::: CHEETAHS ::: Monday


Morning, cheetahs! :) It's a stormy one here in Jersey.

This is my regularly-scheduled rest day, and I sure do need it! (You wouldn't think so, eh, 'cuz I had so many last week.) But alas, being a weekend warrior spanked my heiney somethin' good. :7 I'm going to try to move my long runs to Thursdays for the time being until that Saturday torture class has ended.

Gloria - what great neighbors they are...glad you still have your BOSU $$$! :7 Yoga would've been a good idea last night for me, too, but I ran out of time to fit it in. Had to scramble to get at least *some* work done.

Posh - thanks for the feedback on Accelerade and Endurox. I am going to have to buy single packets of a few different ones and give them a shot. Love our new theme song. :)

I believe that catches me w/ personals.

I have a sort of a work dilemma I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on. Last year, I was asked by the admin if I would be willing to serve as a team leader if a colleague went on maternity leave. I said I would, so when the existing TL went out on maternity at the end of January, I began filling in for her. In this role, you're basically a liasion between the teachers on your team and the admin. It involves extra responsibilities and you get some extra pay for it, which is nice. However, it is time-consuming, and when combined with NB work and our up-in-the-air, under-revision LA curriculum, I think it is part of the reason why I keep getting backlogged with the grading this year. The workload has been heavy. This weekend I brought home 100 notebooks and 50 essays, and I didn't accomplish all that much. I feel myself, at this point in the year, "shutting down" some. Anyway, during my end-of-the-year eval meeting last week, the boss man inquired if I would want to continue next year because the former TL, now a mom, is "not sure" she wants to remain in that leadership role. I was shocked, and I told him I'd been hoping she wanted to resume her position. I admitted that with National Boards, it had been stressful to balance it all. There was a clear hesitation on my part, but later that day, I sent him an email saying that if the TL chose not to return to her duties, I would be interested in continuing.

Thought about it some more this weekend when I couldn't slog through that massive pile of grading. I think I just feel a bit weary from doing too much. I drafted an email that I'll probably send to my principal today, explaining my train of thought. The chances are good that I will have to redo some of my NB work, and even though that workload won't be AS MUCH as it was in the first year, I still feel like adding TL responsibilities to the mix is putting too much on my plate. I want to concentrate on my teaching and on the changing curriculum, and I want to try to do those things well. I would be interested in a future leadership role, but it doesn't seem like the best fit for me at this given time. My fear is that turning down a leadership opportunity is a foolish move in the eyes of the admin.

OK, that was long-winded. Sorry! Appreciate any thoughts anyone may have.

Gotta jet and get ready. Have a great one!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Morning Cheetahs :)

Hope everyone had a nice weekend and all the mom's enjoyed their special day yesterday.

Carole: I'm sorry to hear about your friend and her battle with cancer. But how nice the two of you were able to share a moment together. Those are priceless I say. What kind of yardwork did you do yesterday? I am tempted to start planting some stuff here in NY but you never know if the temps at night will drop still.

Christine: Yummy brunch :9 Hope you enjoyed it. Your dog is so beautiful. My 13 yr old retriever has to be in the same room with us always. He acts very young at times but when he struggles with the stairs and plops down, we are reminded of his age. He seems to be turning whiter by the month.

Cathy: I'm sure your legs are feeling your run and bootcamp this morning. Your body probably needs a rest day today. I can't offer to much advice on your leadership opportunity. I think the admin may see the fact you are putting your time in your classroom work first will be a plus for you. They may applaud the fact you do not wish to have too many things going at once. Just a thought. And yes it's a tradition he golfs on Mother's day. More or less --get out of my hair thing. :)

Today I thik it's a 4miler. I want to do some GIANT sets for biceps and will work some corework in some where. I hope to tackle the downstairs bath today--depending on how my day goes. I loved my sweaty workout on the upright. I think I may do more of those. I traveled 18 miles in 60minutes and the monitor said 425 cals burned. I had sweat pouring off me }(

I should be back sometime today :)Oldest DD has a job interview this morning--- keep your fingers crossed for her please. She wants to get this job so she can at least have something after graduation.
Good Morning Cheetah Babes. :)

Non-personals postin' Cheetah reporting for duty. :p

Today's work out is BBC Chest and Abs but I will probably skip the ab work as I've worked abs 2 days in a row already. I think I will do some Jump Snap while the abs are being done instead of fast forwarding them. Yeah, that sounds like a plan!}(

