Good morning cheetahs
Cathy..sorry about you not getting in the long run yesterday...Wow, sorry about the blisters! I am glad you were there for your student in crisis...I have always done my long runs on sunday's like a robot! I am at a salon as an independent contractor, so I come and go as I please as I am not on commission, I am my own boss. Most of the salon's here work like that. I spent some time watching those Seinfeld videos yesterday...way funny...
...Have fun with upper body & weights...
Gloria...sounds like yoga is good for you. I should really do it once in awhile...Nice to "see" you!!! Do I detect dimples?!! You are a cutie...
..thanks for sharing...
Wendi...OMG, those kittens are adorable!!! I am such a softie for little animals... was windy ALL day yesterday. I don't here any yet today! LOL about you having group# 119...ours only goes to #28!!! Small town ya think??? Interesting that Carrot Mobbing, I never heard of it...Have fun with Turbulence training...Congrats on getting JumpSnap!!!...
..Have fun with BCX2...and enjoy that fancy dinner out with DH.
Judy...sounds like a good iTread workout.
Sunny...I am always happy to get out of jury duty as moving my clients around can be such a pain.
Wendy...I have been called for jury duty a number of times myself. Only once did I have to stand up to the judge and talk my way out of serving. So cool you will be running with Shelly Sat!!! Hope sleep helped your headache.
Shelly..Congrats on getting to NJ!!! I can surely understand why you didn't "workout" but moving cross country is quite a workout in itself!! I hope you and Wendy have a blast running this Sat!!
Posh...good for you getting out of jury duty too. Funny about your DH. I have a client that told me her DH threw out the jury duty summons every time he got it!!
I am heading out early (I am off from work today!!YIPPEE), to run with my good friend. Her Mom passed away 2 days ago after a long battle with cancer. My sister usually runs with this friend every friday, but my sister is flying to Hawaii as I type!!! I thought I would fill in....I will do 4DS Chest & back and abs later...
Have a great day...