:::::: CHEETAHS ::::: Happy Friday, 3/2


Mornin', cheetahs!! :) TGIF!!

Playin' catch-up with my workouts since my extended nap yesterday afternoon blew me out of the water...So, it'll be S&A & ARX this afternoon right after work, and then it's off to dinner with some friends.

Thomasina :: glad you enjoyed your b-day dinner! I hear so much about Chevy's on these boards...I don't think we have any of them in Jersey. Hope you have a chance to relax some this weekend!

Wendy :: great job on getting in the yoga. With a day like you had yesterday, getting in anything at all is fantastic, in my view.

Have a great day, ladies!
~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Just stopping in again real quick to say I just did Fluidity Seat & Thigh - this one's only 22 minutes. It is short, but you do feel a burn. Like the Bar Method DVDs, I'd say these have to be add-on workouts. I'm going to strive for 3 sessions per week *after* cardio. When I did the beginner DVD after Plyo the other day, it felt great and gave me some DOMS. On the weekend, I'll try the intermediate workout (38 minutes) and let you guys know how that one is.

~Cathy :)

Those who indulge...bulge!

Hello & TGIF :)

Cathy- Thanks for reporting on Fluidity Seat & Thigh. Good job on getting it done so early! :7

We finally heard back from the contractor. He will look over the area we want to finish for exercising.

I hope to get on the EXT before he arrives. I may change my mind and try some kick boxing. Hopefully it won't aggravate my hip. I have been stretching much more.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Morning Cheetahs.

Cathy: Good job squeezing in Fluidity. In addition to being used as an add-on work out they sould perfect for the time crunch work out as well. Have fun at dinner tonight!:)

Judy: So you are considering finishing your basement/work out area? Will you be adding any new equipment to it? I'm jealous! Can I come live with you? ;)

So today's original plas is Cathe cardio + Core Syn. I am going to be tight on time this afternoon though. I am working this morning and have to stop at the store on the way home from work. Then it's lunch for DS and myself and once DS is down for a nap I have a TON of cr@p to get done before I am on my way for my get-away. I will only have a few hours to get it all done INCLUDING a work out and shower!YIKES!:eek: My plan may quickly change to Cardio X. ;)
Wendy- You will fit it all in today. And then you will be off to a fun filled weekend! ... Come on out here any time; I would be honored to have you and any Cheetah visit! ... We are not getting any new equipment. At this point we are pretty well stocked, but I would consider putting up a bar. There will definitely be a mirror wall. We had one in our old WO area (last house) and it helped tremendously with form for the whole family. (Plus at PJ parties the girls spent hours there doing their hair!!!)

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning Cheetahs!

Last night was a rough one. Yesterday afternoon the daycare called. Annamarie got sick. Since I can't leave work because my office manager is out of town and someone has to man the phones, I sent DH who works across town to pick her up. It would have been easier if I could have left. The daycare is about 7 minutes from here. Anyway, when I got home she was acting normal. She never ran a temperature, ate her food, played, and went to bed like normal. So I'm thinking, lunch must not have agreed with her, she can go to daycare in the morning. Around 11 last night she woke up crying with a fever. It took until 1 this morning for it to finally break. Throughout all this time she not let me put her down, so I had to keep rocking her. Finally at 1 I thought maybe she would sleep in my bed since she would not leave my side. DH slept on the couch while DD and I took the bed. She was all over the bed throughout the night. Every time she moved I woke up because I was afraid she was going to fall off the bed. Finally at 5 she settled in and fell asleep. Then at 5:30 DS came into the bedroom with his toothbrush and said, "Mommy I brought my toothbrush for when you decide to get up.". He is always up with me while I am getting ready in the morning and after I'm finished he brushes his teeth with me before I get him and DD ready. Needless to say, DH has to stay with DD today. She was so upset when I left her this morning. She grabbed her shoes and coat and kept bringing them to me so she could go too. Hopefully she will sleep well for DH today.

In any case, I won't be exercising today. During lunch I will be going home to spend time with DD and DH. I don't think DD will let me leave the room to go run on the treadmill anyway.

Wendy - Have a great trip!

Cathy - Thanks for your suggestions on strength workouts. Funny thing, I preordered the GS and ever since they have arrived I have not used them once. Any recs on how I should use them? Should I do a 3 day split with them or a few exercises for each muscle group for a total body workout?

