::: CHEETAHS ::: friday rocks!!!!

This fabulous tree can be seen out the windows of the hallway just outside of my classroom. I always see teachers and kids just stopping and staring at it. What a sight and smell it is! It is also very beautiful covered in snow and ice during the winter. :)

Evening, cheetahs! :) Skidding into another weekend!! Yippee!!! Such a good feeling.

Gloria ~ Great classroom pic...you have such a warm smile...love the poster. I think I'd love working in the same building with you. Now that is a bombshell! I'm sorry you're losing a great leader and friend. I know how uneasy that makes everyone feel. Hate losing good people. It seems the best ones move on/up quickly. We had a similar bombshell last Friday--our guidance counselor is moving on. She is pretty much the den mother of the entire school...No worries about feeling like a wimp here. I have felt that way before but then realized it's not a competition. I think we all just have to do what's right for us and our work and lifestyles...what a gorgeous view you have.

Kath ~ that is just too funny about DD in the race. Thanks for the tip about the virus. Hope you enjoyed your run.

Wendi ~ OMG, those kitties are too danged cute. Love the shot where Shelby's getting some major claw action. Understand the frustration over not being able to work out.

Judy ~ lovely new avatar. I think I need to come up and see your stylist. :7

Christine ~ enjoy tonight's chi-chi dinner and some CABs. That smiley made me laugh. I hope it cools off for you. That's some crazy heat--it's only May! I share your sentiments about our cheetah group. A round of warm fuzzies to everyone! :) :) :)

Carole ~ I am so sorry to hear about your friend's mom :( ...How sad it is...good that you'll be there to keep her company today...I'll bet that will mean a lot...Lucky DSis to be Hawaii-bound!...it's OK re the long run...I'll get it in Sunday and will take some longer walk breaks, if needed. I will bring the Sharkies even though it's only an 8-miler. BC works the legs pretty hard, so they may come in handy already...that is cool how your employment is structured...then you don't have to give up some of your tips, I would guess...That reminds me I need to schedule a pedi soon...*lol* about the guy who throws out his summonses. So, I guess they never follow through on the whole jail thing. :7

Eriniski ~ you're welcome -- enjoy! Let us know what you think.

Shelly ~ hope you get that internet connection going...I'll bet all that lugging of boxes gave you a great workout...The blisters/cuts are still there but manageable. Fridays = sneakers day, so that helped. :) I attempted to move my Sun. long run to the weekday since I signed up for a four-week outdoor boot camp that takes place on Saturday mornings. (We did some hard leg work and it spanked me on my 7.5 miler last weekend.) But weekdays are not really all that do-able, so I'm going back to the original plan.

Posh ~ all right, WW partner...I think I might be able to rein myself in if I have someone to be accountable to. I say this as I'm eating a chocolate bar. *lol*...I do agree with you and Christine about the points, but the online calculator seems to be pretty fair in terms of the activity points. Do you use that?...For Sunday's long run, I figure I'll keep it slow and take longer (or more frequent) walk breaks, if needed. By the end of the bc class this month, I'm only up to 10 miles, so hopefully it won't be too bad.

Wendy ~ good job getting in some yoga.

I worked abs and u/b using strictly the BOSU this afternoon. Am anticipating another total body beatdown :7 tomorrow.

Have a great night, all!

*edited to fix typos*

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run

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