::::: CHEETAHS ::::: Monday, Feb. 26

Hi Linda! Posting at the same time! I guess you're at work now and hope it's going well for you. I'm so sorry you've got that nagging leg/hip problem back!!! Maybe you should keep you're exercising all nonimpact for a few weeks? People always dread running uphill but it's the downhill that'll really get ya!

Take care!

Hey Marcia... No fair!!! DH and DS get to stay home and play in the snow and you have to go in to work??? Sometimes there is no justice in this world!

I know it, that's what I thought, too, I need a snow day. x(

Well - I've had enough x( :-( x( :-( It's time to get serious! I am strictly going to eat fruits and vegetables.......maybe some lean meats, but I have my jeans on and I can barely breathe - I'm so disgruntled right now. I'm still definitely focused on my workouts, but I can't seem to lose weight no matter what !!!! UGH !!!!! I did take measurements, but why oh why does that scale not move, I've been doing soooooo good - OK, I feel better now. I vented AGAIN!

Sorry you had to listen to me, AGAIN!!! I'll just take this all out on Kenpo X tonight. }(

Barb - I know how that goes... We'll definitely be thinking of you sweetie - have a fabulous time with your men!

Mattae - I love the intensity series - I think it's one of her best. I really like the BC/ME bonus combo, too - almost did that one this morning, but decided I wanted just a touch more cardio. Great to "see" you again! Are you running the SJ RNR this year? I've been drafted to run it again...

Gayle - YES!!! Gauntlet and Viper are some of Cathe's best circuit workouts!! IMax Extreme I can do without - but I'll use it for strictly cardio at times.

Carole - so sorry your hip and back are bothering you again. I guess it's time to really rest it for a bit (a working rest of course!) 4.5 mph is 13 minute mile - or there abouts... I don't run much faster - about a 10 minute mile.

Sunny - I think if you did Viper again, you'd kick it's tail! It's a great workout!

Linda - sorry your hip is bothering you. Are you resting it a bit and icing it after your workouts?

Judy - yeah, multi-tasking at it's finest! Hope the weekend was productive - weekends are tough to post.

Shelly - Hillacious is a DVD for an indoor bike, yes. It's a wonderful workout - totally fried my hams and glutes. It starts with 2 8 minute climbs at about a 6% grade, then does 4 sets of "Rolling hills" and then finishes with 4 sets of climbs in the highest gear - 30 seconds seated, 10 seconds out of the saddle. I use my mountain bike on my trainer (I need to get street tires for it - the knobbies are WAY too loud - I'm going to get them over lunch). I just ordered the virtual reality ride through Northern Maryland - my old stomping grounds - I'll be curious as to whether he rides some of the roads I did when training for my centuries. As for the Wendy Syndrome - I had that last week - your turn. Someone HAS to be the indecisive one around here! :+
Christine - Thanks! It will be okay if I just kind of baby it again for a little while. I haven't tried to ice it, but I guess I should.

Hey guys. I'm back quick to read to catch up, and post a question for you ladies.

Cardio Coach vs. iTrain

What are your thoughts on these? I'm looking at iTread right now and am SOOOOOOOOOOO tempted to buy! Thought I'd check with the EXPERTS first! lol

Hello Cheetahs! Sorry today will need to be a quick post. I would have posted Friday, but work was so hectic I didn't even get to go to lunch until right before it was time for me to leave.

Sunday was a good day. I ran 7 miles outside! Yeah!! It was really windy, but warm (about 50 degrees) so I decided to forgo the treadmill and see how I faired on the pavement. Let me tell you, it was not a pretty sight. I definitely need to acclimate myself to running on pavement again. Around mile 5 I started to feel my form start to slip and noticed my upper body weakening. My shoulders and the top of my right foot began to hurt. This morning I woke up to barely being able to walk on my right foot. However, as the day is progressing it is not bothering me as much. I guess the uneven pavement and sidewalks took a toll on me. Today will be a rest day. Does anyone have any suggestions on strength training? I don't like it that my upper body felt very week. I'm hoping I can remedy this before my HM the end of April. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sorry there is no time for personals. Hopefully I can get some of my work finished so I can come back for those.

