weathercasters, but in this case, they were right. I just can't seem to get past that mental block I have for the TM. I crave the fresh air and scenery. I think I might just have ADD. The break was 105???
Gloria ~ I sure will. The same friends dropped by again?? That's a bit too much. I wouldn't be happy with that, either. Sunday afternoon/evening is my time to get things together for the week.
Posh ~ LMBO at your look of terror. (It's great to put a face with all those hilarious posts!) Glad you are lovin' the 4DS. It is definitely my favorite (barring the step w/outs which this klutz doesn't do). I am hooked on the CST and B&B premixes. Short but effective!...Yeah, I almost thought it was going to be a good rain to run in (light with temps still warm), but that quickly changed. We didn't get the hail or wind gusts, but we did get an intense t'storm. I'd like to try the orange Sharkies Carole recommended, but I think I will just order a box online.
OK, so this afternoon will be the long run.
Hope your Monday is a good one!
[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run