::: CHEETAHS ::: Happy Friday, 10/6

Good morning all! Had a power outage this morning or I would have posted earlier. It's great to be back chattin with the cheetahs
(that's catchy isn't it?)
Yesterdays 5 miles was on a nice soft treadmill so I decided to make my first outdoor attempt. Well, made it only one mile before the right groin pain made me stop. Oh well, back to my trusty elliptical and stationary cycle! Thank God for Cathe also, I'm staying in shape and not really losing any cardiovascular endurance.
It's funny but I can do anything EXCEPT run! Impact doesn't bother me, in fact I can run in place just fine, it's only when I move forward! Well, it's a little difficult to race without moving forward! x( Great to be back!

Shelly C
Hey there Cheetah gals!

Listen, no time for personals today :-( I have been slackin' on the housework this week...need to get it DONE!

Just wanted to check in to let y'all know I'm still alive and kickin'. :)

Got in 3 miles on the TM after being rained out of the run with my friend this morning....

Catch y'all later!:*
Okay, now some time with personals :) :7

Judy- I'm so sorry you had that experience with that sick demented flasher! :( That's great though that someone got the licence plate #. They should be able to catch the sick jerk now!

Christine- Congrats on the new job! No surprise though. I think the one who really deserves the congratulations is the company who hired you. They are lucky indeed! The timing sounds perfect, best of luck to you on your upcoming race!

Susan- It does sound like sciatica to me but this can definitely be managed. Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement yesterday.

Cathy- Sounds like you forgot to reset your internal alarm clock this morning! Hope you're having a great day!

SunnyD- (love your userID!) Sounds like you had a great workout with the p90 masters. I got the p90x series a couple of months ago. Tony is such a goofball, but very motivating! Have a good time with your sculpting class!

Barb- As usual you always have such good advice and counselling!
I am trying to look at this as a good thing...the enforced rest will make me a better runner in the long run. I'm considering joining the local YMCA (It's right next door to the hospital where I work.)
I'd like to get in some good training with swimming and use of other machines. I'm thinking I'd like to try a triathlon. But first I'll conquer my first marathon!

Jess- Hey there celebrity cheetah....I actually saw one of your
infomercials last week! I was so excited!!! You were very natural and by far the most convincing of the "real" people they had testifying! I'm so sorry I wasn't around when you completed your marathon. I went back and read up on your experience. You are one tough lady!!!!! I'm so sorry your injured now but at least you can say you've done it....WTG!!!!!

Carole-- I'm not sure why your PM got returned!!! I'll have to look into that! Thank you so much for trying anyway! I missed
your words of wisdom so much!!! How exciting that John is home and doing well! He has a tremendous family to support him so this is no surprise. It makes all the difference in the world. I'm willing to wager he will go on to be an inspiration!

Wendy- I missed out on congratulating you on your first 5k :(
You did awesome! Sorry you've been frustrated in your attempts to run with your friend and break in your jogging stroller, but it will happen! I hear you're training for a 5 miler now? wooohoooo!

Karen-Sounds like your contemplating a race....go for it! You won't regret it! I'm afraid I'm one of the chief enablers around here! ;)

Thea- Hi there! I hope this isn't just a one time visit for you here and that you'll post with the cheetahs again! I'll have to venture over to the Open Discussion forum and read your thread.
We are very much in the same boat you and I. I'm dealing with an injury myself and also have entered the Phoenix PF Changs RnR marathon. Do you live in Arizona? I'm in Prescott, about 1.5 hrs north on Phoenix in the high country. It sounds like your doing the right thing using RICE for your ankle. Cycling and the Elliptical are excellent ways to keep in shape while healing. Believe me I KNOW;)

Time to get going... got to start some cleanmax, having guests for dinner. My DH is making his famous paella (delicious!)

I had a post done earlier and lost it again! That happened to me the other day, too x(

Wendy - sorry your runs with your running buddies keep getting squashed!

Shelly - I like that! "Chattin' with the Cheeta's"! Catchy !
Sorry about your injury! Hope it starts letting up soon!