Have a great day!!
Hello ladies,
Well, I feel just HORRIBLE today. I told you guys how Mariah had fallen last week off her bike due to my bad mommy moment and now she woke up and there was pus all over her pillow and face. Her scrape on the chin became infected and I had to take her to the doctor and they had to clean it and now she is on a strong antibiotic and home with me. I don't know how that happened. I put neosporin on it right away after she fell and I had the band-aid on, but anyway, the poor little sweetie. So, she will be home for a couple of days until the infection goes away. I am spoling her rotten right now with chocolate chip cookies and a big glass of milk:)

Well,yesterday I did Circuit Max for the first time in probably 3 months. It felt great! My back was not sore and my hamstring felt pretty good and I am not sore today. Ladies, I am truly on my way to doing all of the Cathe workouts I once did.

Now for a few personals:

Cathy, how many days of cardio does your rotation call for? Do you only run for cardio right now or are you doing other things as well?

Wendy, glad you got some workout in this morning. Sorry about the rough sleepless night:(

Marcia, school closed again. WOW! I just can't believe all the snow you guys have gotten and how discruptive it is to your life. That is great that you can get your workout in now. What are the ages of your kids?

Gayle, I love RS too. It is just so much fun. 7 sets of pushups, that is great! All on the toes?

Christine, I remember you saying how much you love the viper and the gauntlet. I will have to get those out. How is the eating going? My eating was great until the weekend. It just always goes downhill then. But, Monday I am always back on track. When is your next Baron session?

Barb, We will miss your upbeat posts, but I totally understand your reasons for not posting. It is very time consuming and I also find that I will do this instead of laundry or something else that is waiting for me. It is SO worth it though. We will be waiting for ya. Take CAre.

Mattea, welcome back! I am one of those people that love running on the treadmill. I just love zoning out and just listening to my favorite tunes. I have such a better workout on the treadmill and I tend to run faster on it. I started with it though, maybe that is why.

Judy, yes, I LOVE to clean the house. I don't like waiting for it to get dirty and then clean it. I like to do it on a daily basis. We had a maid for about a year and I would always clean it before she came and then would end up doing something after she left. I do such a better job. I am the windex queen. My friends bought me a roll of paper towels and windex for a joke for my b-day last year.(TEEHEE) I HATE laundry though.

Carole, I hated the icing part of my injury. I found though that once I started icing it after my workouts for about 10 minutes, it REALLY helped. I am still icing it just to be safe. I sometimes question the whole running thing and ask myself is it really worth all the injuries? THis year has been such a wake up call for me.

Sunnydelite, enjoy your run! 5:30 clients, gotta love em;-)

Linda, what is up with all of us injured cheetahs;-) Thanks for the website for Barry. I am going to check it out after I finish posting here.

Shelly, you just totally crack me up with those amazing workouts. I can't beleive you did the leg blast AFTER your run. I personally love that workout, but not after a run!!!! I am glad that your body feels good after the consecutive days of running.

Well ladies, I am taking a rest day today and tomorrow to let my body rest after all the impact this week. I am off to the couch to watch the brady bunch with Mariah:)

have a great day friends!


I've only done 1 CC and I have a few Itreads. All CC's are able to be done on ANY cardio equipment and can be done in or outdoor when being used for running. ITread or more specific to treadmills though they have a work out or 2 geared for outdoor running. Itread is specific to running. If you want to use a bike they have Icycle. If you want to use an elliptical or stairclimber they have Iclimb. CC's are very expensive IMO but again, they are more versatile but depend upon heart rate zones where Itreads are much less expensive (there are also lots more to choose from) and the ones geared for the machines are dictated by speed, incline, resisitance, etc as opposed to heart rate zone.

I like the one CC I have but for my money I think Itread is the better option. I don't use them for outdoor runs. If I did want to use them for mostly outdoor runs then I would probably consider CC instead but since I only use Itreads for the TM I definately prefer them over CC personally.

So there you have it. That is what I know and what I prefer. Did I confuse you? :p
Gayle - I don't have any iTrains, but I have the CC's. I love them, but I am soo tempted with the iTrains, too. I do use my CC's outside, also.

Susan - Oh no! I hope Mariah gets better soon! I wonder if maybe a cinder or something was in the wound that you couldn't see. But you did the right thing with the Neosporin and bandaid! I remember when I had chicken pox and my throat was literally killing me....my mom baked homemade chocolate chip cookies for me. I will always remember that!

