Morning, cheetahs! It's a stormy one here in Jersey.
This is my regularly-scheduled rest day, and I sure do need it! (You wouldn't think so, eh, 'cuz I had so many last week.) But alas, being a weekend warrior spanked my heiney somethin' good. :7 I'm going to try to move my long runs to Thursdays for the time being until that Saturday torture class has ended.
Gloria - what great neighbors they are...glad you still have your BOSU $$$! :7 Yoga would've been a good idea last night for me, too, but I ran out of time to fit it in. Had to scramble to get at least *some* work done.
Posh - thanks for the feedback on Accelerade and Endurox. I am going to have to buy single packets of a few different ones and give them a shot. Love our new theme song.
I believe that catches me w/ personals.
I have a sort of a work dilemma I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on. Last year, I was asked by the admin if I would be willing to serve as a team leader if a colleague went on maternity leave. I said I would, so when the existing TL went out on maternity at the end of January, I began filling in for her. In this role, you're basically a liasion between the teachers on your team and the admin. It involves extra responsibilities and you get some extra pay for it, which is nice. However, it is time-consuming, and when combined with NB work and our up-in-the-air, under-revision LA curriculum, I think it is part of the reason why I keep getting backlogged with the grading this year. The workload has been heavy. This weekend I brought home 100 notebooks and 50 essays, and I didn't accomplish all that much. I feel myself, at this point in the year, "shutting down" some. Anyway, during my end-of-the-year eval meeting last week, the boss man inquired if I would want to continue next year because the former TL, now a mom, is "not sure" she wants to remain in that leadership role. I was shocked, and I told him I'd been hoping she wanted to resume her position. I admitted that with National Boards, it had been stressful to balance it all. There was a clear hesitation on my part, but later that day, I sent him an email saying that if the TL chose not to return to her duties, I would be interested in continuing.
Thought about it some more this weekend when I couldn't slog through that massive pile of grading. I think I just feel a bit weary from doing too much. I drafted an email that I'll probably send to my principal today, explaining my train of thought. The chances are good that I will have to redo some of my NB work, and even though that workload won't be AS MUCH as it was in the first year, I still feel like adding TL responsibilities to the mix is putting too much on my plate. I want to concentrate on my teaching and on the changing curriculum, and I want to try to do those things well. I would be interested in a future leadership role, but it doesn't seem like the best fit for me at this given time. My fear is that turning down a leadership opportunity is a foolish move in the eyes of the admin.
OK, that was long-winded. Sorry! Appreciate any thoughts anyone may have.
Gotta jet and get ready. Have a great one!
[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
This is my regularly-scheduled rest day, and I sure do need it! (You wouldn't think so, eh, 'cuz I had so many last week.) But alas, being a weekend warrior spanked my heiney somethin' good. :7 I'm going to try to move my long runs to Thursdays for the time being until that Saturday torture class has ended.
Gloria - what great neighbors they are...glad you still have your BOSU $$$! :7 Yoga would've been a good idea last night for me, too, but I ran out of time to fit it in. Had to scramble to get at least *some* work done.
Posh - thanks for the feedback on Accelerade and Endurox. I am going to have to buy single packets of a few different ones and give them a shot. Love our new theme song.
I believe that catches me w/ personals.
I have a sort of a work dilemma I wouldn't mind getting some feedback on. Last year, I was asked by the admin if I would be willing to serve as a team leader if a colleague went on maternity leave. I said I would, so when the existing TL went out on maternity at the end of January, I began filling in for her. In this role, you're basically a liasion between the teachers on your team and the admin. It involves extra responsibilities and you get some extra pay for it, which is nice. However, it is time-consuming, and when combined with NB work and our up-in-the-air, under-revision LA curriculum, I think it is part of the reason why I keep getting backlogged with the grading this year. The workload has been heavy. This weekend I brought home 100 notebooks and 50 essays, and I didn't accomplish all that much. I feel myself, at this point in the year, "shutting down" some. Anyway, during my end-of-the-year eval meeting last week, the boss man inquired if I would want to continue next year because the former TL, now a mom, is "not sure" she wants to remain in that leadership role. I was shocked, and I told him I'd been hoping she wanted to resume her position. I admitted that with National Boards, it had been stressful to balance it all. There was a clear hesitation on my part, but later that day, I sent him an email saying that if the TL chose not to return to her duties, I would be interested in continuing.
Thought about it some more this weekend when I couldn't slog through that massive pile of grading. I think I just feel a bit weary from doing too much. I drafted an email that I'll probably send to my principal today, explaining my train of thought. The chances are good that I will have to redo some of my NB work, and even though that workload won't be AS MUCH as it was in the first year, I still feel like adding TL responsibilities to the mix is putting too much on my plate. I want to concentrate on my teaching and on the changing curriculum, and I want to try to do those things well. I would be interested in a future leadership role, but it doesn't seem like the best fit for me at this given time. My fear is that turning down a leadership opportunity is a foolish move in the eyes of the admin.
OK, that was long-winded. Sorry! Appreciate any thoughts anyone may have.
Gotta jet and get ready. Have a great one!
[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]
"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run