Gloria: Sorry about the flat y'day. I got a flat when I was in college. I had been taught how to change it by my SO so I tried. Well, I forgot one minor detail. You have to loosen the lug nuts before you jack up the car. I was trying to get the lugs off and the tire was spinning. I couldn't figure it out! LOL I don't think I'll ever forget that silly mistake. Knock on wood I've never had to try to do it again but this time I should be able to. LOL Your neighbor sounds like a super nice guy. It's great when you can get along. The things the kid wrote for thier moms is heart-warming. Thanks for sharing. I was listening to a mother's day song on the radio y'day (well he actually talks the entire time but it's set to music) called "IOU" while I was driving to the park for my run and I was bawling like a baby! LOL

Cathy: So I guess you'll be coming home from school on thursdays and jettin' out the door for your long runs now? What's the next distance you need to conquer?
As for your dilemma at work. It does not surprise me that you initially agreed to continue with the TL position permanently. You are a very motivated person career wise. I think you are wise to reconsider though. I only say this because of your NB committment. In light of that I would say that it's not the right time for you to accept another responsibility. How about if you send an email saying that you would love to accept the position and are very flattered to be asked, etc but that in light of your NB responsibilities, etc you feel that accepting the position at this time would be unwise. Explain that you would want to give it your all and that you don't feel you could at this time but perhaps in the future. Or something like that??

Kath: When your kids are grown and no trouble then DH "getting out of your hair" sounds like a good Mother's Day gift to me!;)

Carole: Your friend is in the last stages of cancer and able to run 8 miles? Strong woman. I am surprised she has that kind of strength left. Good for her as she can still make the most of the time she has left. I know what you mean about cancer. Many in my family alone have been taken from me because of it. It makes me so sad and so angry and a little fearful for myself as well.

Christine: How nice that DH gave you the Chicago trip as a Mom's Day gift! Way cool!

Hello to Posh, Judy and anyone else I may have missed!
once again, MIA cheetah here! i have not worked out since thursday and am starting to feel quite antsy. here's what happened on wednesday during NROLW (which i love, btw!):

i had just loaded my smaller bar at 60# and it was on the floor. i went to get the 75# bar to put on the floor for deadlifts. so, i went and got it off the squat rack onto my back...all good. not the part when i tried to lift it over my head and onto the floor. it was too heavy and i had to basically throw it over my head and onto the floor where it landed in an "x" position across the other barbell. when i did that, i had to get my head out the way or it would have been between the two barbells. anyway, when i threw it, i knocked my head in 2 places and have a giant knot and bruised the crapola out of my shoulder. not fun. the lesson here is: do NOT load the barbell BEFORE it needs to be moved to the floor. i will now be loading it on the floor PRIOR to deadlifts. i had thought i bruised my shoulder because it hurt so badly but there was no bruise. i thought maybe it was taking a while to come out. now, it seems i might have torn a tendon or ligament or something. it hurts ALL THE TIME! anyway, it doesn't hurt to the touch (which is why i don't think it's a pulled muscle or bruise) but hurts when stretching, pushing buttons on my cell phone, moving my head to the other side, etc. it seems resting it has been helping but i feel a real need to do something.

any ideas as to what i can do that doesn't involve any jumping/jolting? i am thinking about the EXT and just not moving my arm too much. i REALLY wanted to run yesterday but didn't think the movement/impact would be good. i am also upset about having to take off from NROLW as i was really seing some strength gains. i might try to modify it and still do what i can.

so...we'll see. once again, apologies for my bad cheetah status. the kids are out of school in two weeks and i think things will be MUCH better (and way less hectic) once that happens. the last month of school is always so, so, so, sooooooo busy.

love to all of you!!!
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Cathy – DH is a Sinatra fan (I like him, too), so I have one of his albums on my iPhone. “My Kind of Town” is one of the songs, of course. I can definitely see that running a long run after a BC class would be tough. My rotation this week combines kettlebells and regular weights. :p Enjoy your rest day! You DO deserve it! As for the leadership position… Tough question. If it were in an office environment, I’d recommend you keeping the additional work, because just what you said – the admin might read it as your not being capable of handling more responsibilities. But with everything else you have on your plate! Ouch! I’d go and sit with the bossman (don’t do this via email) and explain your situation and perhaps offer to split the load with the teacher who just had the baby. I don’t know. I’m speaking from a management position. Or if you simply cannot do it, recommend another teacher – always have a solution – don’t dump a mess in the boss’s lap (if that makes sense?). You’ll be seen more as a team player and a solution provider if you have someone at the ready who would be willing to do it.

