Cheetahs::Happy Hump Day:: Wednesday

Hey everyone! I am sooo tired for some reason. I didn’t think I would make it until 5:00 today to get off work! :(

Wendi – I am glad the “babies” were good and that you had a good day at work! I still love my bosu and will continue to use it  I love it! Hope how soon you can use yours!

Kath – Sounds like a wonderful “killer” workout!

Lori – Enjoy your run and I hope DS feels better!

Wendy – yes, I am liking the KBs, so far! (at least the one workout that I did ;-) ) But I do think I am really going to like them! Good job on the 7:00 a.m. Cardio Party!

Cathy – I just ended up getting the Weber workout, cause the only KB that I have a mate to is my 10 lber…and I figured I would need mates to the heavier one (like you thought…the 15). I will be anxiously awaiting your reviews of all that you ordered! 

Christine – Yes, Providence was a lot of fun. I really liked it! I think I will like Extreme KB, too. I am glad you enjoyed it this morning! That is good news! So is the fact that you are sore in the core! (or was that from another workout?)
What??? No naked men in your dreams? Hmmm…maybe tonite ;-) LOL…just kidding!

Carole – Enjoy CTX T, abs and your run! I think that is a good idea to wait til you get your workout room cleaned out before you make the purchases! Mine is in dire need of a good cleaning! I have got to find some way to organize this “stuff”!

Shelly – Hope how soon my CIAs get “redelivered” and my In the Ring from Amy gets here! That is great that yours came in time for your BD! Enjoy them and your tempo run!

Kristi – I am sorry you won’t be able to run your half! But, at least you will be healing and you definitely don’t want to do anything to jeopardize that! I think H&M would be fun, too….even with all the hills!

Judy – I hope your knee feels better. Sorry that I don’t have any ideas for you! My pain is usually my hip …sometimes down to the outside of my knee…but yours sounds like a totally different problem. Hope it gets better.

Lorie – Good job on your mish mosh! Feel better soon!!

Jackie – That is so funny that you said that about putting the roller where you will “have to see it!”. I did that….and I still have not been doing it! I step over it! ;-) good job on MM! I’ll bet you are really getting excited about your house!!

Sunny – I am going to have to get my book out and finish it! I am just not sure if I can stand to give up that much cardio! I will read it and then see what you guys think of the rotation, once you start! It is very interesting (from what I have read, so far!)

This morning I ran 5.5 miles and did 4DS Legs and abs.

I hesitate to even tell you guys this…....because it is so unreal that it would happen again. Remember when Madison ate my 4DS’s? Well…since then, I have had all of my workouts delivered to my work address. I put that as a shipping address on my CIAs. For some reason they shipped them to the house. DH called me on Friday and said in a sheepish voice…”Uh…how much do you love your dog?” I knew right then what had happened. She demolished all 5 of my CIA’s. Greg said he will do a UPS damage claim and reship. This happened on Friday. So far…I don’t have them yet. :-(
Maybe that is a sign that I need to stop ordering so much! :+ :-(

Hope everyone has a good night!

Hey Girls :)

Kristi: A tear? OUCH--hope it heals fast. How old are your children?

Wendy: What's with you napping--or is it Joey napping? My gf would put her kids down for a nap when they were younger. They slept 2 hours every day and went to bed at a decent time. I so hated her for that. My kids were not nappers.

Cathy: What a great avatar. You are a very pretty girl.

Christine: Naked men dreams? I think I missed that LOL

Carole: My MIL lives like 10 blocks away. She could be Everyone loves Raymond's mom. She is just like her. I bite my tongue lots.

ShellyC: Glad you like my cheetah name. You all are so nice to welcome me.

Judy: Is your leg still bothering you?

Lori: Hope DS is feeling ok

My house is so quiet right now. I don't know what to do with myself :)
Oh NOO!!!!! Poor Linda! WOW! I would be TICKED! I love Jimmy, but if he ate my workouts, I'd be very very upset with him. Weird that they shipped to the wrong address! Hope you get your workouts soon!
Christine - Yes...I was very, very upset. But....then I look at her and I can just picture her thinking that the "nice man brought her some new toys". But my gosh! This is twice...and both times have been big orders ...grrr!! I had to not talk to her until I could down. I even checked my receipt and it shows plain as day to ship to my work. so...I just don't know ;(
Good evening ladies!

Ooh boy, what a long day. I really only have a couple of minutes before I get to some things around the house that *have* to get done now or not at all.

Wendy - Yay for the UPS guy!!! Wow, 90 minutes of yoga is very impressive! I hear you about the cheat meals...last week was nothing *but* cheat meals x(.