Thomasina - I swear, around midnight last night, as I was rocking DD, I thought of you and how I forget to wish you a happy birthday. On Wednesday I kept telling myself that I needed to do that first thing Thursday morning. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judy - Road trip to Judy's house! LOL How is Chi Running going? Are you still having hip pain? Good luck with your contractor and your exercise room. DH and I are contemplating whether to add on a family room and 4th bedroom onto our house. We are not sure if we would ever be able to get the money out of our house if we decided to sell though. If we added on the 4th bedroom then we would use it for an exercise room and DH's hobbies. Right now we use our 3rd bedroom for that since DD and DS share a bedroom. They love being together. We have outgrown our house which we bought 7 years ago before we even had kids.

Hi to all Cheetahs! I'll try to BBL.
Good morning Cheetahs and Happy Friday!

Thomasina - How on earth did I miss wishing you Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!

Cathy - Good job on squeezing in the Fluidity! Enjoy your P90X this afternoon and dinner with your friends!

Judy - I hope whichever workout you decide to do doesn't aggravate your hip! Did you mean you may consider putting up a pullup/chinup bar...or a ballet-type bar? Good luck with your remodeling project!

Wendy - Enjoy your Cathe cardio and Core Syn! You will get it all done...and then you can take a deep breath and go relax and have fun!!! :7

Kristi - I am so sorry you had such a rough night with DD! I hope she is feeling better soon! That was so cute what you DS said to you this morning! Hope all is well soon at your house!

This morning I did the S.W.A.T. workout. I did the Strength segment, the Toning segment and the Weightloss Segment. I really enjoyed it and it was tougher than it appeared upon previewing! I think I may use this one with a Barry's rotation, in place of this Total Body workout.

Hi to everyone!

Good morning!!!! It's POURING rain out there, and has been since last night. Flooding, wash outs, and closed roads! I drove the kids to school, since the busstop was ankle-deep in water! WOW.

I was up early for today's workout. S&H chest and back with the planks. I LOVE that heavy and slow weight work technique. It left me wanting more, but my chest was fried, as were my shoulders. I'm going to stick with the S&H for upper body for the next 3 weeks and see how it goes.

Tomorrow's 10 mile race. I've decided to not run it. There are NO bathrooms at all except for in the school building at the beginning and end of the race. I need my potty at about mile 6 or 7, and the thought of squatting on the side of the road does NOT appeal to me! LOL. Instead, DFiance is going to watch the kids and I'll do my 10 miler in the beautiful parkway where I trained for Disney! I'm excited about that.

Judy-I’m jealous of the ‘completed’ workout area. Enjoy the planning of it all! OH…and I requested the Chi Running book from my library. Can’t wait to check it out!

Wendy-what a busy afternoon for you. Hope you somehow manage to fit it all in. Try to BREATH!!!! Great job on the yoga! I have to say, of all the X workouts, I miss Yoga X the most. Go figure! LOL

Kristi-MOM HUGS coming your way. I hope DD is better today and that you all get some rest tonight! Thanks for the PM!!!

Thomasina-HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry for it being belated and all! Dinner out sounds GREAT! And…THANKS for the cookbooks. They came the other day and I kept forgetting to mention it to you! I’ve already cooked up a few things from both of them, so they’re getting used! THANKS again!

Shelly-what a workout yesterday with the run, leg presses and then MORE! As for the Charge Nurse position…there wouldn’t be any effects of NOT taking it, would there?


Happy Friday Cheetahs!

Why does Friday seem sooo long in coming after a 4 day week the week before? DH is leaving today – limo picks him up at 9AM this morning, so we went out to dinner last night to Steamers – I had a fabulous Mahi-Mahi and a bit too much wine, so my stomach is not happy (and my allergies have kicked in). I’m skipping my morning workout, but will do a Cardio Coach or iTread over lunch.

Thomasina!!! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! I can’t believe I didn’t see that yesterday!!! I love Chevy’s!! Sweet of DH and two of the teens to take you there for your birthday and your meal sound wonderful!!

Cathy – sounds like you enjoyed NapMax yesterday. Have fun with S&A and ARX today. Glad to hear you’re enjoying Fluidity. And no Chevy’s on the East Coast. Chevy’s is like ChiChi’s (which we don’t have out West) but I think the food is better at Chevy’s.