Gloria – Thank you! Jimmy is my furbaby. He’s such a sweetheart. I think there are dogs who are simply more interested in their own people than others. Jimmy is, too – he’s not one to go running up to a stranger and jump all over her. He’ll wait to be approached. Nice of your neighbor! I love neighbors like that!

Thomasina! I’ve been singing that song, too. It came on after “New York, New York” which is another favorite town of mine, so I’ve been singing both. :p Sounds like you had a nice ole get together with your family.

Kath – It’s so tough watching our friends age! We have a 14 yo American Eskimo who is suffering all kinds of maladies (I swear some of this is the food we give them – I’ve totally changed this with Jimmy). Retrievers are wonderful dogs.

Wendy – you’re too funny! Sounds like you have a great plan for your workout today! How are you liking your Jumpsnap? I was happy with DH!

Lorie – Glad you checked in! It’s tough to keep up with this group! Oh my! How scary about the barbells! Glad you’re okay! Hope your arm feels better!

Yesterday was very nice! Brunch was spectacular. Crowded but with the way the hotel is set up, it was done very, very well, so I didn’t feel crowded. The food was top notch, etc. We really enjoyed it. I think this will be a tradition! Then, as if we needed more food, DH cooked Spinached Beef (an Indian dish) that was out of this world. I have some MAJOR work to do this morning! I’m going to do the original Body Max. I love that one! Have a great day everyone!
Hey Cheetahs!

I'm afraid I don't have time for personals, but I wanted to pop in before I leave for DS's field trip (I won't get back until right before my other kids get home.). Can I ask for prayers for a dear, sweet little boy who will going into surgery at any moment? It's our friend's son. We found out at DD's soccer game Sat. night that he has a tumor in his kidney. :( He's only three years old. I'm am just sick about it, and can't get a hold of my feelings. I can only imagine what this family is going through. TIA for the prayers.

I did get iTread #2/60, stretch and ARX in before waking the kids. I'm supposed to start week #12, but may push the weights back until tomorrow, since today is so hectic.

I'll try and get back w/an update.

Have a great day ladies!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I found Sharkies at Target..as far as gels I feel Hammer Gel was the least sweet. Loved your 'cuckoo" pic...:)...I agree completely with Christine about the job issue. Talking face to face with the boss/principal might be the best way as this sounds like a tough decision for you to make. I hope you have a nice rest day.

Kath...it is not my friend that has the cancer, but her Mother.

Wendy...Have fun with BBC C&B and JS! I think you and Kath misread my post yesterday! The friend I ran with does NOT have cancer, it is her Mother.

Lorie...you might want to see a Doctor for that bruise from the barbell, if the pain is that bad.

Christine...cute pic of Jimmy yesterday. Relationships, especially with family are always interesting...:)...

Dallas..WOW, my thoughts and prayers for that sweet little boy and his surgery!

Gloria...I have never changed a tire myself...

I am not looking forward to today. My DH has been whiney and sick (although I don't know with what?) all weekend and he is staying home on MY DAY OFF!!

I am doing some legwork, 4Ds shoulders, abs and 40 min on my EXT...

Have a great day...:)
Oh Dallas – Absolutely! I always have a prayer for a sweet little boy! How horrible. I’ll prayer hard for a complete recovery. Enjoy iTread!

Carole – Oh, I’m sorry that you have a sick whiney baby to deal with today on your day off! That’s no fun. My DH is spending the night in SFO – there’s a big convention down there for his job, so he’s going to crash over. Just DD15 and me tonight. :+ Come on down if it gets too bad.

I had a blast with Body Max! What a fun workout. I actually do like it better than Body Max 2 for some reason. I finished up with the abs on the BOSU – OUCH! So, I’m feeling nice and pleasantly fried now. I just found out I was granted more stock options, too, so I’m really happy now! Especially as my company is looking to go IPO in about 2 years – just in time to put DD15 through school! :+ Have a great day all!
Good Afternoon Cheetah Ladies. :)

I just finished up my work out. It was fun putting the jump snap in place of the ab work and it gave me about 10 mins of jumping total which is a nice number. :) My work out felt too short today. I would have like to do something more but there was really nothing I could have added as I did not want to do anymore cardio today. I could have added yoga but well...I admit I am avoiding yoga right now for some reason. It's just soooo not appealing lately. Oh well. I'll be back into it again eventually.