Kath - I love your new siggy! Great workout today...isn't it sad that we *live* for DOMS :p?!?!

Lori - I hope DS feels better. Did you get to that run?

Cathy - Oh, thanks sweetie, but those Disney pics are the best pics anyone has ever taken of me...I'm not photogenic by any stretch of the imagination lol. You certainly are though...I love your new avatar. Wow, as if your students didn't already love you, now no homework for the rest of the year? You really are a wonderful teacher :p!

Christine - Yeah, the eating got me the past 3 weeks...I just couldn't stop, so much so that it bordered on binging a few times x(. Great mish mosh today...I'm sure you don't have to worry about that curry. Enjoy your sore core }(.

Carole - I hope you had a nice run! Glad those Pain Free exercises did the trick. I could use that right now...yeowch! One of the horses today was *TOUGH*...someone described the mare as a "rabbit with her tail on fire". I likened her to a squirrel darting across the road with it's tail and all other appendages flailing in every direction at the same time! All I can say is I'm glad my leg strength has greatly improved with my latest rotation :eek:.

Shelly - Ooh, nice bday surprise at the post office! So, which one did you do today? Hey, I call em like I see em ;-). I am so looking forward to possibly running with you this summer...just go easy on me!

Judy - How did chore day go? I really need one of those and SOON! I hate to say that it took DSO until yesterday to recover...he had some very angry quads and knees. I wish I knew what your new pain could be...I just hope it clears up for you soon!

Kristi - I'm so glad that the doc doesn't think it's a tear. I hope it heals quickly. I completely understand about not wanting to back out of running with a friend (or DB)...that's what happened to me this month, too.

Lorie - Nice cardio-a-thon yesterday. I hope you're able to send those cruddies packing quickly, especially with the pet fair coming up.

Jackie - Great job with MM and your PP! I don't know why, but I love kitchen cabinetry...maybe because the kitchen is my fave room in the house :p. Goodness knows I certainly spend enough time in there lol! I wish things were slowing fact, my days have gotten much, much worse workload-wise. Oh well *shrugs*. I've just had the past couple of nights to gab because DSO has been in Memphis on business. The foot is probably 95%..thank you for asking! I've been in cardio heaven this past week :D }(.

Sunny - Great workout today! I guess we were both itching for 4DS KB...I LOVE that workout! I hope you had a nice dinner with your family.

Linda - Oh, I can't believe that happened again...grrrrrrrr x( :eek:! At least replacements are on the way...they certainly should be since the company made the error on the ship to address. I can't wait to break out my Bosu again. I'm just waiting until my foot is completely quiet before attempting that again. A run and legs??? I don't think I could do that...WTG!

Okay, gotta get moving if I want to get to bed at a decent hour. I have some kind of circuit on tap for tomorrow, just not sure what yet. It could be DM, HSC or HSTA...I'll have to see what kind of DOMS I wake up with after Miss Toad's Wild Ride today!

Sleep tight Cheetahs!
Hey Gals.

I logged on thinking I would catch up on personals before hitting the hay but I'm really not up for it so I'll do that in the morning. PROMISE!:)

So we got DS The Bee Movie for Easter and we all watched it tonight. He went to see it in the theater with his aunt and has been asking for it. DH and I never saw it before. Pretty cute movie. :)

Not sure if I'll hit the gym or work out at home tmrw. I can do weights, cardio or both so I have all kinds of options open to me. I'll see what I'm in the mood for in the morning. Perhaps I'll be up to another early AM work out! Ya never know!!!}(

Anywho...gotta get ready for bed now....C ya in the a.m. ladies!:)
Good evening everyone!

Wendy - Glad you made it through 90 minutes of yoga.

Christine - Is your finger all healed? You have been working so hard that I'm sure you will have some good results to post soon.

Sunny - Nice workout today! I may get those KB after I'm settled in the house. So many little things pop up now and that's where the $$$ are going.

Linda - Hope you get a good night's rest. Reading your post just reminded me that I didn't use the roller. Oh, no, on Madison eating your workouts. I'd make her drop and give me 20. :) Think you need to complain to the company. Hope it doesn't take too long to get them replaced.

Kath - What did you do with yourself and the quiet house?

Wendi - Looks like you've been pretty good with your workouts. Your SO isn't too far away from me. Hope the DOMS fairy pays a visit tonight.

Lorie - Feeling better?

I'd better head to bed. Not exactly sure what I'll do in the morning but it will be cardio. Need to do some yoga too.

Have a good night!


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