Judy – how exciting that you’re going to have an area finished that’s strictly for working out! Hope your hip is better!

Wendy – Good luck fitting everything in!!! Sounds like a major Schedule Max!

Kristi – sorry your boss is away so you can’t be with your sick babies!! That has to be tough! And sorry you had such a tough night. My DD is 14 now and I still cannot sleep in bed with her as she rolls all around. Fortunately DH does not do that… :p

Linda – Sounds like you had, as always, a fabulous workout. You’re another of those SuperCheetahs!

Gayle – Wow – sounds like a lot of water out there! I’m with you on the potties – and 10 miles is too far without them – seriously. I can see a 10k MAYBE – and even on one of those I think a pit stop should be offered. Sounds like you’re going to have a great run tomorrow anyway. Enjoy it. And the potties… :+

Have a Happy Friday Everyone!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...loosing inches is always good! Thanks, I am just glad I can still workout! Very funny about the dream...:)...it weird the way things stick in our sub conscious and show up later in a dream. I think you'd like my nephew...:)..Enjoy your P90X workout and dinner later with friends.

Christine...thanks, it'll be hard not running but my back is feeling better each day so far. I do like ME abs and HSTA is ALWAYS tough! Sounds like a good dinner! How long will your DH be away?

Judy...thanks, hopefully we can heal together!! I can also do my Nordic plus step does not seem to hurt it as long as I don't do high impact. I will read a bit on the Chi running...:)..Good luck with the exercise room.

Wendy...sounds like a busy day for you. I bet you will get in a workout of some kind. I hope you have a great weekend.

Susan...I am so sorry about your Mom's pneumonia. She is in my thoughts and prayers and I think when the time comes to talk to her you will find the words to say....Thanks...this back thing is weird. Both my nephew and the other Chiro he works for do not think its sciatic. I can do step, I just keep it low impact. And yes I can do weights also which is wonderful. Lower ab exercises hurt somewhat (hurts my back to raise my legs up while laying down) but I just sub something for those. I was kinda hoping for more snow...:)

Gayle...yuk about the Taxes! I don't know much in that area, as i think all of us file a bit differently depending on our jobs. You might find some info online. Too bad about the bathroom situation in the race...sorry you have to cancel.

Linda...you are welcome for the CD. I think not running will help too. Yes I am very lucky to have a nephew that is a Chiro. Good job on the 5 miles and the rest of your workout. The SWAT workout sounds interesting...

Shelly...good job on the run! You really do some awesome workouts. I do hope you can work out a compromise too for your job. I know ultimately you will make the right decision. I will look into the Chi running, it has been awhile since I first read about it.

Tomasina...http://bestsmileys.com/birthday1/9.gif[/img].I almost always read the posts at night, I just never post anything until the morning. Those fajitas sound wonderful!! I will have to try Chevy's again...:)

Kristi...thanks...it'll be tough not running, but I feel it will help. I ended up doing Leaner Legs instead of the legwork in Power Hour...yeow! Sorry about Annamarie, it really must be tough when your little ones get sick. I hope she feels better today.

I am doing the upper body premix & cardio from LIC. I know I will be missing running but getting back to some other workouts will be fun...:)

Have a great day
Linda-HI! We were posting at the same time!

Hi Christine! Yeah...tomorrow's run WILL be good BECAUSE I know exactly where all the potty stops are! LOL

Cathy, I got side tracked. Great job on the inches lost! That is great! I bet next month the pounds will melt off of you. BTW, I love the scale as your signature. It is so true that those who indulge...bulge! That is how I feel right now since my eating has been horrendous for the past couple weeks. I need to reign myself in.
G'morning Cheetahs! I didn't check in here y'day, I just feel bad that I haven't responded to everyone. I don't want you to think I'm just posting & running all of the time!! (although some days it feels like it!)

Anyway, I did GS C & T and then the firewalkers, floorwork, & abs from B & G. Good workout!

It's my Y morning, yeah! I'll run & then swim. And I plan on GS BSB this afternoon.

We have a family fun night at Allison's preschool tonight, she's excited about it. Games & food, can't beat that! ;-)

Greg's finally got hit w/ a cold. Poor guy had almost no voice y'day but he went to work anyway. He said he was feeling better than he sounded.