Kristi - Hope your foot gets better soon! Great job on your 7 miles!!

K, I am showered and have java in hand...I have about 10 mins for personals before I need to get DS up and DH comes home and dinner needs to be figured out etc so I will do my best to get it all in NOW cause sometimes I never get back here later in the evening!

So I did Long and Lean Yoga by Baron this afternoon. I did not have time for Tony today. L&L is tough! The upper body strength portion is no joke even when I'm NOT sore!}( :eek: }(

I have a plan laid out for the rest of this week. My goal is to include a little cardio into my routine every day this week while keeping with the recovery work outs Tony has laid out. I am doing this b/c I have put on a few pounds and look bigger in the belly...I am due for TTOM so it is probably part of it but I have also been on a bad streak with my eating and will not get to work out or eat clean this weekend with my impending trip. I am hoping to combat it a bit with the extra cardio. So here's the plan:

Today was LIC step combos + yoga
Tues: 20-30 min run + core syn.
Wed: Step class at the gym in place of Kenpo
Thur: 20-30 min run or short cathe cardio + yoga (instead of StretchX)
Fri: short Cathe cardio + Core Syn
Sat: Rest
Sun: Rest
Mon: Begin Phase 3!!!!}(

Thurs is supposed to be xstretch but I am putting yoga in it's place because I won't be able to do Yoga on Saturday when it's scheduled for.

I really hope this weight gain in temporary. I am weighing heavier then I did when I started the X! ACK! x( x( x(

Okay, I guess I should finally get to personals now right? LOL

Marcia: So how was Kenpo today? }(

Christine: VIPER...wow! I haven't done that one in ages! Yes, I don't have to do B&B this week or next week! AWESOME! LOL I am sooo looking forward to Chest and Back!!! I must be sick in the head!:p

Mattea: Sorry about your TM woes. I really don't mind the TM at all. I must be crazy, huh? LOL I am seeing definate results with the X and lovin' them! I can't do a pull up yet but don't really expect to be able to do one to be honest with you! I am improving though and that's enough for me!:)

Judy: So what did you take from the Chi book that you are going to use with the TM?

Carole: No nap today but it was my own fault. I was fartin' around on line, talking on the phone, etc so by the time I was ready to nap it was too late. :-( Glad you avoided the mud today. Sorry about your pain. Hope you can keep it at bay. Hope your mom's new pc is not a lemon like the last one was!

Sunny: A 5:30am client? YIKES! Do you have any control over the hours you work or does the gym totally dictate that? I hope you get that run in. Can't wait to hear how it went. Thanks for the encouragement re the PT thing. :)

Gayle: I survived my shift at work even though I didn't want to be there! LOL I was ticked because I wasn't supposed to work today and was called in at the last minute. It seems I am the only one who is ever available to cover and feel taken advantage of at times.

Linda: Sorry about your hip. Hope it feels better soon.

Shelly: My goodness girl you have lost your mind! I will do a run AFTER B&G leg blast but to even CONSIDER the blast AFTER a run? YIKES, you are brave....and crazy!;)

Susan: Sorry about your DD's infection in her chin. They tell you to keep them home for something like that?? That surprises me for some reason. What am I not getting here? LOL Hope she's all better soon!

Kristi: ^5's on the 7 miler!
Shelly - I just saw your post that you posted when we were posting at the same time :) I guess I need to do, at least, low impace...if not non impact for a day or two. I just don't know what it is that I am doing to it. LOL...yup...I am at work!
Yeah, I was a little suprised that Mariah was told to stay home. I guess whenever there is an open wound with pus coming out it is considered very contagious, just like pink eye. She is in a great mood right now singing and playing with her polly pockets. Your rotation looks great. I think that extra cardio will take care of any lbs that you gained:) Great job on Baron. That upper body section and the ab section if TOUGH!!!