Judy - that sounds scary! I am glad nothing worse happened (that is bad enough, I know, but thank God, he didn't do anything to physically harm you guys! )

Susan - Enjoy your 4 mile run! Hope you don't have pain! No Orego's!!! I gotta have chocolate!

Christine - Congratulations on your new job! Are you psyched for your race? I am excited about it for you!

Sunny - I have the Master's series, but I think the only one I have done is Sculpt 5-6. I need to try the others! Expecially wanting to try Plyo Legs!

Thea - Hi there! I don't have much knowledge of sprained ankle, but I wanted to say I hope you start doing better soon! I truly would not do anything for at least a few days and let it start getting better. But....other people that know more about sprains will probably give you some good advice!

Karen - have fun and good luck with whatever you decide to do!

Carole - have a good run and enjoy MM mix!

Jess - That is so cute! That was sweet of your little girl! Aren't they precious!!!

Barb - Enjoy your leg workout, run and ellitical! Wow! that'll be some workout!

Cathy - Hope you "wake up"! I was actually asleep very, very early last night! lol. Too early! Oh well, it felt good! Enjoy your workout!

Yesterday I did PLB and Tracey Staehle's new step workout. I really enjoyed the step workout! Then ....I felt guilty for not running. Oh well. I figure I needed some cross training!

This morning - I ran 5 miles and did some abs.

Have a great day, everyone!

Oh - I forgot to say - my Garmin is supposed to be delivered TODAY! Hopefully when I get home from work, it will be there waiting for me! Yay! Can't wait!

Back again for a few hellos...

Linda--my many splendored workout is like a hodge-podge. Not a ton of time on each: 30 min. legs, 30 min run & 40 min. ellipticall...just broken up to fit it in. Have fun with your Garmin. A bummer that your post got lost. Very frustrating.

Thea--welcome and I hope your spained ankle gets better. You've gotten good advice. Take it easy and don't do too much too soon.

Sunny-- I have the Rodney Yee DVD and like it, too. Someone here mentioned Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti DVD is good.

Shelly--So nice to have you back! :) Glad anything I say can be helpful!
Dinner with friends sounds good. The Y sounds like it might be worthwhile. I bet you would be awesome in a triatholon. You might have already said this, but do you like Kickboxing? Would that irritate the adductor? I wonder what kind of cardio is best for building strength around that area? A friend of mine locally strained her adductor on the Cybex inner-outer thigh machine...I think it's easy on that thing to do more weight than you can handle and not realize it.

Judy- glad you recovered from that incident. Really bothers me to think of a guy out there doing that. My recovery week is going well. The lower mileage and focusing on lighter weights not heavy makes me feel like I am rebounding. For me, if I take more of a total rest, rather than active rest, I get very achey and fatigued and headachey. The vegan diet helps that, but still even with stretching, I need to use my joints and muscles in some way daily or I have a lot of strain and ache...

Wendy--carry on with the busy day! Good job on the run.

Carole-- glad John is doing well with the transition. Great workout on the elliptical it sounds hard. I used the iClimb 8 today on my run just to have someone telling me what to do as I was dragging this a.m. Surprisingly fun! Your machine at home sounds really nice.

Kim - Hi! Have a great day.

Jess- how's the knee?

Ok, back to work. Have a great weekend.
Tomorrow is Elaine's marathon, I think ! Go Elaine Go!!!!!
Sunday is race day for Christine & Jennifer! You guys are going to do great!

:) :)
Christine--I forgot to say congrats on the job. Sounds like it will be good and the decision-making process was sound. The timing is good, so you have some transition between the race and starting something new. It's great you like a constantly changing environment. I can be too much a creature of routine & habit.

:) :) Barb
Barb - I do the same thing with the different "blocks" of exercise. I love it like that! I am a little worried about the Garmin. I just hope I can figure it out! I am not very much of a techie! I finally got pretty familiar with my Polar F11 and iPod, but we will see how this goes :+ I really wanted some way to figure out my distance!