Well, we should be able to get our *new* (used) truck this weekend!! Greg is excited! It's a '99 Ford F-150 extended cab, exactly what he wanted.

Have a great Friday!

Thomasina ~ Happy belated birthday!!! I love Chevy's, that's my dh's favorite place (where we ate for his bday!). Did they bring you a sombrero & sing happy bday to you??? :p
Good morning to all the lovely cheetahs! I finished last night with StretchX... didn't feel like reading like I usually do and I almost never watch TV. Anyway, It felt great and I feel nice and loose today:) Started out the morning with S&H... I've been focusing alot on endurance weight work lately and it's been a while since I did these gems. In a while I leave for the dentist:( for a cleaning. Later today I'll do a good sweaty 60 minute hill climb workout on the EXT. :7

Thomasina- Happy belated B-Day!!! Don't worry about a late post to let us know what's up. Alot of us check the previous days later postings first so it will get read!!!! I don't have a Chevy's up here in N. Ariz but they are in Phoenix. The next time I'm there I think I'll check it out!

Judy- Sounds like you are on the way to healing! I hope you get a good quote on your new exercise room!! How exciting for you... a mirror wall even:eek: Road trip to Judy's sounds good to me! ;-)
I check my pace every now and then when I'm doing an outdoor run and I tend to naturally run around 85-90 so that was never anything I had to work on.

Cathy- Happy Friday to you!!! You should have a pretty good weekend coming up since you finished the megapaperwork marathon!

Wendy- Busy cheetahgal today! Have a fantastic getaway weekend in Atlantic City!!!!:7 :7 :7 Speaking of Core Syn.... I don't know how those plank to chataranga runs are humanly possible!:eek:

Kristi- I'm so sorry you had such a rough night with your DD. And here you are the next morning sounding like your usual sweet self.
I just don't know how you mothers of young ones manage! My hats off to you. Hope your day and night turn out better for you.

Linda- You sure do have a potpourri of workouts! I've never heard of SWAT.... who does that one?

Gayle- Can't say I blame you about cancelling out on the 10-miler. I hate using the woods also. I've done it on my own runs in training but during a race?? No way! As far as the CN position I've been offered. It's like the current position I have only instead of being in charge of 2 ICUs I'll be in charge of only 1. With my ADD personality I'll go crazy if I'm not kept busy and the only consequence of not taking it is less money. But at least I'll be happy and I get to do direct patient care again :7

Christine- Your DH sure does travel alot:eek: Gets a limo pick up too? :eek: Sounds like you had a delicious send off dinner anyway...
even if you did pay for it a bit this morning. With your iTread over lunch it should get you back on track!

Carole- You have such an extensive assortment of workouts I don't think you'll be suffering much with no running over the next couple of weeks! And there's always the EXT :7 I'll bet when you get back to running you'll be better than ever!

Jess- don't feel bad about not being able to post at times or reply to personals! My goodness, like I said to Kristi I'm amazed at you Moms to the little ones that you manage at all! And you get in such awesome workouts too. It must be quite difficult with your training schedule for the triathlon! Have a great Y day:7

Time to get moving! Hi to all who follow today!


I hasd a nice personal reply going and went to answer the phone and when I came back it was gone. I must have hit a key by mistake!

Kristi- Your DD and Dh and you need to get some rest and recovery! Those sleepless nights with sick kids can be very trying.

Linda- I was thinking ballet bar on the mirror wall but a chin up bar would help too :7

Carole- It is fun cross trainning with Cathe! LIC is a fun one. I did KPC followed by the last section ( sequential power kicks to end) of Cardio Kicks too. It was fun and not bad on my hip.

Thomassina- your Fajitas sound tasty. No Chevy's around here though x(

Hi jes- Do not feel bad about personals; we do what we can. It is alwyas good to read about our Cheetahs. How is the new truck? and your Y work out today?

Christine- sorry your DH is away. Will he be gone long?

DH is on call tonight so we will not have our usual Friday out. I'll make a healthy dinner and hope he gets home to eat it at some point.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.x(
Hi Shelly- Yes a road trip here would be lovely!!!

You naturally run at 85-90? I don't think I do, but I am doing that pace nicely on the EXT. Do you think it is worh buying a metronome if I am pace challenged? As I said before, I prefer to have music at that pace. Perhaps the podrunners have a podcast at that pace?