Instead of taking a full rest day, I did Eoinn Finn's shortened version of Power yoga for happiness. It was about 42 minutes long. It was just what I needed:)

Kristi, great job on the run yesterday!!! The gym styles are excellent for upper body strength as well as PUB


G'afternoon Cheetahs!! Busy day of running around getting my tooth fixed. To the dentist at 8, then drove an hour to the lab to get my tooth color matched. Got it matched & found out that the crown doesn't quite fit my tooth right. So... after spending an hour + there, then an hour back we came home for lunch. (I wasn't going ANYWHERE w/ no front tooth!!!) Allison was soooo good, I was so proud of her. She packed her little backpack full of horsies & pet shop animals to keep her busy & she was quite the talker to the people at the lab. What a funny girl!! It seemed we only had a short time and it was time to head BACK to my dentist. So... I have yet another temp crown & the real crown should be done in 2 weeks!!! I swear, this tooth has been a jinx since I was 10!! (knocked my teeth out in a bike accident)

Pulled in the driveway *just* as the bus was dropping off the girls. Couldn't have timed that any better!! I'm glad I got in IMAX 2 early this morning or it wouldn't have gotten done today!! I also skipped all of the *recovery* periods, so that tightened up the workout.

I'm meeting my bf for a movie later, Music & Lyrics. Cathy said it was good, so I'm looking forward to it! ;-) OK, gotta run but wanted to pop in real quick!
Hello again! I ended up stringing together the Timesaver Upper body workouts... it really wasted me! I have to say that the push up sequence in the Timessaver is her hardest EVER. Harder even than GS
CT!! I have to comment: re my doing B&G leg blast after my trail run. Lest anyone get the false impression I am superhuman (definitely NOT) I did have a good 2-3 hrs break inbetween!!!!

Jess- What a frustrating day for you! I don't think I've ever tried an IMAX workout without the recovery periods!!! WTG! How's the ITB?

Susan- Hey, I hope you're not beating yourself up over Mariahs infection (poor lil thing) Even the worlds greatest supermom can't watch their little ones 24/7!!! Almost all infections are transmitted with our hands and the little ones are always picking at things! Great to hear you're having a good time rediscovering Cathe!

Gayle- I only have iTrain workouts but my impression is that they are somewhat more challenging then the CCs... and I KNOW you like a challenge}(

Kristi- Great job on the 7 miles!!!!! For outdoor runs I try to use trails as much as possible due to issues with uneven pavements... they can really cause havoc!

That's all for now!

So Jess and Marcia! Who wants my Bryan Kest DVD? I have decided that who ever pm's me first gets it! I've also decided that it's FREE!!!! I just need an address and I'll put it in the mail this week!:)
Sunny...I got my back adjusted today and my hip does feel better. I do plan on taking it a bit easy though...LOL

Wendy..good job with LIC. Sorry about work...Looks like a good rotation this week. I got in a little nap. And then played with my own PC. I am hoping good things for my Mom's new PC too.

Gayle...I have had some lower back pain on the left side for a few weeks. My Chrio thinks it has to do with my lumbar. I kinda thought sciatic but hopefully not so. Then last week I got this glute/hamstring pain....I will have to be careful running as that does irritate the glute/hamstring but not my back. I prefer iCimbs for my EXT but iTreads are fun too and some here use those with their TM's.

Linda...the Gyno appt went well. I had some questions and she is very helpful..:)...I can join you with the leg and hip pain. I won't run til thursday. Good workout.

Shelly....I am sure you will miss your sister. Yes, the injuries are frustrating...you know...:)...but I will have to try and recover and start running again very cautiously. I know my Mom is happy her new PC is working well. I added some RAM to mine and it is lots faster...:)..Enjoy your hour on the EXT.

Christine...I was getting under those 10 min miles until my glute/ham injury. This aging is for the birds!!! Thanks and I am going to try and take it a bit easier this week.

Susan...sorry about Mariah Muffin. Cuts can get infected sometimes...hope it heals quickly now. Glad your back and hamstring are feeling good. I have always iced...I think this time I just got tired of pain in different areas.

Kristi...good job on the 7 miles!! Maybe try some of Cathe's endurance workouts for your upper body. Like Power Hour, Musclemax, ME...those are a few of my favorites.

I am thinking about doing Bodymax (the original) upper body this afternoon, and maybe abs too...:)
Hey guys! Just a quickie from me too! I just bought an iTread workout and I'm SO psyched that I want to go hit the treadmill NOW! LOL. I'll be doing this running workout tomorrow morning! CAN'T WAIT!!!!


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