So I have one more week of BBC to do to complete a full 4 weeks of it and then I'd like to move on to something else. I am having a really hard time deciding what to do though (Yeah, indecisive cheetah strikes again!) so I'd love some input.

Here are my ideas and why I'd like to do them:

[font color=red]P90X[/font] (cause I have gained weight, feel flabby and remember how well the X helped to lean me out)

[font color=blue]NROL4W[/font] (even if I don't finish the whole thing. The curiosity is killing me! LOL I also wonder if it will help to lean me out like the X did.)

[font color=green]Amy's Slo Mo Challenge[/font] (I did each regular w/o only one time and have had the work out for months now! I'd like to do a rotation and see what kind of results I get.)

Good afternoon, cheetah friends! :7

Thank you for all the feedback on the work situation. I sent the email I'd drafted last night, and my principal responded that he understands. Better yet, I reached out to the former TL and said I hoped she was planning to resume her role, and she said she wants to!!! Yay! All's well that ends well.

Kath ~ best of luck to DD! Any post-interview vibes?

Wendy ~ either that or I may map out some runs near my school. Next week is 8 miles. I don't look forward to running it during prime-time gridlock, but oh well. It's only for 3 weeks...I think you would like Yoga for Happiness...My vote would be to try part of NROL4W -- something new and fresh...That is funny - my email sounded very much like that. Great minds! :) I actually *didn't* accept at first. I expressed my concerns in the meeting, but then later in the day after I left the meeting, I sent an email saying I would do it if the original TL opted not to. Honestly, I don't have big ambitions outside of the classroom. I wasn't even really that thrilled about taking on the role for the short-term. I have been getting some nudges to go into either supervision or admin, and I truly have no desire for that. I'm content in the classroom and trying to better myself there.

WT ~ so sorry about your accident- yeowch!! I think you need to get your tuchus into the doc's office. Seriously. *wags finger* ;) BTW, you are *not* a bad cheetah. Just check in when you can. We're happy to see you. :)

Christine ~ too late--I did correspond via email, but I don't think it hurt me or the message. I think he does understand. My understanding of the position when I initially accepted was that it was temporary, so I don't feel like I was dumping anything in his lap, ya know? But I do hear you about being pro-active and offering solutions when there's a problem. I will say, too, that if things didn't work out like they did and there had been no one else, I *would* have stepped up...Mmmm, sounds like a delicious Mother's Day. Sweet on the stock options!

Dallas ~ oh my goodness...so sorry to hear about your friend's son. I hope he pulls through the surgery OK. Keep us posted.

Carole ~ I do remember seeing some of those in the Target aisles. Next time I stop in, I will try some. Do you have a favorite flavor? Apparently, LOTS of people are cuckoo for Coco Puffs. ;) *lol* about your DH...May I suggest plying him with some Nyquil so he passes out? :7

Jackie ~ hope everything's going smoothly with the house.

Anybody heard from Shelly? Hope she gets her internet hookup going soon.

A warm hello to anyone else dropping in.

Have the news on in the background...wow...this Nor'easter has really clobbered the shore! :eek:

Would love to go veg, but I need to attack the grading pile. Have a great night!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Christine...so far DH has not been too bad...but coming to stay with you always sounds nice!! Glad you had fun with BodyMax...I do like the upper body work better in the original, but I like the stepping better in BodyMax2.

Cathy...glad the situation at work worked out for you...:D...I like the orange flavored Sharkies but I think my Target only had Berry, so I will let you know if I like those when I try them. Cuckcoo, looney, goofy...whatever works..:D...LMAO about the Nyquil...I was thinking of a pillow over the face???...my bad!!!...Hope the grading goes well...

Got in a nice workout and DH mostly hung out in the bedroom, TG!! Got some sun and then took Sadie for a little walk. Saw the wild turkey with a number of little turkey's!! I guess that is why she has not been around our yard. Did some yardwork until I started sneezing...then came in and showered all the pollen or whatever off...
Hi Cheetahs!

I woke up with an unusual pain in my leg. It is wierd, as I did not feel anything working out. I will wait and see how I feel tomorrow. Needless to say, I did not work out. I was ready to, but didn't want to push it into anything more serious.

