::: CHEETAHS ::: Monday

evenin’ gals…thanks for the anniversary wishes…chyeah, I can’t believe I posted such a CRAPPY photo of myself but hey, I just HAD to share “the moment” with ya’ll because as crazy as it sounds, I was cracking up and talking to *the cheetahs* whilst working out… Oh, and I showed DH the pic I posted and he says, “ewe, why’d you post THAT”…LMBO! It is pretty bad tho…

Tomorrow am I ‘ll be meeting my friend for a run and I’m going to try real hard to squeeze in some 4D’s Lower body torture so my entire body can be equal in DOMS the next day…lol…sick, isn’t it? makes stretching more fun when there is such soreness present…lol

Cathy – Chyeah, I’m not rushing in to bumble around on the step sections of the the 4D’s either. My dog needs a rest from the scare I gave her the other day of trying to do stoooopid push-ups and then using the BOSU - I still fall off of it from time to time…lol. I probably would never be invited back to one of the Road Trips because I’d be flippin’ and bangin’ the edge of the step and messin’ up the ppl around me…lol. Heck, it’s a comedy act to watch me attempt pikes on the ball ….lol..makes me laugh just thinking about it… Hope you got to run today!

Kath – Good the party went well. Sounds like you did have angels watching over you – glad it worked out well. Rut roe, looks like you might get “Sunny-ized”…lol

Judy – Took a peek at your pic trail – lovely family! And Waldo really resembles our cat, White Socks. She’s a great cat but she lives outside. DH doesn’t like cats indoors. I’m sure your kitties appreciate all you’re doing for them.

Shelly- whoo hooo hoo, I’m shuddering at the mention of 4D’s…yikes! yah, too bad about the having to find a job thing….but I’m sure you’ll have NO problemo. LOL about you pyramid hairstyle! How are the “kids” adjusting to the move? I bet the road trip was interesting for them…

Chrisitne – ABC.. WW.. XX JKL… TT what is all this mean?!?!?! lol.. ok, so what is TT? Yep, looking forward to a few days of R and R with just DH in Maui; we have a great time when we get away! Actually, this is our first visit to Maui – we’ve only been to Oahu and Kauai previously. Caymus…haven’t had that one…must try now. I’m gonna have to check out the Sunny-ized check-in…hey, ya! Ya’ll should call it the Sunny-ized check-in!!

Carole – I dunno, I just assumed Cathe wouldn’t be as brutal as Grace but you know what they say – never assume! LOL. I love the 4D’s and me thinks it is Cathe’s best weights so far (although I still like the pyramids) so I’m hoping we will be just as pleased with the STS! Thanks for the reassurance ya’ll will wait for me at the finish..lol. I’ll try not to make you wait more than five minutes. Speaking of speedy 60 year –olds, have you heard of Helen Klein? Well, she’s more like 80 something now but dang, that woman is my idol! She’s quite the marathon/ultra runner! Oh, and I use 25pd plates for my leg machine too…got tired of loading a bunch of small stuff on there..

Wendy lou – Well, thanks for the explaining of the programs…but I’m still missing what the TT is?!?!? I’ll have to peek in youz guyz’s check – in…BTW, NICE pic of the race! I agree with Christine- you look really fit! WHERE are you gonna lose weight? (tipping my head bewildered like the dog does)

Sunny – Hi ! See the new check-in thread? It’s called “Sunny-ized Check-in”

Gloria –awe darn, hope you feel better! I really like the yoga for happiness – well I’ve only done the hips one so far but it really helps a runner stretch out those hips! The guy is a little kooky, but whatever….Hope you get to run with the friend’s son this week!

Wendi – WOW, you’re a super fast cheetah too! Hope you’ll be able to meet up with Shelly and Wendy lou…Hope you get to come home early!

Ok, better get to bed now so I can get up!

hello ladies,

gloria- i hope today is a good day for you.

her royal POSHNESS- your post yesterday was absolutely hilarious! you are so funny and it comes thru via your posts. well i am honored re: the check-in however i don't think it will work as we have some ladies that were already doing the program(s). please come and check us out!

today's workout is Day 2 of AB followed by HIIT on my bike}( :D

have a great day!

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