Linda--I had a Garmin 201 that ultimately didn't work for me because of trees where I live. I heard the new models resolved this problem. But if I could figure out how to use the thing--you definitely can LOL. It's easier than using an iPod...I have a Polar RSD thing with a footpod that works ok, but I don't think the mileage is very accurate..The blocks of exercise thing works well for me, especially when I have the whole "i don't think I can do it attitude," because I can usually talk myself into doing a segment of something and then I get going and feel better.

Wendy-- good luck on your 5 miler. You are ready. This week if mishaps with weather, plans, etc. was part of the training plan to get you mentally tough! We're rooting for you !!

:) :)
Wendy - Good luck on your race! Have fun with it!

Barb - thanks for the info on the Garmin! I hope I have good luck with it. I may yell for your help later on if I can't figure it out! ! :+

Hey guys,

Wendy good luck on your race

Do any of you eat anything special before a race? I'll be racing with all you girls Sunday.
Karen-- good luck on your race. I'm sorry I didn't write down what you were doing. I have a Cheetah list...inspired by Gayle who kept a Cheetah race list...
Fast-digestible carbs before a race, high glycemic, Check this out:

Also, check out runnersworld.com, the section on nutrition. lots of articles there.

good luck!
Hello ladies,
I did my 4 mile run and a gs legs pre-mix and it was great!!! My sciatica is a little sore when I am sitting, but if definitley feels better. I just have to remember not to overdo it. Sounds like there are quite a few races this weekend. Good luck to everyone and I am not going to get into the oreos, but maybe the snickers}(


Hello again! Got in a fantastic hour's workout on the elliptical and I'll go for some kickboxing later. Feeling a little better mentally now thanks to all you terrific gals!

Carole- I replied to your PM... thank you again for all that you are!

Linda- Isn't it great to have a new toy! Garmins are fantastic...I also have a 201. You will love it! I recently added an iPod to my toy collection and I found that the garmin was easier to figure out. I am definitely technically challenged so if I can work with it you definitely can. You'll have a blast! What do you think of Tracy Staehle by the way?

Barb- I love kickboxing and have been able to do all of my cardio workouts with this injury (thank god!) except for running x( I do have to modify some moves as you can imagine but by and large I can do most of the kickboxing.

Wendy-- 5 miles!!!!!! You've turned into quite a runner!!!
It seems like only yesterday you were only just venturing on your first outdoor run :eek: Good luck on Sunday We'll all be there with you in spirit!

Karen- I don't know what distance you are racing but for shorter races you really don't need to be all that concerned. Just don't make the night before a night you experiment with anything new! Keep it simple, nutritious and what you are used to eating. You'll do fine!!!

Later Y'all!

Hi ShellyC! Thanks for the reply---and thanks to everyone else who provided the encouraging words! Sorry to hear you are injured as well, Shelly. Are you running at all right now or just cross training? That is great you are running the PF Chang's marathon too! I actually live in Wisconsin, so Arizona will be a nice welcome in January! I am training with a local running group and about 20 of us are making the trip to AZ for the race. Have you started training yet? I am so terrified of getting behind in my long runs. I don't want to abandon my running partner either! Keep me posted on how your are doing. I will be sure to check in more often! Everyone here is so inspiring and encouraging!

Quick, quick note -

First - thanks for all the congrats on the new job! I cannot tell you how much it means to me.

Second - I told my yoga teacher I was running the half (it's a big event here), and he dedicated the entire hour to lower body stretching. He had us do stretching for the achilles tendon (yeah!) and every other muscle and tendon south of the waist. I feel SOOO stretched and relaxed.

Now it's off to the football game. I'll send personals later!
Shelly C. Glad your back. I hope you continue to get better. Thanks for your encouraging words. I am only doing my second 5K so I guess it doesn't matter what I eat. Last race right when I started I thought I am really hungry, don't know if I'll make it. Maybe it was just nerves. I am sort of like that when it comes to racing.

Christine, Have a great half. I know you will do great. That was nice of your yoga instructor to do mostly lower body so you are good and stretched out.

Talk to you all when I get back from my trail run. Have fun to anybody I forgot to wish good luck to.

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