Cathy: ITA with your reasoning behind not wanting the position. Teaching is hard and time consuming. Your prinicpal already knows you are a dedicated, hard working person, as you are doing the NB certification. Good for you on that btw! I don't even think I could manage having my own children and being a good teacher. I do not know how some of them do it! We had one teacher get accidentally pregnant with twins when she was 40! She ended up taking family leave and hasn't been back yet (they are wealthy and she doesn't need to work). I remember her saying that she would be so tired at the end of the day that it was a chore for her to help them on their homework. She didn't feel that was right. I also wanted to add that administrators are human beings too. When the weather gets better I walk with my principal in the morning (she doesn't run, and I like all forms of exercise). She tells me how hard it is to keep her life in balance. Sorry for the novel! :)

Kath: I love sweating buckets! :) Good luck to your DD. :)

Wendy: I am in awe of you knowing how to change a tire! :) I just had a feeling I might die on the roads if I did it myself. I am sorry I cannot help you on your rotation. I do not have any of those workouts. I am a cry baby too. I listen to NPR in the morning on the way to school and right after Hurricane Katrina happened that's all the news was about and I cried listening to it every morning. I love watching the news, but some stories are too much for my heart to handle and I have to turn down the volume so I can't hear it! ;-)

Lorie: Yikes, sounds like a doozy! You will get back to your sporty self in no time! :)

Christine: Yeah, Ellie only likes certain dogs too. She has been attacked by another dog when she was young and just is the way she is. At DH's shop Ellie is very happy to see me because I take her home and she is outside investigating until I go to bed. The shop is in town and she doesn't get outside a lot because there is a lot of traffic. We are very protective. We have lost a dog to a car and it was extremely painful for us for a long time. I think if something happens to Ellie I will have to take off a week for bereavement (sp?). I just couldn't be at school. I don't have bodymax. Sounds fun! I love food so your brunch sounded great!

Dallas: I will be thinking about the little one. :-( Where was your field trip?

Carole: Sorry about your DH being in the way. I don't have that problem because my DH is always at the shop! There were times in the past that I wished he would just leave for a while though! ;-)

Well, I got my camera back and had one of the kids take my picture. I hooked up my camera and was not prompted to add my pictures to the album. WTH! Now I have to figure this out. Today has not been a good day for me. I could not use the computer lab during my scheduled time for writer's workshop because the librarian had to do makeups for the NWEA test in there. Just some little annoying things. No big deals. Tuesday's are usually good days for me so cross your fingers!

Enjoy your evening ladies!
lunchtime - only have a few minutes but I'm glad your dilemma worked out for the best, Cathy and also, I forgot that Sharkies are da bomb for marathons.. I love em!

Got my 4D’s today at the post office on the way to work today so hopefully I’ll be getting in some good weights this week with my running……

Gotta get back to work now…. I’ll post later tonight when I’m checking into my online summer class that begins today…..

“my kinda town, Chicaaaagooo isss, My kinda Razz ma Tazzz…..it haaaass all that jazz….”……LOL

Til later friends!

Okay, now my day just got worse and I am pi**ed! I just got an email from our special ed. teacher saying that one of our parapros has to go to the middle school to work one on one with a student and my parapro's schedule got readjusted and she won't be in my room at all! I know I posted to Cathy that I really liked her and so did the kids. I am so sad. I enjoyed her so much! She would even come in to chat with me in the morning before school because she gets there so early! Plus I have so many needy kids and have a hard time getting to them all. Ok, I told you I was a baby and it's true. Now I have tears in my eyes! This is NOT fair! She is retiring this year too! x(
Gloria...sorry about the day you are having, esp. the news that you're losing such a valued co-worker. :( I can't imagine she is being reassigned when your numbers are that high. Clearly, she is needed!...So unfair to you and the kids. I feel for you...Sometimes the personnel changes do not make any sense...(((HUGS)))...thank you for your thoughts & feedback on my situation. I feel relieved about it, but it's just nice to know others understand.

Posh...I'm grinnin' like an idiot over here. *clears throat* http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/musical/sing.gif "My kind of people, too..." :7 :7 :7 Yay on the 4DS arriving!!

OK, I haven't done a lick of grading. I'm so bad. But I *am* doing schoolwork. Previewing a novel for one of my reluctant readers.

ETA: Carole...*lol* about the pillow. We are too twisted! :7 Thanks re: the Sharkies. I will look for that one.
Good Afternoon ladies!

Thought I’d start the afternoon with a smile for ya’ll:

A previous neighbor of mine had one of these dogs – it’s a Komondore. Big dogs – about the size of a good sized German Shepherd. Walking dust mops, though. I just love this photo. Too funny!

