hi, cheetahs! no sunny sunday here. :-( it has been raining since last night. it's stopped for now, but t-storms are predicted today. we do need the rain, so i'm not that upset.
gloria-LOL at drinking beer like it was extinct!!!
glad the fire is contained and all is well with you.
dallas-i am LOVING the tanning lotion! i even wrote to the website to ask a question and i got a response in about five minutes. it's really a no lose thing because they said if you don't like it, return it and they will refund your money. i have not noticed a smell at all. i do have to work on my application, though. i am very impatient!
carole-my squat rack is AWESOME!!!
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_5_126.gif i absolutely love it! now, i want a pulley system, but i probably won't get one. i am so sorry about your friend.
wendi-i do the exact same thing in the mornings!!! i have to wake up at least a half an hour before i work out to let my meds (and caffiene) kick in! i also like that quiet time, but it's so darn early!!! i know the hills are good for me, and funny thing is, i don't mind them when they're outside, i just hate them on the TM because you still have to keep your speed up (if you are following CC or grace). also, i LOVE the hills on the EXT. go figure!
christine-OMG...that view. i hope you ROCK your race today!!! i would definitely walk the hills (and any other time you feel like it). it's the pleasure of getting there that's half the fun. you're really making me want to do chicago!
jackie-see my post to wendi re: the hills. i figure if i hate them, then i must need to do them!
judy-i saw the NROLW check in and will go there. i think i am liking it so far. i did workout 3 and today is a rest day. i think i am going to do some cardio and yoga today.
wt-i didn't think i would like working out with a book, but i am really liking it. i want to tighten up but not get a lot bigger. i REALLY need to clean up my eating.
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/7/7_12_6.gif i know that's the key and 80% of it.
kath-glad dd is doing well. she has a good caretaker!
sunny-i think yardmax can be considered a workout! i also love the 60 minute interval iTread!
wendy-i was at a birthday dinner last night as well, but no drinking for me. i just didn't feel like it, plus, i was driving. i can't believe you were up so late playing!
today is a rest day according to my NROLW workout. i am thinking a bit of cardio (maybe some steady state on the EXT) and yoga. i miss eoinn. i have only "seen" him once this week!