ETA- Hi Gayle- I missed you on my last post! I think your decision to run where you know there is a potty stop is what I would do ( but I have never run more than 8 miles) I am sorry about the tax results. ((hugs))

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Hi all - coming back with a quick check in! I just realized that it's probably not the wine giving me the tummy issues (wine doesn't affect me that way). I had clam chowder - the New England kind with the heavy cream. Just a cup, but it's been months since I've had any dairy other than the occasional bit of cheese. I think my body no longer can handle it. It was good, but definitely not worth this reaction. I'll stick to the soy milk, thank you.

To everyone wondering (and I appreciate that very much) DH is flying out today to India. It's literally a 24 hour flight, and they are half a day ahead, so by the time he gets there it will be Monday and he has meetings on Tuesday. He'll be back next Saturday around noon. He is taking a day to see his mom, which is good as she's in her late 80's and confined to her bed due to a hip that was broken years ago and improper medical attention. My DD's and I have plans. Dinners out, movies to go see (Wild Hogs - DD14 is a HUGE Travolta fan) and rooms to exterminate, er ah clean...

Shelly - I'm focusing on endurance, too, as that seems to work better for me. But, every now and again I love to pull out S&H or a GS or P90X and just do a nice heavy weight workout. It sounds like heaven after Stretch X, too!
Hi Gayle! We had tons of rain and wind last night, too! Good job on the S&H! I like that kind of weight work, too! I like your idea of running your 10 miler where you want to with the potty stops! I don’t think I would want to run a race that long with none!!! I would like to have a good 10 mile route to run! Have fun!!

Christine – I hope you DH has a safe trip! I’ll bet your stomach woes were from the chowder! When I go awhile with no greasy food, meat, etc…and then I eat it, I get sooo sick! Thanks for the Super Cheetah compliment! All of you guys are the Super Cheetahs! Enjoy your CC or iTread! Yes...Friday’s take forever to get here! Then the weekend flies by  Hey…by the way---we are going to see Wild Hogs tonight, too! Enjoy!

Carole – Enjoy your LIC cardio and upper. Will you have to refrain from lower body work, too…or just running?

Shelly – S.W.A.T. is kind of a Bootcamp – style workout. It has 4 segments. One is Strength (20 minutes with weights), one is Toning (20 minutes with resistance bands), Weight Loss ( 30 minutes…kind of a strength/cardio circuit) and then Abs/Core. The guy’s name is Tom…but I am not sure of his last name. Yes, I have tooo many workouts! I need to ban myself from Video Fitness! I am absolutely serious….I read about too many new workouts! I get so mad at myself for ordering so many. I think I have an addiction ! : ( I keep searching for workouts as intense and good as Cathe’s . Oh, and by the way….the “nurse talk” is not boring in any way! I love hearing about it!

Judy – Don’t you just hate it when you lose your posts!! I agree…..both bars would be good! ;-)


Hi Cheetahs!

Do you mind if I join your check in? I'm training right now for a 10K following a Runner's World schedule. I started Feb. 19. If that goes well, I plan on attempting a 10 miler and maybe a half. Hope I can pick up a few pointers from some of you veterans. Thought if I put it out here, I won't change my mind.

My schedule looks like this for March:

M - Easy run + elliptical and stretching
T - Cross Train
W - Tempo run + stretching
T - Cross train
F - Cross train
S - Long run
S - Rest

I'm adding abs, yoga, pilates & stretching wherever I can work them in. In April, the schedule calls for 4 runs per week.
Hi girls.

I only have a few mins so I really can't do personals right now.

While I am writing I am reviewing a new DVD I just received. It's called Budokon Beginning Practice. It's a combo of yoga and martial arts. It looks really cool. It ends with meditation. I don't know if I'll be digging that part but I can always skip it. :p :7

So I am either going to do Cardio X today or this new vid I got. I'm not sure which yet. I'm leaving at around 5 for my weekend. I am so excited that I don't know how much of an attention span I'm gonna have for a work out but I refuse to blow it off so I'll do my best with whatever I choose!:D

I gotta go but I just wanted to welcome JMARBA to our group! Ofcourse you can join us! The more the merrier! WELCOME!:) :) :)

I'll be back on Sunday ladies! Wish me luck that I "hit it big"!!!}(



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