Wendy – I say do whichever one you want the most. I think NROLW sounds like the most promising – Judy’s had a lot of success with it. But you’ll lean out no matter what!

Cathy – oh good! So glad it all worked out for you! I know you would have stepped up. Heck I’d hire you in a heart beat! Hope you get some dry weather soon! Wow! Have fun grading.

Carole – Glad to hear DH is behaving himself! For some reason I just like the stepping in Body Max one more. It’s just more fun to me – weird. Oh how cute to see the little turkeys!

Gloria – wow! Hope you’re feeling better! I lost Tucker to a car right in front of my house – I totally agree that it’s devastating. I still get choked up thinking about it. He was a once-in-a-lifetime dog. Jimmy is a great dog, but Tucker was Tucker. Such a sweet and gentle guy who loved everyone and whom everyone loved. Jimmy was attacked at a training class and I was so worried that it would turn him off other dogs, but he recovered okay (I took him to doggie day care the next day to make sure and informed the staff – who adored him – he was fine). You just never know. Sorry the dog attacked Ellie. So sorry to hear about the teacher. How tough!! Hope it all works out for you!

*Strolls along with Cathy and Thomasina belting out “MY KIND OF TOWN, CHICAGO IS….”*

I’m ready to go home. Soon. Very light dinner tonight so as to recover from yesterday’s feast! Enjoy everyone!
Okay so far it's 2 out of 2 votes for NROL.

Anyone else care to cast a vote? :)

I just texted my BF to have her let some of the air out of my ball (I brought it over there a while ago and never brought it home. LOL) so I can get it home with me this week if need be since the first work out in NROL uses it. Actually so does Slow Mo! }(

So has anyone here used Slo Mo Challenge in a rotation yet? If so, what are your thoughts on it? I must admit my curiosity is up on that one as well!

Decisions decisions! What's a cheetah to do!? LOL

How much ya wanna make a bet my BBC rotation gets cut to 3 weeks now that I'm thinkin' about what to do next!? :p
Christine ~ OK, that did make me truly *lol* and say, WTH is that?? :7 Too cute! I am quite relieved NOT to have to step up, but that is always somewhat of a problem -- saying no and not wanting to let others down. I am getting better at it, though. You would make for such a cool boss! Enjoy your night!

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Thank you, thank you for all your kindness Cheetahs! :)

My leg is still hurting so I will probably do yoga again tomorrow. It works a lot better for me than ibuprofen! :) If it takes that for a while I will be happy with that. It is the end of the year and I really need some zen! :) We will see what the morning brings!

Cathy: Thank you very much for the hugs. I needed that. The changes are not right in my opinion. I am feeling better, but still very upset by this. My kids are going to be ticked off when I tell them about this tomorrow. I will be telling them my thoughts in an appropriate way as well. I am happy to offer some insight to those situations that are not so easy. I have been in the teaching business long enough to contribute something to consider. I am lucky to have such a great administrator. She is my second favorite of all the others I have ever had! I had a hard time training for my half marathon in Livingston, MT. I ran in the city and park and it was just too noisy. Watching traffic was always a PIA! Out here where I live now it is not so bad, except for those blasted potholes! I am a contemplative person and need my own space! :)

Christine: Yes, those dogs are something, aren't they. Thank you for the warm words re: my day. We just have those some times. That English Setter we had was a biter. There were two times where I woke him up from a dead sleep to take him somewhere and he bit me. We just couldn't have that in a neighborhood with children. I hate to say this, but Andy took him to the "No Kill Shelter" up north from here. He did this without telling me, and Dh was not allowed to come home for days. I lost it. I am not fully recovered from this so when I see one of those types of dogs, DH will not be having a good day. In retrospect, I think it was the right thing to do. I miss him though. We will NEVER get a dog in that situation again. There are just a lot of hazards to deal with.

Carole: I am glad your DH was not such a PIA!

Andy came home and I told him about my parapro. He knows how much I like her and told me "It's the end of the year, and don't you two have a road trip planned this summer. It'll be ok. Plus, you still get to see her every day." I think I may be selfish because the kids will be missing her a lot. Okay Cheetahs, I am tired now. This day has been enough for me. I will talk to you later and try to figure out my camera so you can "see" me.
Gloria ~ glad your hubby was able to help you put a positive perspective on things. It is still a bummer, and I would be feeling the same way as you do. Would have been nice if she could have had one more day in your room to tell the kids herself...How many years have you been teaching?...Sending you some Zen vibes & hope your leg is feeling right again tomorrow.

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run

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